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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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he mutilate in my Discord PM

I chat a lot of times with people who are fed up with life so I sometimes receive nice videos

8,836 views Oct 15, 2023

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inspecteur_luci Addicted 1,742 points
his blood is watercolor damn leonard da vinci is jealous
0 votes
Oct 15, 2023
Dobry69ImSorryMods Extreme Poster 618 points
send your discord link pls
0 votes
Oct 15, 2023
inspecteur_luci Addicted 1,742 points
lmao the guy must be dead it's been 2 months since I last spoke to him I even think he doesn't respond anymore
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,067 points
send me yours
Dobry69ImSorryMods Extreme Poster 618 points
invite me to your server pls
Dobry69ImSorryMods Extreme Poster 618 points
add  _dobry69_ on discord idk why I can't see my tag
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,067 points
Dobry69ImSorryMods Extreme Poster 618 points
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,067 points
no selfharm
0 votes
Oct 15, 2023
Saysumptin The Boss 30,905 points
Pleeeeease...... Do the jugular vein next. Want to see how far you can hit the trash can. It will be fun I swear.....
0 votes
Oct 15, 2023
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,715 points
Very nice self harm always relieves me <3
0 votes
Oct 15, 2023
Fluttershycandy Well-Known 828 points
Next time send urs
Ik u hate yourself stop being shy the dick heads angel
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,715 points
Jewish sluts get raped! lmfao D
Fluttershycandy Well-Known 828 points
Ill pray this week for you to get killed ur full terrorist whore May allah will end ur life very soon , AMİN

Ya Rabbenâ! ; İbrahim’e Nemrud’un ateşini gülzâr ederken, azgın Nemrud’u bir sivrisinekle helak ettin, mağrur Firavunu suda garkedip ateşe gönderirken, Musa ve inananlara kurtuluş yolları açtın. Azıp şaşıran, hak yoldan uzaklaşanların nasıl helak olduklarını ibret alsınlar diye Kur’an dili ile bize haber veren, zaman zaman kısmen de olsa zelzelelerle, yanardağların alev püskürmesiyle, yel, sel, fırtınalarıyla, daha nice bizi ikaz eden hadiselerle uyaran, kimisine memât, kimisine hayat veren, kimisini ağlatıp, kimisini güldüren, Musa’yı Tur’a çağırıken, Yusuf’u zindana gönderen, dertli Eyyub’e büyük bir imtihandan sonra âfiyet veren, mülkünde diledeiğini yapan, hikmetinden sual olunmayan, her şeye kâdir olan ulu Allah’ım! Bizleri geçmişten ibret alan, ömrünü boşa harcamayan, nimetlerine şükreden, niçin yaratıldığını fikreden, güzel isimlerini zikreden, ibadetlerini güzelce ifâ eden, son demde de Allah Allah diyerek, huzuruna Müslüman olarak gelen kullarından eyle Ya Rabbi. Ameen
Fluttershycandy Well-Known 828 points
Sübhâne Rabbike Rabbi-l izzeti ammê yasıfûn. Ve selâmün alel mürselîn. Velhamdülillâhi Rabbil âlemîn. El- fâtihate meassalavât.
Fluttershycandy Well-Known 828 points
InshAllah youll get your karma day i will pray every day for your death dont worry
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,715 points
My message to @Skull_Candy after discovering your age and location I've decided I can not reply to any of your comments anymore as your a kid. Being here isn't very good considering your current situation and religion. Soon life may be over for you and I know you know what I'm talking about!.... stay safe lil hoe
+2 votes
Oct 15, 2023
Fluttershycandy Well-Known 828 points
Keep being mad nothing will change
I always come back
Fluttershycandy Well-Known 828 points
Stop being retarded cockroach ik u jelly
diedinjuly Veteran 11,423 points
just do drugs u stupid fuck
+2 votes
Oct 15, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,746 points
Never understood why people would do this to themselves.  I'd rather numb my feelings rather than do dumb shit like this
+1 vote
Oct 15, 2023
Kolumbiara Extreme Poster 556 points
ig its just something like punching walls n stuff
ilovebfdi Extreme Poster 556 points
Cute no like really
0 votes
Oct 31, 2023
inspecteur_luci Addicted 1,742 points