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Full Version! LAPD Releases Video In Police Killing Of 14-year-old Girl In Clothing Store
The Los Angeles police department has released body-camera footage and surveillance video of an incident in which an officer shot and killed a 14-year-old girl inside a department store while firing at another person.

The footage from the Thursday morning incident shows that as soon as police encountered a man suspected of assault inside the store, an officer fired three bullets at him from a distance. One of the officer’s bullets struck the girl when it bounced off the floor and into the dressing room where she was with her mother, police said on Monday.

The 14-year-old victim has been identified as Valentina Orellana-Peralta, according to the LA county medical examiner’s office, which ruled the death to be a homicide from a gunshot wound to the chest.

Orellana-Peralta died on the scene at the Burlington Coat Factory store in North Hollywood.

The officer who fired the shots was put on paid leave, and has not been identified. The man shot by police upon arrival was Daniel Elena Lopez, 24, who also died on the scene, officials said.

Attorneys representing the family of Orellana-Peralta said in a statement Monday that the girl was in the dressing room with her mother, trying on Christmas dresses, and that she died in her mother’s arms.

Police received several 911 calls for help, according to audio released on Monday. One woman, who appeared to work at the store, told police there was a “hostile customer”, who was “attacking” people, and that she was directing people to evacuate the store. That caller said that the man had a bike lock that he was using to assault and threaten people, but told the dispatcher it did not appear he had a knife or a gun. Other panicked callers said they believed the man might have a gun.

Footage released from inside the store suggests that Elena Lopez did not have a gun. Officials have said they uncovered only the bike lock.

The videos show Elena Lopez wandering around the store with his bike and hitting several customers, including people as they started to evacuate. At one point, he was hitting the air while no one was around him. Just before police arrived, he started repeatedly attacking a woman who ended up on the ground, the video shows.

Eventually, roughly a dozen officers entered the store. One officer with an assault rifle initially ordered the other officers to “slow down” and “get distance” and “back up” before they approached Elena Lopez. That officer said he would take lead.

But the officer’s body camera footage showed that as soon as he made it to the store aisle where Elena Lopez was standing and saw the man for the first time, he fired three bullets in rapid succession at him. The footage did not capture the officer making any commands, and did not show Elena Lopez advancing toward the officer. Elena Lopez was at the other end of the store aisle from the officer and appeared to be turning away from him. The victim, who was bleeding, was on the ground next to the officer when he fired his weapon.

“This chaotic incident resulting in the death of an innocent child is tragic and devastating for everyone involved. I am profoundly sorry for the loss of this young girl’s life and I know there are no words that can relieve the unimaginable pain for the family,” said Michel Moore, LAPD chief, in a statement.

Both the California attorney general’s office and the California Department of Justice will be investigating the shooting.

The footage, released late Monday afternoon, has raised concerns about the use of deadly force and why the officer fired at Elena Lopez without making commands and while Elena Lopez was far from the victim and the officer.

