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Viral First Helping Later In India - Rape Victim
People filming 13Yo rape victim in india instead taking her for medical help.
132,860 views Mar 29, 2023

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Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
What a bunch of subhuman degenerates. Even this video recorder. Fuck
+2 votes
Mar 29, 2023
Dalits 89 points
it's in the india cultures and religions.........most hindu men are bisexual or gays, and that's why brutal towards women !! Won't be surprised rapists are in the group taking selfies.
Killallniggers 0 points
Dirty curry niggers are all rapists
Dalits 89 points
@Killallniggers Just by looking at your user ID, you sure deserve a FREE beer !
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
All the video recording pigs should also be jailed and catastrated. They bring shame to Men.
0 votes
Mar 29, 2023
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
Shut the fuck up, you disgusting indian! You all indians are rapist who smells like piss and shit
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Did ur mom smell indians when she got raped ?
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
Hahahaha, no! These subhumans work in my country and they smell like piss and shit. They are throw out from malls, supermarkets cuz they smell like shit! you disgusting ugly indian
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Which country are u from filthy whoreson with a pigskin ? U smell like pizza vomit lol.  U do know u were result of your mom whoring right ? How many bfs does ur whore mother have in the name of relationship u cultureless, self respect lacking neanderthal monkey brain ?
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
90% of indians shits on the streets or in Gange, you disgusting sand nigger, hahahaha! Nothing can remove your shitty smell, not even the best shampoon, you skinny ugly indian, hahahahha
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Emm u alright ? U seem to be suffering from subhuman levels of hatred. Lol get well soon.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,541 points
Hes a retarded gypsy faggot, that's why hes always upset
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,066 points
You can't teach the pajeets. I'm pretty sure the rapist is also there recording her
0 votes
Mar 29, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,495 points
Jesus, everytime i read one of your stupid comments i am sad that the Internet is between us.
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
Hey, @NebuJIN why all indins smell like piss and shit? It's something in their skin or something?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Nah we bath everysingle day cause we live in a hot country. Pigskins bath once a week in their coldass countries, carry the dirt on their body and hide it with spraying ton of perfume. U don't use water like us to wash ur red baboon ass, and carry dry shitflakes on ur ass. Water is more hygienic that shitwiper paper.
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,066 points
@FocussedMonk so you are one of the paJeets?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
What the fuck does that even mean. Pajeet seems like a sikh (punjabi) name.
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,066 points
All the indians are pajeet mr.pajeet
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Hahaha. That's a sikh name not Hindu. Not all Indian are sikh. So fuck off. Wtf are u ? Billy ? Tyrone ?
NakedLunch Advanced 2,267 points
India ...what a shit hole. Nuke them all
+1 vote
Mar 29, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
U shithead. This also happened in US. But worse. People didn't help women being raped right in front of them in philadelphia metro. Country doesn't matter. Ignorant stupid people exist everywhere.
NakedLunch Advanced 2,267 points
Bla bla bla. U are so annoying....and why the fuck every time you talk to me, you mention events that happened in the US?  Do you understand kid that I do not live in America?  I've told you a million times already, I'm not concerned with what happens in the USA. Period
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
I don't care where  u from. U spoke like a true crackhead. So applying ur logic, lets nuke USA for recording rape in metro to jack off later.
Neanderthal logic  hahahaha
Fuckyoumoron 18 points
Stfu in india tourists with their husbands aren't safe they will rape anything that walks.
qwertyuovo8 Experienced 266 points
Semen can be detected on exhaust pipes of all cars in India
+1 vote
Mar 29, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
normal life in that  pajeet shit hole
+1 vote
Mar 29, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
U shithead. This also happened in US. But worse. People didn't help women being raped right in front of them in philadelphia metro. Country doesn't matter. Ignorant stupid people exist everywhere.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Rape rates of India are literally the lowest. All western countries are rape and porn capitals of the world.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
o!!! shit head the reason why it is low recorded in the shit hole India is Because no one reports it india is a pedo shit hole
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Shit eating redmonkey, the same happens in every country. The point was shameless monkeys recording rape to jack off later in metro.
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
Rape rate in India are the biggest in the world, you sand nigger! All your women reject the men from that shitty country and they choose to rape goats or even kids
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Lmao India's rape rate is 2.6 only far below ur pigskin whore culture rape and porn capitals of west . Which have rape rates in double digits. Lol. U speak like a uneducated neanderthal.
Bullshark2023 Experienced 333 points
Welcome to Curry Country India
Most stupid and scumbags of people after CHINA
0 votes
Mar 30, 2023
VXIAE Extreme Poster 730 points
0 votes
Mar 30, 2023
prettygoreslxtt Beginner 139 points
All Indians are the same. All ugly rapist fuckers.
0 votes
May 12, 2023
Flapoonge Intermediate 1,432 points
Indians lack empathy.
0 votes
May 19, 2023
schizo_dude21 Beginner 113 points
typical india
0 votes
Aug 11, 2023
Marshall75 Famous 3,109 points
Her cunt was flooded with unwanted man juice.
0 votes
Sep 30, 2023
Hachiman Hikigaya 86 points
Fuckin bullshit what a shame to my country
0 votes
Feb 27, 2024
Sillyshrimp 80 points
stupid fucking fags. all those fuckers in india just stand around like brainless idiots with no other life than to film.
0 votes
Apr 4, 2024
Chucky 53 points
The police should have arrested all of them
0 votes
Jun 2, 2024
Fuckyoumoron 18 points
What do you expect from these morons. It's india they don't care they would have probably joined in too. Look at how many girls are raped in india tourists with their husbands aren't safe. Total morons
0 votes
Jul 9, 2024
CVNTYBITCH 22 points
absolute scum of the earth
0 votes
Jul 17, 2024
borogue Experienced 441 points
retarted chunks, Pajeets A living Animal as always!
0 votes
Aug 12, 2024
BaeSuzyyy 77 points
Stupid pajeet
0 votes
Aug 19, 2024
Somebody's account 2 points
This is tragical.. hope that girl is okay soon
0 votes
Mar 15