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And he has exaggerated a bit . . .

15,861 views Mar 28, 2023

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Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,232 points
Good one
+5 votes
Mar 28, 2023
Croatoan23 Overlord 6,621 points
The most dedicated muslim. No eating or drinking for months. Mashallah allahu snackbar
+4 votes
Mar 28, 2023
Livgore0sj 0 points
so why u being so mad ugly skeleton
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Quran says "black people look like devil".
Pedophile prophet muhammad traded and owned black slaves.
But still these shameless unga bunga negros keep being muslims and doing arab slavery. Pisslam is fastest growing courtesy of poor niggers of africa being converted forcefully or by getting money. Also they breed like cockroaches. Negro countries have highest breeding rate. This is how Islam spread inshalullah. Alla hu fuckbar
+4 votes
Mar 28, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Muhammad fucked his 9 year old wife when he was in his fifties the dirty pedo cunt.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
He also licked little penis of his baby grandson Hasan. Frenchkissed and left his saliva in mouth of Hasan. Raped many war captured women. Told others to do the same. Got anal fucked doggystyle by a gang of dark and tall people in the forest. Got creampied on his asshole by another guy.

This pedophile, bisexual literally created a religion to get laid and do pedophilia legally.

All facts in their own books.
Islamist 18 points
Show me you cow worshipper
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@Islamist Lmao. Do u really think its offending anyone ?Even though as a agnostic/athiest, i would consider cow worshipping or any other pagan worshipping literally far far better option for spiritual peaceful life than having a religion that has anything to do with a pedophile, child rapist, war mongerer, captured women rapist. Read ur books filthy jobless uneducated muslim sheepheaded. Your cult is far off from spirituality. Its only filled with insecure bitches and politicians that always act like zombie sisterfuckers. No religious christian or hindu cheered or would cheer killing people just because they think others disrespect Jesus or Krishna. Because their belief is stronger than insecure bitchass muslims. They literally consider their gods and his words as eternal truth, just like for example if we believe "sun is spherical". Do u think we would become offended by someone saying "sun isn't spherical". No. Thats because we believe in it so hard that its a reality to us. They are really secure about their beliefs. Unlike showoff muslims who all have insecurity within their beliefs. U may say inshalullah, allah fuckbar may times to showoff ur "fake faith". But on the inside ur a insecure little bitch about ur fakeass religion and u do know it. "Peaceful muslm" inhumane degenerate cunts literally cheered on many terrorist attacks and innocent killing, just because someone from other country disrespected their beliefs.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@Islamist And as for the hadiths. I literally shitted a ton load of ur hadiths and verbally raped ur muhammad couple of months ago and u ate all my shit like it was ur favorite halal food. U just keep oinking "this is unathentic, that is" bullshit to every hadith. U will even go on justifying how muhammad fucking pre pubescent wasn't bad. Dumb halala nikah whoreson goat fucker why do ur books still carry unauthentic shits if they are false ?
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points

AFTERLYFË -23 points
Then how come Muhammad freed bibal and others
AFTERLYFË -23 points
AFTERLYFË -23 points
1. Women mature quickly in hot climates 2. Aisha is not some regular 9 year old she fought in battle? Gave knowledge to others and led armys
AFTERLYFË -23 points
hadith consists of two parts, the chain of transmission (isnad) and the text itself (matn). In order for a hadith to be authentic, the isnad has to meet 6 different criteria. You uneducated retard
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Obsessed lol, go outside
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Brother it’s not worth fighting theses retards
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Ironic that you calling him jobless even tho you wrote a entire paragraph expressing your bigotry go outside
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Listen to this sand nigger ,
Aisha isn't a normal 9 year old he says. Hahah

Dumb piglet, if women did mature faster in hot climates. Why do they have normal age of consent now in arab nations ? Women stopped maturing fast now ?
Forget that. Aisha was prepubescent and hadn't even reached age of puberty.
Source : sahih al bukari 6130

