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Police Fatally Shoot A Black Teenager In Washington
A federal civil rights investigation is underway after U.S. Park Police fatally shot a Black teenager last month in Washington, D.C., and his family called on authorities Wednesday to charge the officers involved in the incident.

The probe, which was announced after police released videos showing the March 18 shooting that led to Dalaneo Martin's death, comes amid other high-profile cases across the country that have forced departments to re-evaluate their interactions with Black people.

“The loss of a life is always tragic but is especially heartbreaking when it involves a child,” the U.S. attorney’s office said in a statement. “On Saturday, March 18th, 17-year-old Dalaneo Martin tragically died after a shooting involving the U.S. Park Police, and we recognize that the body-worn camera footage just released of his death is extremely upsetting. We extend our condolences to Mr. Martin’s family and friends.”

The statement continued: “In coordination with the FBI Washington Field Office, the United States Attorney’s Office has opened a civil rights investigation into the circumstances leading to Mr. Martin’s death. That investigation—which we are committed to conducting diligently and thoroughly—is ongoing. As this is an open matter, we are not able to provide additional comment or release further information at this time.”

At a news conference Wednesday, attorney Andrew O. Clarke, who is representing Martin's family, invoked the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others before he asked how long would the Black community have to endure disparate treatment from police.

"Dalaneo did not have to die," he said. "How long will they be able to hide behind their badge to justify taking a life? How long will we as a community have to continue to have the talk with our young Black children because they are treated differently by police? ... We will continue to pursue justice for Dalaneo with or without the help of the federal government or the District of Columbia."

Police released two body camera videos Tuesday from the vantage point of the officers involved and a 12-minute explainer video that included officers giving medical aid to the driver before emergency medical personnel arrived. One of the two body camera videos is about 37 minutes, and the other is about 29 minutes. Officers’ faces are concealed, and some of the audio is muted.

In the explainer video, Park Police said Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department responded to a suspicious vehicle. The SUV was running, and a driver was sleeping in it. Washington police learned the SUV was stolen, Park Police said.

12,847 views Apr 6, 2023

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Knight Templar Overlord 6,057 points
All blacks are criminals
+6 votes
Apr 6, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
100% true
Dominatrix69 9 points
Are you still
Upset that your grandmother sucked a blk cock for meth
KillallFags&Niggers 0 points
@Dominatrix69 Kill yourself you nigger loving faggot.
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
@Knight Templar.Whatever you say bud.
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
@fuckthelife. Either you love lying to chum up to these creeps or are a delusional asshole.Take your pick.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
BoyButtFuck keep dreaming nigger shit skin hahahahaha
the great white hope Overlord 6,075 points
@KillallFags there it is.
@Knight Templar. @fuckthe life. The man was sleeping in his own car and shot.Sounds like a crimininal to me.But then again, you really don't care.
randomuser1829228 6 points
Are u fucking retarded or u didnt see the vid? Omg these scumbag lovers so cringe, one of them maybe? Lmaoo
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,929 points
Do we get a tax refund from the money saved by society not having to support this crumb plus any nigglets he might have sired?
That should be investigated.
+3 votes
Apr 6, 2023
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,063 points
No, when his family sues you get to shell out another 5 million
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
He was a real sleepy boi
+3 votes
Apr 6, 2023
the great white hope Overlord 6,075 points
@Knight Templar>But of course they are. Every single one ever born. Psych!
+1 vote
Apr 6, 2023
the great white hope Overlord 6,075 points
@BobbyC .Taxrefund should come after Trump is in prison for the all the covid shit.
+1 vote
Apr 6, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
serves the nigger right cops done a very good job lol
+2 votes
Apr 6, 2023
@fuckthelife.They did a great jobbing of robbing tax payers of a few million bucks.LOL.
METALG0RE Experienced 360 points
0 votes
Apr 7, 2023
unbothered66 Overlord 4,928 points
He's a nigger the family will sue and win millions thats all these ppl care about
+2 votes
Apr 7, 2023
Dominatrix69 9 points
You’re a Nigger lover.Like you’re entire hillbilly pink dick clan
unbothered66 Overlord 4,928 points
Your mother sucks my hillbilly pink dick you ugly ape cunt
@unbothered66.What you wrote makes not one bit of sense.Millions of dollars for murdered family is all they care about? WTF? NOne the less, it is richly deserved and the two dumb ass cops (while happy as you are a black was blazed down) will live with the fact they are making his family millionaires while they carry on with their shitty jobs.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,112 points
Hillbilly pink dick ? Sorry kiddo but you best look at a niggers rotten hot dog looking pecker before you start calling a white man a pink dick LMAO, Me thinks you’ve either never seen a white mans cock or you’ve been watching too much kiddie porn lol, probably a little of both huh kid ! Tsk Tsk
Major Pwner 34 points
Man... saying a stinky nigger sucks your dick isn't a way of disproving you're a nigger lover.
Just saying.
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
this dude was sleeping in his damn car, minding his fucking business....wasn't stealing or anything....a false suspicion call....led not only to these folks vandalizing this dude's property but to add insult to injury, death. The people actually doing know e.g those people stealing from walmart and walking away; nothing happens to them; but an innocent black man minding his business; this is what happens. Those cops need to serve life in prison; money is nice but it won't bring that innocent black man back. Funny; these cops...specifically target innocent black men; but the thugs and the black women breaking into people's homes, robbing walmart and other grocery stores, harassing innocent people; these cops give those scum just a slap on the wrist; seen it too many times. These police....their reputation is already so bad most ppl hang up on them when they call for donations. You know what? Fuck it; abolish the police; let all citizens have the right to open carry; and let establishments hire their own security. It's obvious that Police are a waste of taxpayer funding
0 votes
Apr 7, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
Ever notice how >90% of the countries on this planet have issues with blacks?
They might be on to something
Bfotv Advanced 2,734 points
Afterwards it's the problem of the whites who have neglected slavery
thatoneguyMike06 Addicted 1,924 points
"Washington police learned the SUV was stolen, Park Police said"

