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+11 votes


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Weird Teen Can't Get Pussy, So He Does This.......
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43,140 views May 28, 2023

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Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
What the fuck would go through someones head to not only do this but to also film and post it?
+6 votes
May 28, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
he just wants some attention... I hope.
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,913 points
Well, the ladies are lining up now!
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Intermediate 1,007 points
I don't know but he is obviously already gay or bi.  A straight dude wouldn't do this even for a 1000$ dollars.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,055 points
I imagine that isn't actually his moms dildo and he made this video for temporary fame, he will regret it when someone recognises him irl and starts trolling him for it though. Like that German kid who made a fake rage video which nearly ruined his life
+6 votes
May 28, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
That tantrum caught on camera clip was hilariously horrendous!
Good ol' YT with freedom to post just about anything xD
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,055 points
catboypatrickbateman Addicted 1,733 points
I really hope thats the case
NakedLunch Addicted 2,196 points
Which German kid, Rabbi?
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,055 points
The kid in the gif I posted, it got used internationally as 'evidence' that video games make people violent. He got bullied throughout his whole school life for it and began drinking which lead to him drunkenly telling a friend that he bought two rifles off the dark web with intent to massacre his school. He got raided and admitted he never bought any guns, the weight of the fallout frightened people away from bulling him any further
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
guys, this urgent…my penis keeps swelling up really big like 8 inches, brah.  I touched it and white ropes shot out what’s happening?????????
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
@assholdiksquire call ur ugly mother for help incest kid
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
@EuFagStomper thanks for offering to heal my swollen penis with your warm wet mouth my darling
FATHER TIME DEVOURER Overlord 6,404 points
Bruh !! this is you bro! You cant resist posting your own private video !! Wtf!!
+2 votes
May 28, 2023
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
he loox lik tyler oakley
+3 votes
May 28, 2023
Orbital-Trail Experienced 496 points
You look like a 50 year old fat balding man?
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
definitely not ^^;;;
Orbital-Trail Experienced 496 points
@angelstar Prove it
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i picked a awsum pictur
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
oof... that hair!
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
itz damaged -v-
Orbital-Trail Experienced 496 points
@angelstar wow, i cant believe such a pretty girl likes watching gore
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
HUH im pretty? i kno ur lying cuz i made sure to pick a bad pic!!!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
No shit, mate xD How did it end up getting that damaged...? Bad hair-care routine or exposure...?
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
m still abl2mk it look okiii
but bleached twice n dyed twice n aso ripping it out n constant str8ening >_<
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I wouldn't do any of that to my hair ¬_¬ I love my hair the way it is... my luscious curls and hair volume. I'm not gloating, please don't accurse me on account of my comments.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
idc abt my hair az long az it lookz decent wen i go out :> n i h8 my natural textur so id rathr hav it damageddd <3
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
you Should care about your hair... it's like owning and caring for a pet xD I know it's not exactly the same, but it comes the closest. I'm not telling you what to do with 'your' hair, but you know... just being a bit of do-gooder xD
ALSO, your typing style reminds me of good ol' feature-phone days.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i take gud care of mmy dogggg
nn ty? i unno wut tat rly meanzz >^<
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I'ma force myself to find solace with just the fact you do, in fact, care for your doggo xD
I dunno how to explain it... remember when we didn't have screen-touch phones?