Age of puberty is 9-14 average.
This is the period when a child matures into women. Its like period of pregnancy. Can u remove the baby before 9 months ?
Same way u can't fuck a girl before completion of puberty.
Even if she was 14-15(matured) at the time of her r*pe, 56 year old muhammad would still qualify for the definition of pedophile, child rapist.
Every sanddunk nigger copes differently. Its fun hating u cockroaches. Its my leisure time. Its weird to call hating disease (terrorism) spreading pests as "obsession" lol.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@Adelf Hitlor  Don't be so harsh on Muhammad, (Piss Be Upon Him). He married Aisha when she was six. A gentleman waits until she's nine before raping his child bride.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@Focussed Monk If you really want to understand the double-think that is Pisslam, read "Reliance of the Traveler".
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
AI generated image of Muhammad's wife

Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
That's about right. Poor little kid.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
How can u post pics here ? Help
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
I think you have to have so many points or something, but ask one of the guys with way more points. They'd know better than my dumb ass. If you have the option, there should be listed under "Extra Privileges".
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
How. U and adolf have same points. He can post but u don't know ? Maybe he knows.
Hey hitler help o/
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Hey bro, are you on PC or Mac? If PC, double click and copy the image. Then paste it into the box where you type comments. If that doesn't work, then copy the image address and paste that in. I'm doing that now, but I'm not sure if it works. If you see a funny Muhammad cartoon, it worked.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Jost post the image url into the comment box and it will appear when you add comment.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
AFTERLYFË -23 points
the Arabs now have better living conditions then before
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Because they have oil money lol. And as for saudi arabia which is the only true progressing arab country, they don't include religion in state governance. They are secular state. They are non shariah. They aren't religion based country. They are industrialist and progressive. They have all haram things going on lol. How is that islamic ?
AFTERLYFË -23 points
They used to be Islamic before they changed
AFTERLYFË -23 points
The age of consent in Arab nations is based on legal and cultural factors, not on the rate of maturity of girls in those regions.

Furthermore, the incident you are referring to involving Aisha is a historical event that took place over 1400 years ago in a different cultural and societal context. It is not appropriate to apply modern ethical and moral standards to the actions of individuals from the past.

Lastly, the use of terms like "pedophile" and "child rapist" is inappropriate and inaccurate in this context. The age of consent and the definition of pedophilia have evolved over time and across cultures. It is important to be mindful of these differences when discussing historical events.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
The source you named is that before Muhammad had intercourse with Aisha, he waited for her to mature. If he was a pedophile, why were most of his wives in their early twenties, thirties, and forties? Even Muhammad's enemies didn't have a problem with it
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
"He waited for her to mature till age of 9."
Truely great guy lol.

Lets look at facts and science. Cause u just showed to me that pedophile worshippers don't understand the concept of puberty :-

Aisha was prepubescent and hadn't even reached age of puberty.
Source : sahih al bukari 6130

Age of puberty is 9-14 average.
What is puberty ?
This is the period when a girl child matures into women. Its like period of pregnancy. Can u remove the baby before 9 months ?
Same way u can't fuck a girl before completion of puberty.
Even if she was 14-15(matured) at the time of her r*pe, 56 year old muhammad would still qualify for the definition of pedophile, child rapist.
ZohaibMelton1212 0 points
poste mehr bitte
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
@AFTERLYFË Are you criticising Muhammad and his actions? You do know the punishment for this? Are you saying what he did wasn't ethical or moral?
AFTERLYFË -23 points
medical professionals generally consider the onset of puberty to occur between 8 and 13 years of age for girls. This means that a girl can potentially be physically capable of reproduction at an age younger than 14, which is the average age of onset of puberty.

However, it is also important to note that Islam has specific guidelines regarding the age of marriage, and these guidelines have evolved over time. While there are some instances in Islamic history where marriages were contracted at a young age, it is generally understood that the marriage should not be consummated until both partners are physically and emotionally ready for it.

