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Donald Trump Assassination attempt

Shooting happened at a Trump rally. The would-be assassin has reportedly been killed.

18,736 views Jul 14, 2024

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Rumilov Well-Known 925 points
What a third world shithole US has become, its getting worse and worse. Slaves like you will tolerate it and eat shit quietly though and you will not do shit about it
+2 votes
Jul 14, 2024
FuckinGr8 Addicted 1,792 points
I wish I could disagree with you. Wtf happened to this country
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Yeah. It's like our whole fucking country devolved into Detroit.
niggers be niggin Addicted 1,673 points
"We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." - Joe Biden, 5 days ago
+3 votes
Jul 14, 2024
Zultannis 5 points
It doesn't matter who gets in the white house, retard. They're all controlled by the same people. Trump has STRONG CONNECTIONS with the Zionists, but seeing how you're nothing more than a filthy race-baiting pig ((pitting gentiles against gentiles; By giving white nationalists a bad name)) I doubt you would care about this *OBVIOUS* fact.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Some people just genuinely don't like niggers and want to talk about it. Human beings are tribal by nature, and everyone is racist to a degree. I've got a question for you: If there are ultimately shadow entities pulling the strings of our government, and one of those entities is a cabal of Zionists, then what's the alternative? Do we embrace total anarchy, or do we bow down to our Chinese overlords? Or, will Islam become the new ZOG? I'm genuinely interested to hear your opinion.
Zultannis 5 points
Yes... you're right. We're all racist to some degree; Tribal. Won't argue with you there, but I think it's important for gentiles to channel that hatred not upon any other gentile race, but to keep focus on the PROBLEM... the main problem. It's okay to talk bad about other gentile races here and there, but I don't think one should over-do it. Again; We're all being manipulated here; Blacks and whites... to be at each other's throats. Browns/ or Asians as well.

Here's my solution; Meditation... opening up the THIRD EYE. Obtaining high levels of Gnosis through occult power and knowledge. That's the only way humanity will solve anything, but if you don't do that... humanity will always be at the mercy of secret societies; That alien shapeshifters work through... that probably perceive consciousness beyond the third dimension. If one were to access their third eye powers... we would realize that the conspiracy goes beyond the physical realm; That the game being played here is not through conventional means, but through BLACK MAGICK I.E. the psychic mind. Opening the third eye will allow us to perceive the astral realm, and it's from there that humanity is being manipulated from too. As the saying goes, "The only way out [Of Plato's Cave] is IN". "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king, in the darkness... the man with the candle makes for an easy target" and that candle comes from within... it can only be realized through meditation; Meditation is the key to power... opening the third eye. Third eye is SYMBOLIC of the sunglasses in the movie, "They Live" by John Carpenter.
HAHAHAHA. The shooter was a pussy incel Republican. You’re reaching
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Dude, "They Live" is a classic. I agree that all the race-baiting the media and politicians do is a psyop, but I also think that some people just feel that way and enjoy saying epithets for the hell of it. I also don't know anything about the astral plane or the third eye, but I have done a LOT of drugs, and I have read Plato, so I can see merit in your ideas even if I don't fully understand them. Thanks for sharing, btw.
Zultannis 5 points
No problem man. I appreciate your open mindedness. You take care, dude...
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
You're welcome. You too, bro.
Spamton G. Spamton Natural Addict 8,994 points
Crazy this is
+2 votes
Jul 14, 2024
vizar00 57 points
0 votes
Jul 14, 2024
Saysumptin The Boss 33,212 points
Trump 2024 Will have all Scumbag Illegal Niggers, Sand Niggers and Beaner Niggers Deported back to your Shit Hole. Cheaper to have a bounty on all illegals to be found and deported. This is why they are trying get him killed.  He is NOT putting up with your Nigger Shit No More!!!
0 votes
Jul 14, 2024
Zultannis 5 points
Trump is a Zionist... practically his whole family is Jewish. He cares nothing about the American people, and this shooting is nothing more than a psyop, and you're drinking the Kool-Aid... lol. But I wouldn't expect a race-baiting pig to understand this fact either, since there's a STRONG correlation between low IQ and being extremely racist.
cleverthinking 90 points
it's staged so fake
+1 vote
Jul 14, 2024
Zultannis 5 points
Left wing... right wing. Blue or red... still the same wing, on the same bird... flight plan doesn't change!
Fucking retard lol
Secretlurker 25 points
How did the bullet just go through his ear? Was the shooter literally using a bb gun?
0 votes
Jul 14, 2024
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Probably a Mossberg 152 or something. It's a ,22 semi-automatic, just like the Uzi.
NiggerMORTIS Well-Known 833 points
@Secretlurker His gun had a vasectomy
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
I like your description better.
Secretlurker 25 points
@TurdFerguson a bullet is still a bullet There's no way a .22 just pierced his ear. I think the idiot may have been suicidal and used a co2 power gun.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
A .22 doesn't really have enough of a compression wave to do much more than pierce at a distance of 150 yards. It would take a larger caliber bullet to do more damage at that distance, which, incidentally, is the distance at which an Army recruit must hit a scaled, human-sized silhouette to qualify with the M-16, which is a .45 caliber rifle. The compression wave from a .50 caliber bullet passing that close would've busted his head like a grape. Although, speaking from personal experience, the .22 stings like a bitch if you take one in the leg.
ben2livegore Intermediate 1,053 points
Funny - they say they're surprised that this happens in a country where everyone has the right to carry guns... in a world where nearly everyone dreads the prospect of Trump being re-elected.

My opinion - it's rather sad that they didn't succeed, then it would be party time.
+1 vote
Jul 14, 2024
Zultannis 5 points
Why in the world would you want something like that to happen...? Why would you want the U.S. to fall into utter chaos...? lol Such an idiotic thing to say... /smh.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
He's a maladjusted, malnourished, malding midget.
Good Russian 41 points
@Zultannis Because you constantly interfere in the affairs of other countries
Zultannis 5 points
Our government does... sure, but the American people don't deserve to suffer, because of our government. Just as the Russians don't deserve to suffer for the actions of theirs... no government is perfect, and all governments are controlled by secret societies that **DO NOT** share the same interests as the people.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Are we all just going to pretend that Hillary had nothing to do with this?
+2 votes
Jul 14, 2024
NiggerMORTIS Well-Known 833 points
It's an assassination attempt not a suicide. Hilary Means Results!
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Damn, dude. You're right. I didn't even think about that. It was probably Obama since niggers can't do anything right.
NiggerMORTIS Well-Known 833 points
NiggerMORTIS Well-Known 833 points
Pennsylvania; I'm not even surprised. Philadelphia's got shooters everywhere
+1 vote
Jul 14, 2024
cacao Famous 3,953 points
hajaja yeees. next time bitch
0 votes
Jul 14, 2024
soresger 16 points
same shit
0 votes
Jul 14, 2024
Cirno 35 points
What can I say
0 votes
Jul 14, 2024
Would have loved seeing that pedophile’s brain popped out of his skill
0 votes
Jul 15, 2024