We had phones with keypads, and typing on it was tad finicky...? so we had to come up with shortened words and abbreviations in order to send 'messages', because we didn't have messenger apps, and had to do it via SMS? haha
a melancholic trip down the memory lane...
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
ohh icic!!! i tink i kno wut u mean!!! alsooooo my hair loox bettr here!!!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
yep, I'm certain you do xD
and I agree... it does look better, albeit marginally so...
Nice eyes, though...
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i hada flip4a bit sooo ya
n as long as i can style it ig>_<
also ty! i feelik my eyez r borrrring
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
My first phone was a Flip phone as well xD I still have it. Has stopped functioning, but I haven't chucked it away.
In the present day and age, any type of hair can be styled with a bit of fervent determination and ardent will to spend on cosmetics hahaha
How can 'eyes' be boring...? EVEN lazy eyes are 'oversensationalised sexually' ... they even have a name for it... 'ahegao' xD
Are you like, downplaying it, so I can you know, reiterate my remarks? haha
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
eek srry! i rly jus nevr tho yt ther wuz anything remarkablllllll abt mineseeeeeeeee
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
You're definitely trynna' manipulate my thoughts hahaha
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
liez!!!! im simply stating my opinion;^;
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
yeah, I never said otherwise haha
I'm just saying your opinion's designed to influence my thought process xD
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
itz nawttttt!
i luv u ; . ;
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
deary me! the more you deny it, the more you compound my claim :/
even going as far as to say the magical 3 words, eh? hehe
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i luuuuuvvvv uuuuu ;^;
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
all right... I believe you :"
luvumore xD
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
eeek ><
wutz ur discord strange person!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
xD I have a penchant for occasionally dabbling in melodrama... overdoing doesn't raise a concern haha
are you a member of the GIH Discord Server...?
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
wut iz a gih!!!
n wutz ur discord!!! arrtgh m sleepi
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
erm... GIH server is the discord server made for or by this website. mine's aDArthVINvader#9837 what be yours...?
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I'd sing you a song to lull you to sleep, but I'm terrible at it :')
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i had alredy fallen asleeeep~ ill add u :>
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I know... which is exactly why I said it xD
cerezita Extreme Poster 703 points
picking up girls on a gore website lolol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
scouring the website to find something to comment on, aren't you? FYI, I wasn't picking anyone up...
It's called 'being cordial' xD
cerezita Extreme Poster 703 points
just commenting on anything atp (⚈_⚈)
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,831 points
She's eleven or twelve years old.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
WHAT no m not
ReactModernist Well-Known 971 points
Couldn't even get a dick either.
+2 votes
May 28, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,449 points
Well, sometimes raspberry popsicles have rather peculiar shapes . . .   ;-)
+1 vote
May 28, 2023
Orbital-Trail Experienced 496 points
Sometimes a dildo is just a dildo
catboypatrickbateman Addicted 1,733 points
Ew what the fuck just be blackpilled at this point
+1 vote
May 28, 2023
Lil_dickie Extreme Poster 537 points
The struggle of every nerd
+2 votes
May 28, 2023
Amerimutt -216 points
Total nazi tranny death total Extermination
+2 votes
May 28, 2023
VikiSan Omega 18,691 points
There are so many hookers outside in ur street bruh u better find one and fuck it and ur doing rn is kind of gay shit
+2 votes
May 28, 2023
Eris Boreas Greyrat Overlord 4,791 points
Mf suckin on a wee wee pop.
+2 votes
May 29, 2023
NakedLunch Addicted 2,196 points
It reminds me of a Calippo but with a phallic shape.
+2 votes
May 29, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
What in the Alabama cousin-fucking hell would possess someone to do that? Probably the secondary syphilis rotting his brain from doing this so many times.
+2 votes
May 29, 2023
TheHound Natural Addict 7,173 points
In not following his logic. Looks like he is training to be a gay porn star.
+1 vote
May 29, 2023
carlostoledo80 Overlord 5,897 points
shoto kakeroooo
+1 vote
May 29, 2023
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
This looks like something @Billthebutcher aka BillTheBITCH and @fuckthelife along with @Chicken_Lover will do, they are faGgS
+2 votes
May 29, 2023
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,777 points
Suck that cock you fag!!!
+3 votes
May 29, 2023
Orbital-Trail Experienced 496 points
How is he a fag? he's sucking dried pussy juice
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,777 points
That dildo was clean orbital ;)
Tony Soprano Addicted 1,578 points
Probably a fake video for the sarcastic jokes all that boring bs
+1 vote
May 30, 2023
Bistud Famous 3,868 points
Who is he? Asking for a friend.
+1 vote
May 30, 2023
Orbital-Trail Experienced 496 points
Phil Suckaloosky
Yousef Advanced 2,313 points
Kill this fag.
+2 votes
May 30, 2023