Regarding the accusation of pedophilia, it is important to note that the definition of pedophilia involves a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. The fact that Aisha had reached puberty before consummating her marriage with the Prophet Muhammad means that their relationship cannot be considered pedophilia by definition.

Furthermore, it is unfair to judge the actions of individuals in the past using the moral and ethical standards of the present day. While it is important to acknowledge and learn from historical events, it is also important to do so in a contextually appropriate manner. In the context of seventh-century Arabia, the marriage between the Prophet Muhammad and Aisha was not considered unusual or unethical. And the source you mentioned is before Muhammad had intercourse with Aisha
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
So, tell me again why you are defending a 53 year old man having sex with a 9 year old girl. Just because it happened 1400 years ago doesn't make it right. People were barbaric savages with low mental faculties in those days. Why can't you say the truth, that Muhammad was a dirty bastard that fucked a kid and was wrong? And that muslims see him as the perfect human and emulate his actions?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
[Medical professions] [This means that a girl can potentially be physically capable of reproduction at an age younger than 14] [Aisha had reached puberty before consummating her marriage]

You dumbfuck. She was nowhere near to 14. She was just 9 and her puberty hadn't hit yet.

Proof :::: Sahih al bukari 6130 : "Aisha hadn't reached age of puberty and still used to play with dolls. She was a little girl"

Even if she had reached puberty muhammad being 56 and her being 9 is still considered pedophilia. Stop coping and being a pathetic human. Physical maturation isn't the only important thing. Do u think a 9 year old child can give birth to a baby ? What a pathetic idiot. Just imagining that makes me vomit at ur pedo muhammad. Nobody is physically and emotionally matured at the start of puberty ,u scumbag.
Just imagine a 56 with a 6 year old makes me think humanity died. She brought her dolls to play with in his house man. She was still a innocent child. I feel bad. Disgusting excuse of a religion.

He even had many concubines (sex slaves) taken as war booty by killing his enemies. Do u think the women whose husband he just killed would comply to ur rapist muhammad ?
Garbage scum rapist and pedophile.

He even encouraged his followers to marry young virgins and shared the women slaves captured in war.
(Sahih muslim 1438a)
He said the a women's consent is her silence (sunan ibn majah 1871)
He used to go around having sex with his 11 wives he had strength of 30 men. Lol
Then he created a verse so that people who come to his home for dinner at night go away early so he can start having sex early. Quran 33:53

What fucking "words of god" seems like god knew muhammad was trobled by his guests at night so he ordered them to go away fast so he can start having sex.

During holy war on non believrs he says his followers can temporarily marry women for 3 days. Pure prostitution
Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Hadith Number 139

He says to kill non believers take their women and children as slaves, he stopped freeing of slaves, shared them like carrots, he said to kill the slaves that try to escape and run away.

He also creates a verse so that he can marry his adopted son's wife by making him divorce her.

Only muhammad could marry more than 4
Only divorced women of muhammad couldn't remarry they were prohibited
If muhammad desires a married women then she should divorce him and marry muhammad.


Disgusting filthy inhumane and barbaric cult was made when a incel wanted to get laid and abuse women and children.

All sources ::
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Firstly, it is important to understand the historical and cultural context in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived. The practice of marrying young girls was common in many societies at that time, and it was not seen as problematic. It is also worth noting that Aisha (RA), the young girl mentioned in the text, was not only married to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but also remained his devoted and influential wife for many years. Their marriage was consummated only when she reached puberty, which was a norm at that time.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Nah she didn't hit puberty sahi bukari 6130 clearly says this.

Even if puberty had started at 9 for her, do u really think at that age girls are capable of giving birth to health child and breastfeeding them ? At freaking 9 ? U just make me loose hope in humanity.

