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"Russian progress"


4,960 views Jun 22, 2024

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BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hm alright then show us ukrainian progress?
+1 vote
Jun 22, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Russian invaded Ukraine right? Big ole mother russia still getting pushed around by little old Ukraine... what a fucking joke.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
lol they literally keep advancing bro, ukraine is about to recruit fucking women, yall keep saying shit about russia continuously, what was it in 2023? oh yeah that they were wearing airsoft stuff and they didnt have any more ammunitions, that they keep losing tanks, men and blah blah blah LMAO meanwhile russia keeps advancing and advancing, unbothered by your spoiled child cries... just look at the people who support ukraine and you should understand how stupid it is to support hohols just because of that...
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Ignorance is bliss brotha. I'm some dumb fuck on livegore named baconKing hears all the legit latest intel on world events
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
whatever bro keep living in your clouds of lies lol
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
I know... I know... I'm not cool for hating russia like you fuckers on the propaganda band wagon. It's like I said before. You come into my land and try to take what I own I'll fight or it to as Ukraine is doing. They may not win the war over all but pussy ass russia definitely didn't go walk all over them and take it as they thought they would because of the little mans trying to be a big man.

Fuck russia
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
I can confirm that Russia is still in Ukraine
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
@Billthebutcher part of ukraine is russian to let you know, but for some time now the russian language has been banned somewhere, and most of them feel russian, as we can even see in western propaganda reports
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
wars rarely go like that, do i have to remind you how many wars the great united states of americunts have lost against a bunch of rabid sand niggers and starving yellow muzzle farmers? lmao russia is doing great from a tactical point of view, ukraine is a war where every country would have difficulty, urban warfare is hell, and even in countryside environments it's really hard to push thru the defensive lines.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Lmao yeah do tell about all these wars the great baconking lmfao.
Get the fuck outta here
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
@Bfotv yeah there still trying to take that shit... it's hilarious isn't it... again I say Russias military is looking like a joke because of little old Ukraine lmfao its hilarious
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hahaha i still don't get what's wrong with my username, it's almost like i actually chose a serious username. and yeah, another ukro supporter classic, when you lack of actual points you attack the username... pathetic
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Tell me about all these wars we lost. Don't puss out now man
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
korean war

oh and, let me tell you a little secrets, making lgbtq+ friendly military ads will not help at all. new generation of americans are pussies. if the current youth went to war with russian youth, they would get utterly obliterated. i don't hate all america and as a nationalist european i like and respect the conservative and traditionalist side, but get that into your head, you are absolutely not invincible.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Figured you were the type to say Afghanistan and Iraq. Lmao shocker.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
You obviously believe everything google tells you huh
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
LOLLLL what did google tell me?? you went there and all you were able to do was to exterminate innocents and get smoked by homemade explosive hidden in palms, all acting tough with military training, so called "superior" firearms and military equipment, still you got smoked by goat fucking monkeys hiding in mud buildings with old ass rpg7 and ak47s, where did you put your f22 raptor? how about the invincible m1 abrams with thermal imaging? lol you retreated
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
No I went there to see what your answers would be
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
No I went there to see what your answers would be

