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Extremely Brutal Hand to Hand Combat Between a Ukrainian And a Russian Soldier
9,859 views Feb 22

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stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
I saw this 5,000 times already even saw the overhead drone footage that showed more detail
0 votes
Feb 22
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
*claps hands* bravo congrats hats off I'm impressed that you saw it 5000 times wow legend
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
5,000 = KIA per day for UkroPigs
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
Zigger try not to be delusional challenge: impossible
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
wait wait wait- dobryy,are you with or against russia?
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
@ibrhemheeh24 I switched sides
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
Ukraine claiming 45k Causalities per 800K Russians  also people can't make up their minds some say Ukraine lost 100,000 some say 200,000 some say 700,000 some say 1.4 Million
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
there are experts now saying Ukraine is 100,000 casualties and Russia is 200,000 you people can't even give a solid fucking number
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
@Dobryy69 okay,based.
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
stuffy,I have a question fr

if russia is the strongest,why are they losing against UKRAINE???
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
Losing to ukraine as a "superpower" is like losing to the 4'2 autistic asian kid in a basketball game,it does NOT make sense
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
you are fucking acting like its just a direct war between Russia and Ukraine that shows your IQ right there
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
Americans got slapped like little bitch ass girls in Afghanistan for 20 years Russia made decent progress against a country that is supported by the whole world in 3 years
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
bruh,look it up,took the us 2 months,1 week and 3 days to invade ALL of afghanistan.

even when "backed globaly",a supposed superpower like russia should be able to take over ukraine in a year,eh?
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
ukraine is being backed by the whole world if it wasnt they would be russian by now are you fucking stupid?
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
bet you morons dont even know there are CIA agents in ukraine
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
oh we do,but russia also has allies that give it weapons,

"ukraine is being backed by the whole world" a force of...around 500,000 troops, including active-duty, reserve and paramilitary troops, according to analysts. By contrast, Russia has almost triple that number, with 1,330,000 active-duty, reserve and paramilitary troops — most of the latter from the Wagner Group.

backed by the world or not,I don't think 1 dude can take on 3 lol
GH0_YT 0 points
America is stronger than russia don't get over worked, crazy how russia is losing to Ukraine
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
"Russia is losing" Source: daily mail
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 862 points
@GH0_YT America’s only strength left comes from its declining white population. FYI the US has given all its power to China. If you’ve never been there look at Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing walking tours on YouTube. And compare it to filthy ass America. Chinese cities are beyond beautiful & so fucking powerful, thanks to retarded USA. Anyways Ukraine would’ve been Russia by now without America’s assistance, even your orange president said so. Please do research before making ignorant assumptions. Russia took over these regions in Ukraine.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
Yo il smack the fuck out of anybody talkin Shit on the US bottom line we would fuck up anybody that wants smoke any time of day and also I'm just here wondering where @stuffymcgeeyourmom found the drone footage and if he can put up the link regardless of what you think bro the US will always fuckin dominate anybody that's why we are and always will be feared and not only that but king and more advanced than any culture or civilization
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
If we wanted to we could tear up anybody nobody could ever raid our country I fuckin dare them everybody here is fuckin armed to the teeth so good luck getting past our military and army and if you do our air force will fuckin destroy you and if you magically make it into the main land we are all armed to the teeth even more than the army no bull shit and we want all the smoke if it comes down to it my whole gang alone has auto Glock switches dracos and Mac 10s all that bro no bull shit and this is just one small ass neighborhood bro no way any country is ever coming up in our shit
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
We got 14 year old kids runnin around here with switches drillin bro lookin to shoot up anybody just for a name around here I couldn't imagine if war broke out bro it would be fuckin insane nobody would make it 200 miles inland from any coast FR they wouldn't make it past California or new York or Chicago or especially Texas il tell you that right now
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
America lost every war everywhere in the past 150 years you had to use Nukes on the Japanese and you gonna take on China  BAHAHA!!!!!!!!
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
also can't post links or emoji's on the gay ass site the title is  "epic knife fight Ukraine, drone coverage" on rumble and the creators name is "deadUkrainiansolders" no spaces
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
Why is every rusky nigger keeps ranting about america? Tf
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
why do Americans aways have to lecture what the rest of the world does... you keep involving yourself
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,638 points
tore each other apart.

useless fucking war,people die,money thrown,just to keep this war going,and it's disgusting.
+1 vote
Feb 22
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
Tell pootin that
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
Cry to NATO some more stage another nuclear reactor bombing at Chernobyl
JackHammer Addicted 1,625 points
do who is who ?
+1 vote
Feb 23
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
The one with the gopro on his head is the Ukrainian the one appearing in the camera is the russian (from Yakutsk) basically a mongol
JackHammer Addicted 1,625 points
so who is who ?
+1 vote
Feb 23
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
the guy who lays to bleed out is the Ukrainian
Stinky Pig Beginner 151 points
chink fogget it's russian dead one it's Ukranian
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
in your dreams... I actual researched the video Russia won
Ihatesandniggers Advanced 2,287 points
The cameraman must be fired
+1 vote
Feb 23
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
It's a GoPro mounted on the head he has no control over it
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,927 points
Always sad but cool to see^^
+1 vote
Feb 23
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
In cod a melee fight might seem cool, irl it's fucked
stuffymcgeeyourmom 95 points
Walking Fleshlight
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,927 points
@stuffymcgeeyourmom don't make me pin ya down and peg you bitch-boy
Stinky Pig Beginner 151 points
Pussy fight...can't tell which one it's has a bigger cunt. Sad thing, the chink pussy got a medal from putin for this.
+1 vote
Feb 26
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
Daaaaaaamn for real? That's crazy
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
Yo KAZA is a fuckin straight bitch homie you already know that fool fuckin bitched out and left that dude to fend for himself when he could have easily ran up and fuckin smoked that dude when homie was calling his name KAZAs a bitch!!!
+1 vote
Mar 12
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
True true I agree with your statement
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
Ya you already know kaza left his ass and I guarantee he heard him calling his name too which is even more bitchy do you know where I can find the drone footage tho??
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
I got the drone footage Imma post it
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
Put it up right here if you can the link or what's the title?
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 9,492 points
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,361 points
Fuck yeah thanks homie