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Woman Bartender Shot Dead During Work

ShareIt was exactly 9:01 p.m. on Saturday (July 15) when a hitman killed 'la Mona' while she was serving clients in a games and liquor room in the El Campestre neighborhood.The bullet attack against María Alejandra Jaquez Bracamonte, or 'la Mona', as she was popularly known, was recorded on two video cameras.

In one of the videos, the 33-year-old woman is seen serving customers at the bar with another woman. The business is under the trade name “Máquinas El Trébol” and is on the corner of Manzana 95 with Lote 12. May I suggest: Another hitman in Cartagena! They killed the 'Mona' in El Campestre


María Alejandra takes money out of the box and when she is going to deliver to a client, the hitman appears in the middle of other users of the place and shoots her point-blank and without saying a word.

In the recording, the hitman is seen shooting his victim in the chest, who is wearing blue jean shorts and a pink blouse. The woman was wearing a cap.

The hit man, who is wearing a white T-shirt and wearing a cap, sneaks into the middle of the crowd and flees like a grill man on a motorcycle. The death of 'la Mona' was on the spot.

Jaquez Bracamonte was well known in that area for attending the game room. She was originally from Venezuela and she leaves behind two small children. The Metropolitan Police are investigating whether her death was related to possible revenge. It may interest you: Three gunshots kill a man on a street in Olaya Herrera


One of the versions suggests that 'la Mona' was threatened in a pamphlet that circulated last year and that was attributed to illegal armed groups. For that reason she had left the city, although some time later she decided to return.


This homicide is one of the eight that occurred in Cartagena and its corregimientos on Saturday, so far being one of the most violent days of the year.

Of the latest assassinations that have occurred this month, three have been recorded on video cameras: the other two occurred in La Campiña and Boston.


It should be noted that so far in 2023, 19 women have been murdered in Cartagena, 13 of them in cases of hit men.

16,939 views Jul 17, 2023

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Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,929 points
These vermin need a military dictatorship police state.
That's the only way to keep these animals in line.
+3 votes
Jul 17, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
"and flees like a grill man on a motorcycle." You don't say?  Charcoal or propane?
0 votes
Jul 18, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points

every time I hear 'Propane'...
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
King Of The Hill was fucking awesome.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
IKR... awful, they had to end it ¬_¬
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
It is coming back.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
are you serious, mate? like FR, FR?
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
There will be a 15 year time jump in the new series, so Bobby and Joseph will be in their 20's
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
Tsk... Too bad, Cotton ain't gonna' be there.
I've learned a lot from him, and Johnny Bravo. These two macho men taught me how one shouldn't treat a woman haha
It'll be fun to see how Bobby, and Joseph have aged.
I don't wanna' be a cvnt, but there's a chance they'll just end up fucking it all up... Let's see how it goes, though.

Still something to look forward to ^^
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
Yeah, Cotton died before the series ended.  I have faith in it since it is all the same people behind it.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
"You wanna kill a Nazi? A Nazi Wazi Squazi?" -Cotton Hill. He killed fiddy men.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
A Pimp Named Slickback is another wise man to learn from concerning how to treat women.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
@Turd Slickback from Boondocks? ain't that how all pimps treat their 'employees'? @Antiheroin... he was still making appearances, though, wasn't he? flashbacks and such...? I dunno... it's been ages since I completed that series... I can't seem to remember much.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
He didn't show up again after his death, but there was a fucking hilarious episode where Hank had to go flush Cottons remains down a toilet that General Patton once used lol.  Also, the episode where Cotton died was a great one, too.  Hank said he loved him on his deathbed and Cotton started mocking him for being a sissy XD.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
makes you wonder if them old-timers were all like that, doesn't it? xD often brash, and cowering behind a veneer...
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
I know that is how I aim to be when I'm his age hahaha
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
I don't wanna' be old enough to be even half his age... ¬_¬
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Yep. A Pimp Named Slickback from The Boondocks. My favorite lesson was how a turkey sandwich with tomato only is more important than a hoe.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
@aDArthVINvad3r. I'm already half his age, so I wanna be sitting on my front porch with fifty swearing parrots and my drugs. I also wanna move to Texas so I can have a feud with my neighbor that involves tigers. I can't let that faggot out-tiger me, so I'll open up Tiger World with my oil money.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
didn't really finish watching Boondocks... a season and a half, I believe... it was entertaining and all, but felt rather repetitive, and just you know, the cheap thrills...?