so you must be some stupid russian fuck then I take it?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hahaha is that all you can come back with? woooow... and no i am not a russian fucker. also quit being a sad kid, don't automatically assume who is right in the war just because your mother got buttfucked by some russian back then and now you hate them...
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Lmfao sad kid... whatever you showed your IQ with the hilarious attempt at offending me with mom talk. If ever there was a weak attempt at anything it was that. Your the kid obvously
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
haha yes, i am the kid, obviously. listen mr. tough 6'4 american guy, if you hate russians so much and call them pussies, why don't you go and slay them in ukraine? you will get paid a lot and jewlensky will welcome you open arms.
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
@Billthebutcher Russia has not shown all its capabilities, and Ukraine is not the same with Western support, the United States and Russia avoid an escalation, because nobody wants to sacrifice everything for Ukraine
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Lmao because I'm sire there purposely dragging it on. Yall are ficking brain washed dumbasses. You believe what you believe and I'll believe the truth.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
yeah believe the truth orchestrated by jewish governments and jewish mass media LOLOLOL the truth, poor ignorant kid
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
Just to let you know, somewhere in Africa the US army had to leave the territory because the local forces wanted Russia instead, Russia can still conduct military activities abroad, as he battles against the american dollar in ukraine, then you are free to believe what you want, I rely on facts
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
well said. in every part of the middle east there are countries who wave the russian flag whenever they come and welcome them
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Shit countries I wouldn't want to live in how about yall? Shit yall probably live in them already lmao
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
what does the fact they are third world countries have to do LMAOOOOO bro is tweaking
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Dhit hole countries that have anything to do with anything in the world. Yeah let's brag about that shit. Ignorance is bliss in those countries as with you "bro"
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
You don't have to live there to be interested in this place, don't be stupid, they are never there for nothing
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Bragging over third world support from nobody that gives a fuck is just sounding desperate.  Russias supposed to be one of the biggest powers in the world right???

Yeah not so much
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
they don't care about protecting them, they're there mainly for natural resources, and yes, Russia is a world power, when Putin speaks everyone listens
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Bahaha God damnjust like his little brainwashed bitch... yall do exist...
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
the facts speak for themselves, no need to add more
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
The facts that some dumb fuck on livegore are brainwashed with?  Eleven that I like to dig outta livegore.comfor facts.  

Your an idiot.
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
I don't exist, I don't care about you, but don't talk nonsense
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Now your just being a weak stupid fuck
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
You can try to insult me, but at least I don't need to believe like you, I know that Russia is a world power hehe
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
You don't need to believe what? That you can type and make logical sense of anything? Yeah got me there. Your as weak as russia is.
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
Yes, that's why all the world's powers only talk about Russia lol you're funny einstein
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
Even you talk about them, because it bothers you that everyone is intimidated by them hehe
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Because your involved in a the words affairs? Like you know anything about anything lmao
Bahaha you keep getting stupider by the comment
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Guarantee if you stood in front of Putin and he wipped his little pecker out you'd deep throat that ducker like there was no tomorrow wouldn't you
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hahahaha you would do the same with biden you loser
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Nah definitely don't swing the Biden way. Yall must be new to the site. Lmfao
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
uuuuuh i'm so cool i'm american 6'4 tall and i am veteran of livegore bad russia grrrrr HAHAHAHAHA
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Lmao you resort to that peddy shit huh. Broken bitch
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hahahahahaha tfym
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
you should have gotten married, not just given your ass away, you'll have nothing when biden dies
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
and apart from knowing that you suck biden, the americans will never dare attack russia directly, but obviously I don't know everything about your secrets
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Are you drunk? Wtf half your shit doesn't even make sense. Keep thinking what you will about that Biden shit if it let's you sleep at night.
Yall 2 seem perfect for each other on here.
Now go keep commenting on my shit
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hahaha of course what else could you have said if not a "faggots" comeback.... you are pathetic
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
What else could have said? The fuck does that mean
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
read again moron lmao what i said is perfectly understandable it's only you who didnt read properly
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
the first was to put his pants back on and the second to put his mental attitude back in place
+1 vote
Jun 22, 2024
Wantmeatwantblood Experienced 488 points
He's lost his mind
+2 votes
Jun 22, 2024
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
he wobble like jelly
+1 vote
Jun 22, 2024
Saysumptin The Boss 33,287 points
That was refreshing
0 votes
Jun 22, 2024
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
“In every direction” hahahaha
+1 vote
Jun 23, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,355 points
Only one that got the joke brotha lmfao
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,319 points
Hahaha fuck yeah brah. You’re definitely one of the more rational and level headed ones on this site. And you know how to make a good joke to fuck with others lmao
Tuerkei401 7 points
Ukrainians deserved everything they got, Europe is a very cowardly society, they are pushing you forward and watching you die, Russia will win this war.
0 votes
Jun 30, 2024