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Russian Soldier Bleeding Shot By Drone

Akhmat’s fighters shot down a Ukrainian FPV. They approached him and started filming a video. And the drone boomed right next to them. There were immediately two wounded.

10,000 views Jul 3, 2024

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JohnnieWalker Omega 17,131 points
Disgusting shitskins sand coons swarthoids.
Put them into a centrifuge machine alive.
I bet they masturbate to watermelons because it reminds them of shitlestine and that turns them on almost as much as 5 year old virgins.
Fucking Педофилы culture, they ruined watermelons forever. All the more reason why committing worldwide genocide against them, babies included, is justified.

Heil Hitler, A true Nazi would never support Israel but neither would he support Palestine.
A sand nigger will always be the lowest form of life, being on a par with a negroid. Long live the destruction of Gaza.
0 votes
Jul 3, 2024
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,477 points
The fuck does shitskins have to do with watermelon?
JohnnieWalker Omega 17,131 points
Palestinian nationalists use the watermelon as a symbol because in the past Israelis mocked their flag as having a color palette reminiscent of a watermelon.
So it is common to see people on their Twitter profiles using the watermelon emoji to denote support for Hamas, also, in any place where it is forbidden to display the Palestinian flag the watermelon is used instead.
MyGenuineSneed 9 points
Ooga booga.
MyGenuineSneed 9 points
This reddit-inspired website is full of larping buffoons like yourself. Who cares what some intelligent and charismatic man "would think" about sandniggers and jews? The only reason you put him on a pedestal is because of the significance the Jews assign to him and the reverse psychological effect it has.
Stop thinking about what some dead guy would do, or what you "would do", and try to just think for a little bit what you WILL do with this life you have been given.
JohnnieWalker Omega 17,131 points
Shut up Nigga
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,477 points
Well I show support by cutting up watermelon like Israel cuts up Gaza.
I support the side that makes the biggest parking lot.
BrickTop Intermediate 1,294 points
"Allahu Akbar" doesn't seem to help against the drones. Perhaps it's because Allah is from those times when they weren't invented yet. Although I'm not Muslim, so I'm not sure.
0 votes
Jul 3, 2024
TrueLordKing Well-Known 967 points
That's just how war is
0 votes
Jul 4, 2024
kencarson Beginner 138 points
white defenders of christianity lmao
0 votes
Jul 4, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 456,718 points