In past many dirty thinks were norm. When islamic invaders came, hindu widows would jump in fire and commit suicide to avoid getting enslaved by tyrants. But soon this self choice of women to suicide was wrongly seen as culture. So many women were forced to commit suicide after they became widows.

If any women got educated, she would be seen as witch and burnt in the europe.

The same way marrying of pre pubescents and black slavery and slavery, war and loot were common during islamic conquest.

We humans aren's some stupid sheeps to follow those practices. Those weren't good times.
Religions were made to control masses of people, control women (cause educated and independent women are not easy to groom into forced marriages). Religious incels.
They were made give some explaination to people about our existance so concepts of god, hell and heaven were created. The knowledge of that time is outdated. We have science we don't need to believe now, we can seek. If the existance of God can be proved by anyone, then it is science.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
the issue of concubines and slaves was not unique to Islam or to Muhammad. In fact, it was a common practice among many societies throughout history, including ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews. While Islam did not abolish the practice of slavery outright, it did introduce numerous reforms that sought to improve the treatment of slaves, such as freeing slaves as a form of expiation for certain sins, encouraging them to be educated and treated humanely, and prohibiting the separation of families.

Regarding the temporary marriage practice you mentioned, it is important to note that this was a cultural practice in pre-Islamic Arabia and was not initiated by Islam or Muhammad. In fact, Muhammad sought to regulate and limit the practice in order to prevent the exploitation of women.

As for the verse you mentioned about Muhammad's guests leaving early, it actually has nothing to do with sex. The verse in question (Quran 33:53) refers to Muhammad's need for privacy so that he can engage in important discussions with his closest companions without interruption. that Muhammad encouraged killing non-believers and taking their women and children as slaves, it is important to note that Islam has clear guidelines on the conduct of war, including the protection of civilians and the prohibition of killing non-combatants. The Prophet Muhammad himself is reported to have said: "Do not kill a child, a woman, or an old man in war." (Sunan Abi Dawud 2614).

Furthermore, Islam strongly condemns slavery and encourages the freeing of slaves. The Prophet Muhammad himself is reported to have said: "Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will free every limb of his body from the Hellfire in return for every limb of the slave's body." (Sahih Muslim 2315)

There were instances where the Prophet Muhammad and his companions took prisoners of war, but they were treated humanely and with respect. The prisoners were either freed or exchanged for Muslim prisoners. There is no evidence to suggest that the Prophet Muhammad condoned the killing of slaves or their mistreatment. He even encouraged his followers to marry young virgins and shared the women slaves captured in war" is a misrepresentation of the actual teachings of Islam. Firstly, it is important to note that Islam does not promote or condone any form of forced marriage or non-consensual sexual relations. As for the statement that "He said the a women's consent is her silence," this is a misinterpretation of a hadith (narration) from Sunan Ibn Majah. The full narration states that a woman's silence can be taken as an indication of her consent in certain situations, such as during sexual intercourse between a husband and wife, when there is no explicit refusal of consent. This is not to say that a woman's silence is always an indication of consent, and it is important to obtain explicit and enthusiastic consent from one's partner in all situations.

Therefore, the claim that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged the marriage of young girls and condoned non-consensual sexual relations is unfounded and not supported by Islamic teachings. Muhammad allowed temporary marriages for the purpose of prostitution during war is inaccurate. The temporary marriage, known as "mut'ah," was practiced by some Muslims during the early years of Islam for a limited time and under specific circumstances, such as travel or need. However, the practice was later prohibited by the Prophet himself, as well as by his companions.

In Sahih Muslim, which is one of the most respected books of Hadith in Sunni Islam, there is a narration in which the Prophet Muhammad forbids the practice of temporary marriage: "O people, I had permitted you to contract temporary marriages with women, but Allah has forbidden it until the Day of Resurrection, so whoever has any such marriage contracts, let him release them and do not take anything back of what you have given to them." (Sahih Muslim 1406 d) Zaid (the adopted son of the Prophet) was married to Zaynab, but their marriage was not a happy one. Zaynab had become unhappy in her marriage and the Prophet, seeing this, initially tried to reconcile them but it did not work. Eventually, Zaynab and Zaid agreed to divorce each other.

