It's difficult for me to read about this cocksucker's family defending him by saying that "we don't know for sure it was him because he was wearing a mask" then trying to say that he didn't know he was being recorded and therefore the video can't be used as evidence... I also read they planned a protest to try and set him free but were warned that the whole mob would be lynched. I'd pay folding money to see the same done to them, just to see what they will say about it.
What would happen if a white guy killed a random Queeneesha or Obamaneesha who had a litter of 4 little killers waiting for her at home? I bet the perpetrator would get the death penalty the next day, after all, black lives matter, fuck the rest! Dem wuz kangz, I mean slavez, in the past, it's only normal for us for pay for things we had no control over, which happened centuries ago. Fucking niggers.