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24,756 views Jan 2, 2022

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Proud American Nationalist
American fast foods are the best!
+4 votes
Jan 2, 2022
urnotedgybro Beginner 100 points
nigga shut yo bitch ass up you ain’t funny
Joseph__Stalin Beginner 157 points
niggers are not welcomed here
urnotedgybro Beginner 100 points
I know you wouldn’t say that to some black guy irl you keyboard warrior pussy
urnotedgybro Beginner 100 points
You gay for being on Stalin’s dick
Joseph__Stalin Beginner 157 points
I will say it in front of you and you can't do shit a about it, NIGGER
niggers should get deported back to Africa. they finished their job picking cotton.
urnotedgybro Beginner 100 points
Ur mad that niggas fuck you’re wife infront of you ? You beta white cuck stfu
Joseph__Stalin Beginner 157 points
my wife is you're Mom crackhead
I bought her last year, she's a good slave
ratgrl777 Experienced 256 points
right these fucking crackers act so hard online. irl yall are ass kissers who have never felt the touch of another woman besides ur mom wiping ur sorry asses
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
I love the internet because we can say whatever we want and these niggers cant do shit!!!! hahahaha we win! No that doesnt make us weak and insecure hiding behind the computer that makes us alpha males!
ratgrl777 Experienced 256 points
kys ur ugly
The blood is on the hands of Adolf Newsom and his county public health Nazis. Their brutal totalitarian dictatorship got innocent people killed!!
+1 vote
Jan 2, 2022
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,081 points
Your level of fucking retardation is off the charts, even for an american.
African atheist
America’s police force is a joke, it’s like they have no real training. They always seem to be disorganized or they always get something wrong with regard to protocols and they’re so trigger happy it’s ridiculous. Shoot first ask questions later. Oh and don’t get me started on the lack of clear instructions, everyone shouting at the same time, switching off cameras after not doing their jobs correctly, not being able to calm situations down without shooting. They are just awful. When the Popo get called in my country, the last thing on your mind is that I’m going to get shot but in the States that’s a reasonable fear to hold because their shite
+3 votes
Jan 2, 2022
Yeastinfection Experienced 366 points
The only reason why you don’t like the police is because you’re a nigger, also there’s far to many niggers on this website.
African Atheist
<a href='../user/YeastInfection'>@YeastInfection do something about it
Yeastinfection Experienced 366 points
Waa waa mommy the yeast hurt my feelings do something about it. Fuck off back to Apefrica you smelly nigger cunt.
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
well you are a african, you are living in africa WHICH is even worse than in america, so how about you say bad stuff to your country, because i bet is shithole full of terrorism, now go pray because you are living in such a shithole country, Oh! i almost forgot you are a fucking atheist, LOL you are about to get kill boi, i respect islam, but ik some crazy awesome shit about some islamic countries, is that people like YOU, can can get killed HAHA
African atheist Intermediate 1,213 points
Lol looks like this cunt is triggered! I actually live in the best county in Africa, South Africa. We have no terrorists here. Life is pretty good for a lot of us lmao. You’re just another irrational stupid cunt who’s not even worth my time. Go and pray to your non-existent god you ignorant irrational cunt. You’re out here making noise while holding Iron Age beliefs smh. Kill your self and go to your non-existent heaven you clown.
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
still, most people in there are dirty asf XD because africans are fucking dirty, they never take a shower, oh now ik why africans can't take a bath! and it's because theres almost no water in fucking africa lol! and aslo best country in africa? HAHA more like the most sad country of the fucking world, cause when i search on wikipedia, saddest countries in the world south africa is one of them! wikipedia is not a liar you piece of shit, oh! and look at this Murder rate – 124
Level of violent crime – 119
Low level of gender parity in high school – 113
Deaths from infectious diseases – 111
Premature deaths from communicable diseases – 110
Low life expectancy – 107
Suicide rate – 100
Greenhouse gas emissions – 100
Traffic deaths – 99
Poor quality of electricity supply – 96. This are the problems on your "beautiful country of africa"
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
and atleast in america we have guns and we can buy guns, so we don't get our asses getting raped by fucking africans you know? and yes am religious, idc about your opinion.
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
And it's funny how young african americans in the usa they still acting like fucking monkeys playing around insulting the teacher fighting with other african american kids doing shit not paying attention on the work fighting fighting fighting just like in africa! XD
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
African americans are keep complaining about how living in the usa sucks, is fucking hard, and retarded, ok then just go back to africa, and you since you are not either in the usa, or either a african american.... why are you talking about us? Worry about your sad people and sad country XD
African atheist Intermediate 1,213 points
Lmao I never said that it was a perfect country. In fact I qualified my statement by saying saying that life is pretty good for a lot of us. Not everyone. Every country has its problem fool. No one chooses where they are born so I don’t know why you’re pretending like it was a choice. Again it just demonstrates how low your IQ is. You lack basic critical thinking skills. Your arguments are piss poor. I think a wall could do better than that.

Looks like someone is triggered that I said that your god doesn’t exist lmao. He doesn’t ya irrational cunt lol. You’re basing your life around a lie lol. Imagine wasting your one and only life believing in an invisible bearded man in the sky lol. Why don’t you kill yourself and go to the real life lol?? Because it’s certainly not prohibited in your bible written by Iron Age peasants who are probably a little smarter than you.

