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Dude flies in the air during car accident.
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5,225 views Apr 12, 2022

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C.HellenWaite Extreme Poster 616 points
Should've had an extra cup of coffee., For the road..
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2022
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
South Africa. Those are called mini-bus taxis and they usually cram like 15 people in there. They’re well known to drive like complete shit so best avoid them on the roads.
The lady’s right, that is ugly.
0 votes
Apr 12, 2022
Hopefully that was a Ukrainian faggot.
+2 votes
Apr 12, 2022
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
Nah, South Africa.
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,724 points
I believe I can fly!
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2022
spacewind Addicted 1,550 points
Guy be like: I'm too cool 4 seat belt!
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2022
Rex Black Intermediate 1,339 points
Holy shit this is crazy to see. Thank you for sharing!
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2022
No seatbelt on. Try pulling that stunt in the US state of New Mexico and see how quickly you get beaten with a nightstick, tased, arrested and likely killed. The cops there are brutal! Police brutality capital of the nation. Much worse than Minnesota! The only reason you never hear about the insane police brutality of NM is because most people targeted by the cops are not black, but Mexican. Of course since that state is run by a radical feminist demonrat, she tries to cover up these incidents to create the illusion that only republican state leaders (such as her sworn enemies in neighbouring Oklahoma) can be responsible for police abuse of power. That same bitch also is a dictator with virus authoritarianism, but no one is ever nearly as bad as Adolf Newsom! That son of a bitch runs the North Korea of the western hemisphere like a concentration camp.
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2022
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,663 points
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2022
NiggerMORTIS Well-Known 827 points
I'm really questioning whether or not this guy had a redbull. See, he obviously fell asleep at the wheel but I definitely also saw him fly straight out the fucking window. So I'm not sure, I guess it didn't matter
0 votes
Jun 16, 2023
CountChance Veteran 10,002 points