After the divorce, the Prophet Muhammad married Zaynab. This marriage was not done in order to satisfy any sexual desires, but rather to set an example that adoption does not sever the ties of kinship and that it is permissible for a man to marry his former daughter-in-law.

Furthermore, the Qur'an clearly states that adoption is not the same as biological parenthood and that it is important to maintain the ties of kinship:

"God has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body: nor has He made your wives whom ye divorce by Zihar your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But God tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way." (Qur'an 33:4)

Therefore, the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad and Zaynab was not a result of any wrongdoing on his part, but rather a way to set an example and maintain the ties of kinship in the community.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
It is important to recognize that religion can have different meanings and purposes for different people. While some may use it as a means of control, others may find solace and guidance in their faith. Additionally, it is unfair to generalize and dismiss the religious practices and beliefs of millions of people as outdated and irrelevant.

Furthermore, science and religion are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Many scientists throughout history have been deeply religious and have found inspiration in their faith. In fact, science has helped to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the complexity and beauty of the natural world, which can also be seen as a manifestation of the divine.

Ultimately, it is up to individuals to determine the role that religion plays in their lives. For some, it may provide comfort, community, and a sense of purpose. For others, it may not be relevant or necessary. However, it is important to approach these conversations with respect and an open mind, rather than dismissive and derogatory statements.
Islamist 18 points
@AFTERLYF wallahi these guys studied Islam from Reddit lmfao.

And this Indian cow worshipper still cries on smth that was 1400 years ago, where there seems zero issue among the people at the time and to A'isha r.a.

Maybe he should look at his own nation, consuming the most of cp with high rxpe cases. Disgusting
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Wallah what ? Hahaha i don't even use reddit. And even if i study islam from reddit whats wrong. Exmuslim channel there obliterates ur shitshow pedophile worshipping prepubescent raping religion with your own hadiths.
So yeah, i studies islam by your hadiths. Its clearly a cult made so that muhammad could get laid and practice pedophilia and kissing little kids.

And i ain't any pagan. Idon't worship anything.
I believe the presence or absense of god will be proved only by advancements of science. Its amazing.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
India rape rate : 2.6 per 100000
Saudi arabia shariah shithole : 5.6 per 100000

Islamic countries top the chart in highest domestic violence against women in married couple, human rights violation like killing people for just dancing in street like in iran, killing people for being homosexuals even in private.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
No way your talking about that apostle prophet dude lol, all of his claims has been debunked
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Saudi Arabia doesn’t even follow shariah lol, Islam forbids domestic violence, Iran government is corrupt
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
This can be stupidest shit i have heard from u. Islam literally says to beat women (and don't even say little, lol, women are beaten black and blue even in hadiths and in real).

And btw i understand that exmuslims can be defeated in debate because of their lack of putting points together. So i do my own study of religions and history.
Islamist 18 points
There is a hadith where the prophet forbids any pain causing hurtings to a woman.
Stop talking shit
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Sahih al bukari, Book of Dress, Hadith 715 with grade Sahih says something very different. U all speak without references. I speak every word with reference.

Abdur rehman's wife came to prophet's house to complaint. aisha saw her green bruises and said "i haven't seen any women suffer more than believers". Mhmd didn't condemn abdur rehman for that. Instead he said, "u can't divorce him unless he gets to bang u first". Then he sees his kids and calls them crows.

Mhmd didn't condemn abdur rehman for getting her bruised up. Instead he says that,

 "the women who complain about their husbands to my wifes are bad women".
[Hadith Of The Sunan Of Abu Dawud, book 12, hadith 2141 Grade Sahih (Al-Albani)]

just LOL
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
The quran specifically allows a man to beat his wife for disobedience you apologist retard.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
What kind of beating ?

