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White Owner knocks out black boy infront of his girl before colonizing her afro twat

we beez gettin our azzes rocked n sheeeeeet mayne .


at da bar n da club hoe dats where we beez gettin hurt n stuff by dem kkkrakkkaz

13,891 views Jul 10, 2024

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BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
Another blatant racist piece of shit knocked the fuck out i bet he thought "look at that white blonde cracker i bet he is a faggot" and got knocked out like a bitch instead
+1 vote
Jul 10, 2024
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Nice hit!! Made a nice thud when he connected
+1 vote
Jul 10, 2024
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Oh boy if that was me in the video that white boy would of been dog meat
0 votes
Jul 10, 2024
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
Yea we know all white boys are soft
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Lol. You ain't built like that Boy'os.
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
Wtf did I say I’m white of course I’m not! I’ve never even hugged a girl let alone been hit in the face!
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I'll totally chew him up in the video tho
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
@CavScout69 @TheCityWalker007 you virginal chicanos will get over it. no need to cry to eachother for moral support. Go look for a White toddler to sucker punch at Six Flags. Don't let reality get you this upset.
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
Lol trollin hard bro that’s wassup
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
Lol trollin hard bro that’s wassup and also I fuck with John Daly…
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
@AssholDikSquire gringo ill fucking kill you don't you try me foo
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Boring donkey face guy. Try harder
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Boring like your fat slobby moonshine drinking gringo father that just sits his fat ass on the couch and watches politics on ABC news
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Boring donkey face boy. Try harder.
Emo Kumar Bombado Experienced 442 points
+2 votes
Jul 10, 2024
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Glad your pajeet ass finally commented something smart for once
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Glad to see pajeet ass commenting something retarded like @assholdicksquire
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
@TheCityWalker007 Mexican pussy feels amazing. How could you be so angry? wait you don't get any. Nom nom nom all mime
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Mexicanas only like my Mexican dick and also loves sucking black ones to salute to my fellow latinas for sticking to there race and sticking to blacks fucking perra
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Lol. That's a lie, I'd know so would thousands of other Klans men . Every mexican family has a White guy. mexicans are the biggest sluts of anybody...I would know. I live in the U.S.

You must be resentful and jealous. An Ungodly man.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Only in the US y'all gringos be having cracka washed up "Mexicans" go deep in mexíco we don't like y'all gringos over there we don't even like some mexícans that visit us there so stop fucking watered down mexican latinas and try to fuck a real Mexican latína in mexico foo
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
No its just a few angry fat mexicans making these decisions for their woman. Woman decide what they like. There's a reason everybody in the cartel is short, fat, ugly like you and like all other Mexicans. Why is it all men? Why are they always angry? Why are illegals Rapist incels? And they always seem angry?

You're probably a stupid rape baby yourself. Parents being 2nd cousins
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Nah gringo it's you crackers that be fucking each other in Alabama and be causing inbred incel relations LOOOOL so you should feel disappointed in your cracker ancestors cuz im sure back in the 1800s yall deep hillbilly maggots be fucking cows and fucking y'all sisters and cousins giving birth to inbred abominations so stfu esé you have no room to talk foo you are just a half breed lost cause
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Oh did that little line I type bother you that much? You changed everything you are saying now to this. Statistics would say that beaners prefer fucking and mating in their bloodline more.
But fuck statistics, right?

This made me laugh, your reaction tells me it's true....
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Nah foo I'm just here laughing my ass off seeing how pathetic y'all gringos be on this site typing so much hate towards Mexicans and blacks it's just unoriginal at this point so go back to sucking bidens balls and cock fucking cracker
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
TRUMP! Fuck Biden to death
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
No hate here. I live in reality unlike yourself. If the truth upsets you nobody is apologizing to you for it.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
You still live in the past thinking whites are still superior than blacks and Mexicans it's sad foo it's fucking saaad XD time to grow up and look in the modern times now y'all KKK gringos are just only hurting yourselves esé @AssholDikSquire
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
But we are superior to you, & especially to blacks. Why does that upset you or bother you? If it wasn't true?

You are walking contradiction. A truly stupid fuck. Hahahahahahah I needed that laugh.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
So much pride and hate reason why gringos aren't welcomed and most hated in some countries like Germany lol y'all are modernly hated as much y'all crackers hate us and blacks one day us Mexicans and blacks and foreigners will make a militia and kill all you maldita perras LMAO
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Oh wow a small portion of a country I'll never see has a slight disdain for political values they can't keep their noses out will I ever live with myself?
Lol retard.

And that's hilarious. Beaners and Niggers can't even live in the same neighborhood without raping and killing eachother
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
"beaner this nigger that" grow up foo crackers like u in the only reason why inbred incels relationships even exists is because y'all can't find a real woman so y'all go on your ways to fuck y'all sisters and cousins fucking pathetic ass cracker Germany will make a militia with us Mexicans and blacks and fucking kill every gringo on site fuck you fucking cracker y'all are edamites and devils of this world BLM AND BROWN PRIDE REUNITE FOO ✊
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Cracker this cracker that except I don't give a fuccc that's why I dont bring it up every comment like you. Yous a cry baby titty boy.

Proving how soft your men are by letting words have power. I want them to have power & I want it to bother you. Hahahaha beaner. Emotionally unfit to win against a Human like me.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Calling yourself a human is like calling a fly on shit a human your nothing but a fly on shit that scavenges the negative parts of the internet and bugs the hell out of real humans like me you filthy animal shut the fuck up foo
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
You want to be like us Humans so bad. It shows in your comment. You are a poor idiot who stills lives with your mother. Exit the premises, her shift cleaning my house starts in 30. Yet you're still here? Begone's time
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Stop describing yourself maldita perra your nothing to us latinos and blacks lmao your a fucking sand monkey that loves to think about fucking your father when you jack off your a fucking edamite and forever will be a motha fucka edamite fucking cracker so now you be gone cuz I won this comment section
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Lol. Hahahahaha. She has to clean my house to feed her little retarded son. nobody will hire a beaner with special needs. Yous are dismissed lil pepper belly. You stink bad. Like poo & taco spice
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
That's your upper lip your smelling cracka jack armpit fecal matter smelling perra fuck off now your giving this comment section a major ass cramp from your degenerative cracker opinions
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
I'm having fun while you're being a big ass cry baby lol plus it's my video.
Poor obsessed troll. You really are gay & stupid as hell. Lol
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Lmao fuck your video homie I'll fucking kill you and shank your goddamn tongue out of your throat fucking cracker your the stupid one here fucking racist ass gringo
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Lol so what If I was racist? That proves you're scared of me. Otherwise it wouldn't bother you or you wouldn't deem it a threat.

Keep pretending like it doesn't bother you clearly your lying abilities are completely ass.

Suck it beaner
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
"Oh ya look at me I'm so racist fear me" shut the fuck esé your nothing if your so tough where u at homie? Let's fight it off instead of talking shit to me over the internet and hiding behind the screen your typing on like a pussy ass perra foo where the fuck u located? I wanna beat your ass so much LMAO
BeReal Advanced 2,900 points
pussy nigga
+1 vote
Jul 10, 2024
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,252 points
Nigga read Malcolm X's autobiography so much that he thought he was a black panther.
0 votes
Jul 11, 2024
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
I dont speak in cryptic talk. Anybody know what this bitch is randomly malding about?
Something about Malcom X his & incel rhetoric...
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Lmao your cracker ass always has something to say when someone talks like a black or Mexican on here fucking cracker ass mother fucker
white_resistance 1 point
@thecitywalker007 u beaner loosers come to white countries by hoping over the border just to suck superior white cock faggot