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Vietnamese Man Jumps From Rooftop
Damn, the gross sound when his body touched the ground.
3,969 views Mar 10, 2022

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arianna Overlord 4,508 points
suicide is the best way to escape from your problems
+1 vote
Mar 10, 2022
said every fag ever
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
Suicide is the best way to make your problems last forever
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
Although, he must’ve had a beautiful view of the sunset from up there.
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,832 points
Arianna totally agree. Respect.
arianna Overlord 4,508 points
thank you man
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,832 points

Do you think about suicide? Do you have suicidal thoughts?
arianna Overlord 4,508 points
of course. I think about killing myself everyday. But I still don’t know how, any suggestions?
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
Suffocation. Plastic tightly over your face, depriving your brain of oxygen. You pass out in 2 minutes. You’ll die while unconscious.
Please don’t do it though. You’re still so young. A year from now you might be a completely different person, and you’ll be happy you never gave up on yourself
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
I’m suicidal too. I have a voice in my head that’s constantly trying to convince me to ruin my life or destroy myself. I’ve ruined relationships with people for no reason at all. There’s something inside me that wants me dead. I know I don’t want to die, yet I’m constantly trying to convince myself I do.
If you feel this way, we’re sick. We’re both sick. And we need help. Life can be so much better if we just get rid of that fucking voice in our head
arianna Overlord 4,508 points
well, it’s kinda hard for me to keep going, i’m also unmotivated.
arianna Overlord 4,508 points
i’m so sorry to hear that man, i hope one day that voice will disappear.
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
I am too. I relate to how you feel. I can’t say I’m going through the same thing, but I feel lost too. You’ll find motivation again. You will be happy if you allow yourself to be. Maybe right now you feel like you’re at the end of the line, but you aren’t.
It can take a lot to love yourself, or it can take nothing at all. Even I don’t know what loving oneself really means. It seems like something that’s impossible to attain. But I know that there was a time I really did love myself, and something along the way just made me lose that. What? I couldn’t tell you.  
Depression is just your brain lacking the chemicals it needs to thrive. Trick your brain into believing you’re happy. Do it long enough and you might give yourself the strength to get out of this slump you’re in. That’s what I’m trying to do.
arianna Overlord 4,508 points
thanks man, i really appreciate it, i hope the best for you
sharkme Advanced 2,897 points
Poor form ... 5/10.
+1 vote
Mar 11, 2022
i randomly came across this site
0 votes
Mar 11, 2022
a guy
as a Vietnamese and remember seeing this from the news, this shit was fucking horrifying. that dude was hardly 22-ish. I can translate what they said in the video, a man said “this is a hotel of an old man named Tien, people are not allowed to come in” (from the look of the hotel and what the man said, i assume it is an abandoned hotel or kind of locked up for quarantine or some sorts, and that guy may have sneaked into it or been locked up for a long time). People below keep shouting “please save him, his hands and legs are already at the edge, he may jump in no time” and boom you already know what happened after that. may him rest in peace.
+1 vote
Mar 11, 2022
Yucky Lord Paramount 456,718 points