I wish and hope you'll never stop feeling like it. I shall experience all that vicariously haha
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Lmao, I live for shitty shows with cheap thrills. Return Of The Living Dead is the greatest movie of all time imo and I will die on that hill. Since you want to experience my brand of insanity vicariously, I'll just have to do extra drugs for you. Win-win.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
my only good-bad movie experience is 'The Room' xD I wouldn't mind watching that movie every year just to remind myseslf just how ridiculous everything is in it! haha
..and I haven't watched this movie, but I bet it's just as awful... it, apparently, ends with this scene:
YT Link /watch?v=Y9KyBdPeKHg
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Tommy Wiseau needs to die of gonnorhea and rot in hell. I watched that clip. Holy shit, that was bad. Now I'm intrigued...
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
he already looks as though he's got some VD haha piling more on top of what's already there may produce unsavoury outcome xD
yeah... lemme' know if it's any good(bad) haha I'd love to torment my brother with something that can compete against 'The Room'.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
I can't watch The Room anymore.  I was introduced to that disasterpiece in 2006 and been to many, many parties where people wanted to put that on since.  However, Neil Breen's catalog is always growing, and always funny to me lolol

If you don't know Neil Breens work then do yourself a favor and look him up on YT.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
I shall give it a go... Neil Breens... Just googled him... he looks like discount-Steven Seagal (the man who could take down Bruce Lee without even using two hands!) hahaha
got another gem for you lot:
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
Yes!  Neil Breen writes, directs, and produces all his own movies.  He has hella money like Tommy does, too.  He always stars in his own movies, and always has a hella young and gorgeous love interest that's half his age but their characters are supposed to be the same age XD.  Oh, and in almost every movie he shows his ass and the back of his ballsack XD
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
Hahaha "I'll chase you to the end of the EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTH!"
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
and people say money can't buy 'everything' hahaha
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
"get back here, Shockeeerrrr!!!"
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
The dude should've be doing voice-over work for DBZ.  He'd fit right in!  LOLOL.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
yeah... dubbed version always sounds awful, though haha
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
<a href='../user/aDArthVINvad3r'>@aDArthVINvad3r You could always make him watch The Human Centipede trilogy. Leviathan is another stinker...The Sixty Million Dollar Man is hilarious because the dude turns into a Kung-Fu toilet, Motel Hell, Night of the Demons, Night of the Creeps, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Nekromantik 1 & 2, The Velocipastor, Con Express, the Carnosaur series, Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, (any Troma films, really), anything by John Waters, but I particularly recommend Desperate Living and Pink Flamingos. Let me know if his eyes bleed or if he cracks under the pressure of all the stupid I just listed.

I forgot to give you some choice Troma films... The Toxic Avenger series, Surf Nazis Must Die, Nukem High, and Fertilize The Blaspheming Bombshell.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
You ever seen Street Trash?  Based on those films you mentioned I think it is right up your alley.  It is about a bunch of mutant homeless people and in one scene a guy gets his dick ripped off then people play keepaway with it lolol.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
I'ma screenshot this thread of discussion... might come handy in distant future xD
thanks for the suggestions, lads ^^
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
@Antiheroin Yes, and I fucking love that movie! in fact, I'm gonna watch it tonight. I wanna laugh at the dick scene.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
You're welcome, dude. I'm always glad to help.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
I had a feeling you may have seen that flick hahahahaha
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Have you seen the credits for the ending of Beyond Reanimator? This dude's penis gets cut off in the final fight and in the credits, it comes to life and does karate against a rat. That's pretty fucking funny too.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
YES!  LOL.  It was like a twisted puppet show XD
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
I fucking love those movies. My favorite movie of all time is Return Of The Living Dead and I think it's the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever contrived by man. I will die on that hill.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
The thumbnail made me think she was a tranny.
+1 vote
Jul 18, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
that white-shirt wanker really wanted to dance, eh? couldn't stand still even while collecting his order!
+2 votes
Jul 18, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,804 points
Total bar douchebag, and you know he's fucking drenched in Drakkar Noir. Lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
I wouldn't be surprised if he were... but perhaps he's the kind who lets his 'pheromones' do its thing hahaha
MestreMesto Beginner 170 points
it must have been feminicide or drug reckoning
0 votes
Jul 18, 2023
bad_player Beginner 213 points
Hot girsl, hot headshot!
0 votes
Jul 21, 2023
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023