Oh and we have guns too lmao. We just value life more than y’all lol. You’re so ignorant it’s embarrassing
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
LOL, you do not offended me, because for me you are a fucking clown nigger monkey piece of shit and you are obviously a monkey, your skin is the color of shit, your lips are fucking big just like a monkey, and i bet you do not have hair, and if you do, you look ugly asf and it does not look perfect on you, you fucking nigger and i dont care what else you say about my religion XD and you see, that every video on this whole fucking site that it's about africans, they literally act like fucking clown monkeys because that's what they are XD, and you know... the only white thing of a black nigger like you, is your fucking brain, do you wanna know why? because of how unsmart the people born in africa are XDDDDDD now do me a favor, stop talking about my country and get the fuck out of this video
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
Are you also gay? because you look fucking gay bro XD i bet you raped your little brother when he's sleeping, gay people like getting their ass getting raped by a nasty cock XD a ass inside full of shit, you obviously like that
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
Thanks to you, now theres a new racist person on livegore, and that's me! keep up the good work africans who are using livegore XD keep wasting people time, so they can become racist
African atheist Intermediate 1,213 points
English motherfucker do you speak it? Lmao. Your sentence construction is worse than that of a fifth grader. All you have are the same boring outdated insults. You think you’re hurting my feelings my calling me a monkey lol? Again you’re just another ignorant irrational cunt with a low IQ. Not even worth my time. I’m pretty sure I’d have a better conversation with a spoon tbh.
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
Btw almost every person who has their first fight with another person on this site call "Livegore" He's having a fight a fight with a fucking african... ofc! african people really like fighting with a lot of people, because like i say before, when they even young, they offensive asf with other people, they never learn something good, a lot of fucking bullshit all this people who are watching can imagine, and when they grow up bigger such as a big teenager o a adult, THEY literally become criminals
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
I don't really fucking care about the fucking sentence construction, i can write how i want because i want, i also do it like that bc its more faster huh?
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
Yes i have a low IQ, But i don't really care about that, i do not have followers,  but you either LOL
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,322 points
Also at the first comment i send you, you already got mad LOL
"grab my tube officer" hahaha faggot ass NA cops are so fucking useless, can't aim for shit
+2 votes
Jan 2, 2022
A good nigger is a dead nigger
+3 votes
Jan 2, 2022
Yeastinfection Experienced 366 points
yvngsuicide666 Intermediate 1,092 points
bad cop
+1 vote
Aug 3, 2022
el cochiloco 5 points
Y si se murió o nel?
0 votes
Mar 28, 2023
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,899 points
Act like a nig, get treated like one.
0 votes
Mar 31, 2023
Mr. Magoo Famous 4,362 points
@FightForWhatsWhite. You are what is known as a pussy ass faggot boy coward.
+2 votes
Apr 24, 2023
mudbutt Overlord 5,052 points
+1 vote
Apr 28, 2023
@Joseph_Stalin. Relax butt boy. Rather than get your panties in a crunch,just go back to wherever it is your funky ass came from. You have no say about the nigs faggot boy. You dig?
+3 votes
Jun 29, 2023
ᴰᵘᵐᵇ ᴬˢˢʰᵒˡᵉ ᴺᵎᵍᵍᵉʳ Omega 22,240 points
ᴰᵘᵐᵇ ᴬˢˢʰᵒˡᵉ ᴺᵎᵍᵍᵉʳ
0 votes
Sep 29, 2023
ᴰᵘᵐᵇ ᴬˢˢʰᵒˡᵉ ᴺᵎᵍᵍᵉʳ Omega 22,240 points
ᴰᵘᵐᵇ ᴬˢˢʰᵒˡᵉ ᴺᵎᵍᵍᵉʳh
0 votes
Sep 29, 2023
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,124 points
Fat stupid amerimutt is at it again
0 votes
Dec 18, 2023
Yucky Lord Paramount 457,098 points