Islam has specific guidelines that a Muslim must follow if he wants to beat his wife.

It must be a light striking “Those who do so, that is, those who take to beating their wives, are not the best among you". Riyad as-Salihin 279
 Even the prophet didn’t beat his wives

Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, never struck anything with his hand, neither a woman nor a servant, unless he was fighting in the way of Allah.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2328
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,150 points
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,681 points
It is the first test subject to try to make a black person turn white. I would call it a win.
+3 votes
Mar 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
this should happen to all Muzzies
+5 votes
Mar 28, 2023
AFTERLYFË -23 points
This will be you in hell
Spamton G. Spamton Natural Addict 8,964 points
Will go to heaven [of hungerrr]
+2 votes
Mar 28, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Ramadan fasting to the extreme. Inshallah he will have his 72 goat virgins. Aloha snackbar.
+3 votes
Mar 29, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
No water, eating high colestrol food right after long period of fast. Unhealthy af.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
This guy seemed really committed to the fast. I mean, he did lose a lot of weight. Look at what a skinny legend he became!
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
But yeah, you're right. It is unhealthy af.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
bestiality is forbidden in Islam

Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 4464
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
But pedophilia and terrorism is not only legal but promoted.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Don't forget the slavery too.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Read about the Muhammad 9 rules of war, the women must reach physical maturity

Source: Quran 4:6
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Kuran 65:4 - talks about giving divorce to non menstruating pre pubescent girls lmao.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
I’ll take the L for that one, you marry pre pubescent girls but they can’t live with you and you can’t have sex with them until they reach physical, mental maturity
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Dude do u know what the waiting period is ?

Its the period after divorce to verify if she is pregnant.
Why do u need to verify that a pre pubescent is pregnant ? Wtf. Its common sense. It was common to have sex with pre pubescents that's why they verified for pregnancy.
U can even see the pre pubescent fucking in case of muhammad and aysha too (bukari 6130).
AFTERLYFË -23 points
Dude I’m getting real tried to repeating this, This was before Muhammad had intercourse with Aisha
AFTERLYFË -23 points
In Islam, slavery is not an inherent right, and slaves have certain rights that must be respected. For example, they have the right to be treated humanely, to be fed and clothed adequately, and to be protected from harm. Slaves are also allowed to earn money and buy their freedom if they so choose.

Furthermore, Islam encourages the freeing of slaves as an act of charity and good deeds. It is considered a highly meritorious act to free slaves, and Muslims are encouraged to do so whenever possible.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
I know this is off topic but nice profile picture is that your cat??
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Ah so god approves of slavery? Sounds like a human trait not a omnipotent all knowing being trait. Seems like Allah approves of wife beating for disobedience, once again another a human trait. The quran was written to scare and amaze people who then had the IQ of an average 10 year old today. It is full of fallacies e.g. a geocentric view of the universe when it is heliocentric. Or Earth and the heavens were created at the same time in 6 days when Earth appeared 9 billion years after the big bang and with the universe aged at 13.8 billion years. Allah for some reason doesn't understand nucleosynthesis even though he was supposed to have created everything. I could go on and on about how much stupid bullshit is in the quran that is make believe and fantasy but can't be bothered.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Dude, u can go to my google drive. U will see the verses in which muhammad himself cancelled freeing of slaves, and sold them. And many other bad things.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Haha, No this is temple cat that lives in temple near my house. Whenever i go there this recognises me and come to me.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
It is not forbidden. The verses refer to "Those whom your right hands possess", and only the animal is punished by death. The man only has to wash his dick, same as if he has sex with an adult woman or a child. One problem with the Quran and its questionable sexual morality lies in the translation of the Arabic. Take this verse for example: "The Originator of the heavens and the earth; He made mates (azwajan) for you from among yourselves, and mates (azwajan) of the cattle too, multiplying you thereby; nothing like a likeness of Him; and He is the Hearing, the Seeing. S. 42:11 Shakir" Why mention creating cow concubines for man in addition to women? These are mentioned in the teachings and interpretations of Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Eww wtf. "Cow concubines"
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Ikr? Fucking gross is what it is, just like it's fucking gross that they rape kids. Does he not know bacha bazi is a thing? The Quran also tells men to beat their wives and plow them like fields. It also endorses slavery and the murder of anyone who will not convert. I think he forgets that most of the stupid book was written during Muhammad's very angry, stabby, rapey Medina phase. Also, in Saudi Arabia, it's legal to fuck your wife up to 8 hours AFTER she's dead. Muhammad was a necrophile, a pedophile, and a wanton murderer who bathed in sewer water and believed he flew to the moon on a donkey to slice the moon in half.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Don't forget the cosanguine relationships where many muslims marry their first cousins. Where I live this causes so many problems regarding health care and infant mortality. Makes you wonder if inbreeding was specifically allowed leading to causation of retardation and low IQ, therefore more people will continue to believe the stupid made up bullshit in the quran. The other option is to kill anyone who leaves the religion once they find out how stupid it is. This allows perpetual growth on a huge scale. Eventually  it will die out due to the human genome being corrupted from so much inbreeding, recessive gene disorders and people just becoming useless retards unable to function, dying from simple diseases or not surviving childbirth. I think this Allah hasn't thought things through.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Allah also gives special previlages for Muhammad to have best possible sex life.

