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Raw footage of the situation in Sudan after the outbreak of clashes between military and paramilitary factions
4,292 views Apr 27, 2023

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Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
Sudan is a mini Jewkraine with niggers
+1 vote
Apr 27, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,431 points
Is it very exhausting to have so little knowledge of politics?
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
Sudan and Ukraine are two shit holes run by crooked idiots  lol
Lil_dickie Extreme Poster 535 points
So much food. Im going to sudan
0 votes
Apr 27, 2023
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
I hate America. This is what they do to other countries while claiming moral superiority after raping their kids in the name of wokeness.
0 votes
Apr 27, 2023
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
Go watch Alex Jones some more
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
I didn't even know who that was until I looked it up just now.
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
The problem with Jones is he refuses to admit the Jew mafia controls the media and financial system, and he doesn't believe violence is the way to take back America
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
Imagine supporting a government that provides massive bail outs to the psychopathic long nosed elite after their monopolies and banks collapse due to their own lazy mismanagement. Imaging supporting a government that allows child genital mutilation on a massive scale. Imagine supporting a government that intentionally inflates the currency to give yo Jews in other countries. Imagine supporting a government with positions filled almost entirely by pretentious career politicians getting rich off embezzlement and bribes while refusing to do their jobs. Imagine supporting a government that would rather ruin the lives of millions of foreigners over some oil. Imagine supporting a government that gives money to a parasitic terrorist regime in the middle east that actively tries to destroy America. Imagine supporting a government that allows a corrupt medical industry to profit off of the mentally ill by poisoning and castrating them

I used to have hope for the current government, but it has been lost due to their own actions and incompetence. I love America, but hate what it has become. Our government is evil. I hope a Caesar shows up soon to drain this fucking swamp and put an end to this corporatocracy which is destroying the foundation of our society.
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
I am so fucking tired of this stupid Semiteocracy. These Jews have no respect for anyone but themselves.
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
''This country was bought and sold a long time ago, the shit they shuffle around every four years doesn't mean a fucking thing'' ~ George Carlin
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
We live in a time where someone as bad as Donald Trump is better than most politicians. I can't stand him and when he gives speeches I hate the sound of his voice and he is a massive narcissist with a huge victim complex. I still will vote for him if he gets the republican nomination. Biden and his woke Jew libtard overlords stand for the degradation of our society. I want to see these degenerates rot in prison.
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
I understand your desperation
randomuser1829228 6 points
Wtf are u talking about literal thirdworld scumbag andy, those monkeys killed themselves, America did nothing in these scenari u fucking retard
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
Shut up @randomuser1829228 nobody asked for your opinion and nobody cares about what you have to say.
randomuser1829228 6 points
Nobody asked u in first place so what u saying? Stop commenting bullshit if u dont know wtf are u even talking about, "I hate america america did that and they are so bad" u are actually cringe kid gtfo this place
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
Shut the fuck up. You are spamming my notifications asshole.
NebuJlN Veteran 14,206 points
Any American who votes for Trump is a pro Russia too. Its your choice.
Phlegm Addicted 2,101 points
You are retarded. Trump does not support Russia. All he cares about is being admired by Americans.
unbothered66 Overlord 4,908 points
Don't see any of the BLM niggers over there protesting or helping their brothers and sister fight this war
0 votes
Apr 27, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,431 points
From Sudan, very few slaves came to America. Slaves from East Africa were sold in in Arabia . . .
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,871 points
So, a bunch of niggers are killing other niggers.
We should arm both sides!
0 votes
Apr 28, 2023
Username Intermediate 1,104 points
Yeah pretty much
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points