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11,183 views May 3, 2023

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Knight Templar Overlord 6,051 points
Kill that semite filth
+3 votes
May 3, 2023
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,232 points

Just fuck off where you came from you fucking cunt


Eat shit you dirty cattle

Call for your mother or your papa boy you cunt

Ask me again what I want from you boy then I'll turn your head around
next time i stand in front of you You dirty cattle. Do you understand that?



And your fucking cell phone boy

*smacks phone on the ground*

Now it's broken, you filthy animal

+8 votes
May 3, 2023
TheLegendary Beginner 161 points
More please
+2 votes
May 3, 2023
liveforentertainment Advanced 2,491 points
ah, the stupid sounds of a zonie. Homo Germanicus Orientalis. From an evolutionary POV he got stuck between a gorilla and a flower pot.
+2 votes
May 3, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Germanicus?! Please . . .
TheLegendary Beginner 161 points
Finally something new
+1 vote
May 3, 2023
Hardcore200 Extreme Poster 620 points
Real german. Just like in 1943 .
Jews still hated there.
Hitler died long ago but his legacy will live forever or at least for 1000 years like he wanted to. Im taking about third reich of couse cuz it ment to be lasted for 1000 year
+5 votes
May 3, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
So you still feel closely connected to that work-shy Austriac from Braunau?
cacao Famous 3,932 points
that extremum, today germans are sheeps
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@Troglodyte He seemed like such a nice young fellow. Full of drive and passion to better his people's lives. Not a bad artist either.
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Better people's lives?!

No, thanks ., . .
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Bruh. It was just for the edge. I didn't seriously offend you, did I?
Knight Templar Overlord 6,051 points
@Troglodyte all you post are anti-white messages. I think youre really jewish
frenkfromnextdoor Extreme Poster 586 points
Respected Herr Adolf Hitler would if he won the war made a world a better place. They didnt let him do it. Now they are sorry for that.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
If he had concentrated on hammering Britain into submission instead of spreading himself thin and fighting in Africa and turning on Russia, he would've indeed won.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
I just experienced a disappearing, reappearing post. This is some really good weed.
ME262 Advanced 2,497 points
@Troglodyte That city was firebombed by the Allied airmen. Airmen whose descendants are now cursed with having to live with and around migrants, niggers, and non-white garbage in what used to be their own homelands. I wonder if all those men would have been so eager to serve the global banking cartel if they could have peeked 80 years into the future, and seen how their people are thanked for being lackeys of the jews.
frenkfromnextdoor Extreme Poster 586 points
exactly my point. thank you for putting it in english
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
@ME262 you are one of the most based users in this site. What you wrote is 100% accurate soldiers would have returned home if the had had the chance to peek at the future they fought for.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Dresden or Koln? By the look of the church, I'm guessing Koln.
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Das ist kein Deutscher, das ist nur ein Zoni (a.k.a. DDRler) . . .

+1 vote
May 3, 2023
diedinjuly Veteran 11,496 points
thats what happens when you fuck with a grown ass man wearing a baby tee
+3 votes
May 3, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Was in a Christmas package from Germany---from West with love . . .
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Dude's a hero.
+1 vote
May 3, 2023
Superior Experienced 403 points
Every white should be like him. We should kick out this leftists from government, and create white europe, deportation everyone whos have shit skin
+4 votes
May 3, 2023
@Superior.But there lies your problem, not every white is a piece of shit scum bag. Hence, your dream will never come true.
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,487 points
@Superior. They already are like him so congratulations. Ignorant,without tolerance,evil,envious cowards who fight down on the weak. But I doubt if you have the courage to do what the loser did here.
allegorical past Addicted 2,008 points
He was looking for someone weak. He must be a terrible person.
+2 votes
May 3, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
hordes of shitskin migrants are constantly raping european lolis and nobody gives a SHIT
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
We don't wanna read about your wettest dreams, bimbo . . .
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Nigger, shut up or die.
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
@allegorical past   Just a typical citizen of the GDR . . .
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
@cinædus Did you just burp, honey bunny?
chancho The Boss 28,834 points
the first reich (holy roman empire) lasted 1,000 years, the second reich (Bismarck's) lasted about 100 years, the third reich lasted 10 years, so we have a good idea how much the fourth is going to last
0 votes
May 3, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
die nigger die. DIE SPICNIGGER DIE. you're going to the slave ship. you're going to the plantation. the #Trump2024 reich will kill ALL NIGGERS and SPICS. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. die spicnigger die. DIE NIGGER DIE. you're going to the slave ship. you're going to the plantation. the #Trump2024 reich will kill ALL NIGGERS.
@cinædus.Ain't nobody dying for you,killing for you or going to no plantation either. Your dellusions are all you have to sustain your miserable,feeble,bitter and impotent life.Lead by example or just keep up with the pipe dream bullshit.
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Why do you love nigger so much? Are you a nigger?
chancho The Boss 28,834 points
hitler was half-jew lol
@cinædus. Who gives a shit what I am (or you either). Evil is evil, wether it be against,whites,niggers,beaners,chinks or whatever. I do apologize for forgetting time to time that this is not a gore site; it is a platform for twisted,evil,vile,down and dirty,dark hearted racists to be able to vent their impotent and futile frustrations. Carry on.
Knight Templar Overlord 6,051 points
niggers are evil themselves, they will only give evil and try to deceive that they arent. This is why White men exist, to kill all niggers and non believers off earth. Holy Deed.
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,487 points
@Knight Templar all man was born into sin but are referring beyond that, deeds are the criteria. Evil deeds=evil man. Full stop. Your racial demonizing speeches sound good to some but to the non mentally ill person, sounds pretty evil.
Nazi_sniper Experienced 361 points
Next time kill this nigger, Ok!!
+4 votes
May 3, 2023
@Nazi_sniper. Doubt if he or you will.
stupidtrashwhore Advanced 2,428 points
i love your words wise man
WaffenHanSS Intermediate 1,171 points
could be me
+1 vote
May 3, 2023
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
Love Hitler, Love Germany! I hate migrants, niggers, gipsies, indians and ukrainean
+3 votes
May 4, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points