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Total misery in China
China returning to replicate the neo-communist, Malthusian policies that in 1958 starved 70 million Chinese in peacetime

Today in the name of "public health", just like the Jacobins in 1793

What is the next step in this genocide?
16,361 views Apr 12, 2022

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Kellwig Omega 17,411 points
I must say I was not expecting to be informed by anything current on Livegore, but I’m pleasantly surprised. I didn’t even know this was happening.
+8 votes
Apr 12, 2022
002 Addicted 1,521 points
I saw a video of another user where he talks about it, I was aware of the confinement, but I did not think it was of such magnitude until I investigated

The submission of the Chinese to the state is terrible, I can't help but remember the genocides that have been committed in these scenarios.

They would not be so calm in the west, these idiots from the world economic forum would be very happy to impose the mass lockdown again
It's just like the North Korea of the western hemisphere where everyone is a coward too afraid to stand up to Adolf Newsom and his virus Gestapo. Meanwhile Adolf Newsom's most loyal slaves would love more lockdowns. His only supporters left are the teachers union, snowflake students in university, Antifa rioters, illegal aliens, paedophiles, and old white communists. Those assholes all love lockdowns.
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,665 points
Same. When big media fails you, fringe got your back.
Danszyslak Extreme Poster 579 points
can't believe these guys are about to overtake the us for the world trade leadership
+5 votes
Apr 12, 2022
Thank you Adolf Newsom and Joesama bin Lyin'. They're too busy pushing the stupid fucking "LGBTQ+" bullshit and CRT propaganda on preschoolers to care one bit about the China trade war.
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Covidopaths! Those losers wearing face diapers for a 99.999% recovery rate crap flu are retarded asf! China is full of obedient slaves and sheeps! 1.5 billions of retarded sheeps! Anyway, even in my lame country where all the restrictions, dumb and abusive and retarded restrictions have been lifted, you can still see sheeps wearing face diapers being alone in their cars
+2 votes
Apr 12, 2022
Same here in the North Korea of the western hemisphere ruled by Adolf Newsom. No more bullshit restrictions (at least for now), but way too many people are still sheeple. I swear every day I see retarded communist fuckers walking around outside in the extreme heat with face diapers on and using their elbow to press the crosswalk activator.
匿名 19 points
You don’t know China please keep your mouth shut, the Chinese are very united in the face of this epidemic, not stupid as you say, the Chinese fear life, life first, one billion Chinese people would be terrible if they were like you foreign countries, china’s attitude towards life is absolutely serious and responsible. You see how this epidemic has killed so many of you foreigners, you are open and free, but the price of your freedom is that every day you infect and die, you don’t love life, you don’t value life, you are cold-blooded, damn it. The man responsible
I'd rather die standing than live on my knees. I'm not a slave. I'd rather have "dangerous" freedom than "safe" slavery.
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Oiii, you fucking chinese cunt, nobody died from covid, they died WITH covid! And all who died was very old with so many other health problems! Even a seasonal flu can kill old sick people! You chinese cunts are just a nation full of retarded obedient sheeps! You listen your comunist gouvern like Jesus! If yiur comunist gouvern tells you to eat 10 grams of shits and you will be imune to a 99.999% recovery rate flu, all of you, chinese fucks will eat your own shit! This was not a pandemic, it was a pLandemic you obedient brainwashed sheep
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
You fucking retarded chinese cunt, 99.999% of the infected ones will recover at home without special treatment! "Ever day you infect and die" Stop eating fake scary news, you retarded cross eyed cunt! Cigarettes kills 1.000 times more people than every flu but gouvernments doesn't forbidden cigarettes! You dumb cunt! Wear your fucking face diaper until you die, you fucktard. I know more people who have died after the vaccines, you cunt
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Agree with you, @Fuck Adolf Newsom
匿名 19 points
You’ve said so much, but you still want freedom, you call for freedom, we call for unity, let’s just say, our attitude to life is much stronger than yours, free America, shooting every day, you’re cold-blooded, bloody websites are foreign, dismembered and beheaded are foreign. It’s horrible
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Oiiii, you fucking chinese cunt, i am from Europe, not Murica, you cunt! And we are not the ones eating rats, dogs and cats, you shitfuck! Never walk outside of China, stay there, you fucktard! Wear your face diaper until you stop breathing, shittard
Notice how all the loyal slaves of Adolf Newsom in the demonrat party in the North Korea of the western hemisphere (aka Khalifuhrnya) desperately trying to criminalise "misinformation" and abolish local law enforcement agencies to be replaced with public health Gestapo are of Chinese ancestry! The worst are Richard Pan, his child bride Erica and Evan Low.
_Langzz_1 Beginner 164 points
yes,isupport you bro.
nmsl 26 points
Europeans need to be beheaded
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Fuck off, you fucktard, you disgusting japanese/Chinese/asian femboy. China must be nuke! 1.3 billions of lame obedient sheeps
rdydustbin 9 points
Your lack of vocabulary makes me want to laugh. You can't even speak your mother language well. Are all the Europeans the same stupid as you? I used to know that a lot of Americans are uneducated, but today I found that Europeans are the same. A bunch of fxcking idiots living in a shithole continent. LMFAO 乐
DeathComesQuick Experienced 438 points
i really want to live in a world like the last of us
+1 vote
Apr 13, 2022
neinspamss Addicted 2,128 points
–1 vote
Oct 31, 2022
No Mercy
All of you are stupid. This isn't a plandemic, look at China's history with global pandemics. The once a century pandemics. China has either been responsible for or suspected of starting numerous pandemics throughout history because they're idiots that don't fucking learn from their fuck ups. They deserve everything they get. China will be the death of the human species eventually because they just need to eat exotic and other animals alive. Fuck China. I hope more of them die.
0 votes
Nov 1, 2022
Goddammit! Addicted 1,523 points
Ching chong wung bitch!
0 votes
Aug 7, 2023
002 Addicted 1,521 points