One such instance is VERY FUNNY :-

Muhammad used to go around having sex with his 9 wives (excluding slaves) all night long. He had strength of 30 men.
(Sahih al-Bukhari 268, Book 5, Hadith 21)

But at night people used to come visit him after having their dinner. This troubled prophet's sex life. So allah gives a quranic verse right then,

Do not enter the house of prophet without invitation. And even when invited for dinner, leave as soon as u finish dinner. Because propet is shy of dismissing u. But me, allah is not shy of truth.
(Quran 33:53)
HAHAHAHA ITS Funny he used to create verses however he liked.

Now second funny thing,
When we ask stupid islamists why prophet had so many wives. They say, "prophet married many widows to give them a happy life and to normalise marrying widows".

But, the marrying the wives of prophet after his death or after his divorce was totally condemned and was not permissible. (Quran 33:53)

What an insecure degenerate he was...
What a stupid cult. How can people find this serious and worshippable ? There are not even any metaphorical moral lessons here. Its all literal shit.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
lol what? who said it all took the same amount of time? rather, Allah swt says in the Quran that the total time of creation was 6 days but the creation of the earth took 2 days. the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years and the age of earth is 4.54 billion years according to modern science. 2/6 as I'm sure you know is 1/3, so what's 4.54 billion / 13.7 billion? it's literally 0.33 rounded to two decimal places. a man from 1400 years ago (saws) knowing that earth was created in 1/3 the time of the total universe is nothing short of a miracle and proves the Quran is from God.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
the statement that a man only needs to wash his genitals after having sex with a child or an adult woman is deeply troubling and lacks any basis in Islamic teachings. Islam promotes the importance of mutual consent and respect in sexual relations, and any form of sexual activity without consent is considered a grave sin.

Regarding the verse mentioned in the argument, it is essential to note that the reference to "mates of cattle" does not imply that they are meant for sexual pleasure or as concubines for men. The verse merely highlights the diversity and variety of Allah's creations, including animals, and emphasizes the importance of gratitude for the blessings of Allah.

