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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Man Is Shot Dead In Front Of A Bar In The West Zone of Boa Vista

A man, who has not yet been identified, was shot dead in the early hours of Sunday (16) in the São Bento neighborhood, in the west of Boa Vista. The crime took place in front of a bar on Colibri Street. No arrests were made.


According to the Military Police, a team was called to respond to the case at around 5:44 am and when they arrived at the scene, they found the man lying on the ground, already dead. The victim was not carrying any identification documents.


Since it was a homicide, the police cordoned off the scene and then called the Technical Expertise of the Civil Police and the team from the General Homicide Division (DGH). After the expert work, the victim's body was removed to the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML).


The case will be investigated by the Civil Police in order to elucidate the circumstances, motivations and authorship of the crime.

Um homem, que ainda não foi identificado, foi morto a tiros na madrugada deste domingo (16) no bairro São Bento, zona Oeste de Boa Vista. O crime aconteceu em frente a um bar, na rua Colibri. Ninguém foi preso.


Conforme a Polícia Militar, uma equipe foi acionada por volta das 5h44 para atender o caso e quando chegou ao local, encontrou o homem caído no chão, já sem vida. A vítima não portava documento de identificação.


Por se tratar de homicídio, os policiais fizeram o isolamento do local e, em seguida, acionaram a Perícia Técnica da Polícia Civil e a equipe da Delegacia Geral de Homicídios (DGH). Após os trabalhos periciais, o corpo da vítima foi removido para o Instituto de Medicina Legal (IML).


O caso será investigado pela Polícia Civil, a fim de elucidar as circunstâncias, as motivações e a autoria do c


4,332 views Jun 17, 2024

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TrueLordKing Well-Known 967 points
Maybe it was a gang conversation and that was how it had to be settled since the victim didn't even have a document.
0 votes
Jun 17, 2024
Bfotv Advanced 2,599 points
or he just has nothing to lose
chico-sticks Addicted 1,986 points
Still the quickest method of turning a party into a sausage fest
0 votes
Jun 17, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 456,718 points