Yeah I don't think it was his car...
@Ryan2883.When white people clean up their act and stop destroying p[lanet,then you can worry about blacks going around sleeping in their own cars.
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
You actually think ya'll can change from being worthless leeches?
If it weren't for every other race helping you, all of you would have gone extinct or still living like the subhumans on north sentinel island.
You're welcome
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,112 points
@Ryan2883 Hey bro you can’t make sense to a nigger, they want to live in a white mans world without the white man ! What they don’t know is the guilty ones that are destroying the planet are the so called jews IE synagogue of Satan !
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,697 points
I would have expected this at the McDonald's parking lot. Shame on that black kid.
+1 vote
Apr 7, 2023
FTW Experienced 493 points
Later nigger
+1 vote
Apr 7, 2023
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
another shit stain cleaned off the face of the earth
+2 votes
Apr 8, 2023
@Killer on the road . And more rich shit stains getting paid for the pure stupidity of white cops.
zzzz Beginner 189 points
he dindu nuffin
0 votes
Apr 9, 2023
thatoneguyMike06 Addicted 1,924 points
I may sound like a sellout for saying this, but Dalaneo Martin was not innocent here. He stole a car, resisted arrest, essentially kidnapped a police officer, and was shot for it. Even after being told to stop, he continued to drive recklessly. Had the officer not shot, Martin likely would have crashed and killed himself, the officer, and possibly another driver. I am tired of black people ignoring facts and automatically pulling the race card because a white cop shot a black person.
+1 vote
Apr 11, 2023
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
@thatoneguyMike06 I don't know the whole story. I am talking based on the video here. These cops...were actually able to stealthily open the car and get in it. you would figure that they would use a taser on this dude but nooo...someone wanted to be "rambo"; the cops had no fucking self control; now the taxpayers in that city....are about to pay for the actions of those irresponsible cops
imnotyou Experienced 361 points
the fact your actually commenting and providing your own insight makes you, unlike 90 percent of the idiots on here you  ACTUALLY comment and have something to say. love you! <3
thatoneguyMike06 .Perfectably reasonable,but the race will always be played when a white cop kills a black. It is what it is.However,the dude was sleeping in his own car. He committed no crime and the cops burst into his car. In this day and age cops will take a white person's word about a black supspect without question.Hence,the race card played.
Major Pwner 34 points
The car was stolen, dipshit. Not only did he steal a car... he left it running and slept in it on the fucking street. He deserved to die just for that level of stupidity, never mind his crimes.
ᴰᵘᵐᵇ ᴬˢˢʰᵒˡᵉ ᴺᵎᵍᵍᵉʳ Omega 22,274 points
ᴰᵘᵐᵇ ᴬˢˢʰᵒˡᵉ ᴺᵎᵍᵍᵉʳ
0 votes
Sep 29, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
What do the niggers say? "Caught him lacking"?
0 votes
Oct 29, 2023
MentallyRetarded Veteran 12,234 points
Nice view.
0 votes
Nov 3, 2023
Major Pwner 34 points
Fucking retard cops. Could have put a spike strip down in front of the fucking car, or handled it a dozen other ways instead of letting this nigger crash into someone's damn house. Useless morons. They're as stupid as the nig nogs they kill.
0 votes
Jan 16
WelcomeToHell2 Experienced 451 points
Another happy ending...A Nigger in a stolen car with a gun gets killed and the Nigger family wants money.  Lol
0 votes
Jan 18