Finally, the interpretation of Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi is just one of many interpretations of Islamic texts and is not representative of the diverse and complex nature of Islamic teachings. It is essential to approach Islamic texts with nuance and sensitivity, taking into account their historical and cultural context.
AFTERLYFË -23 points
First of all he intercourse with his wives, not slaves Matter of fact the word slave is not even In there second, the verse you mentioned about Muhammad's guests leaving early, it actually has nothing to do with sex. The verse in question (Quran 33:53) refers to Muhammad's need for privacy so that he can engage in important discussions with his closest companions without interruption, third The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) married a number of women for various reasons, including political alliances, providing protection and support for widows and orphans,
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Lol so much effort. Its not even impressive. Anybody can make annalogies for age of earth like that. U will be surprised to know that an astrophysicist Carl segan quoted things from Hindu texts about the age of earth. And its 4.32 billion years exactly. Islamic texts are so unscientific in astronomy calling earth as a spread out bed, sun sets in mud pool, semen is produced near backbone, moon split into two halves etc.

The only civilisation and culture that has been right about universe and earth many times is Sanatan dharma (Hinduism). Don't be shy to read. I m an athiest myself.

Vedas 7000 years old (verbal form of sages) (in written form :--1500BCE, 3500 years old) are the oldest books that call earth spherical. In vedic sanskrit they called it "bhugol" bhu=bio , gol = sphere.
First describes the concept of atom (parmanu).
Calls this universe as (Maya) illusion and says we are living in a simulation/matrix. Which seems so true in this generation and is trending topic discussed by scientists.
For the first time in history, the wave and particle nature of universe is discussed. It calls the universe and everything in it to be composed of waves. Which was proven to be true in 20th century in young's double slit experiment by scientists.

Literally Hinduism directly estimates age of earth to be 4.32 billion years old. THe great astrophysicist Carl segan refers to Hinduism when talking about age of earth.
He says quote "Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still. — Carl Sagan (1934-1996) famous astrophysicist.

Surya siddhanta (verbal form said to be million years old) (written form in 500CE) : The first book in human history that speaks about the concept of gravitation, calculates the diameter of earth with only 0.3% of error. revolution of planets around the sun, 9 planets in solar system, constellations,
describes rules to calculate the motions of various planets and the moon relative to various constellations, diameters of various planets, and calculates the orbits of various astronomical bodies. All of which have been accurate.

Sushruta Samhita (6th century BCE) : This is a medical book divided into 186 chapters and contains descriptions of 1,120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources. Its has more than 150 surgery practices like CATARACT SURGERY.

Upanishads: Has stories which depict Multiple universes and existance of more than 4 dimensions (string theory).

Ramayana: Concepts of Time travel. Only seen as theoretically possible by late stephen hawking.

As the time goes on the texts of ancient Hindu civilisation are gaining more attention from scientists. Hindu civilisation was less about believing in God, they were more about seeking about our universe. Many proof of ramayana and mahabharata war are found. Hinduism is the most liberal pool of intelligent ideas. Vedas, Upanishads,Ramayan, Mahabharat given by the God and his avatars and other Hindu texts written by great sages,philosophers,discoverers of ancient India. That's why its called Sanatana dharma ( Eternal laws of the divine).
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
You speak without references and put every opposite info out there.

Equal rights for women and consent in islam  ENJOY :::--

 1)  "The witness of 2 women is equal to witness of 1 man. (Kuran 2:228)
2) Women are deficient intelligence and religion"  Sahih al bukari 304)

3)The men have a degree over women [in responsibility and authority]. Kuran (2:228)

4) Women in wars can be taken as seggs sIaves : (Kuran chapter 4:24) (kuran 33:50)

 5) Mhmd had segs sIaves and even asked his tribe to enjoy them :- Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2517 Sahih Muslim 1439 a Sahih Muslim, 1456a Sahih al-Bukhari 947 Sahih al-Bukhari, 371 Sahih al-Bukhari 5204 (flog the segs sIave and then have segs )

6) Mhmd also did black sIave trade :- Sahih al-Bukhari, 6161 Sahih Bukhari 7263 Sahih al-Bukhari 6707 Sahih Bukhari 6:60:281 Sahih Muslim 1602

 7)  Women is known to be a possession of a man and not someone as equal to the man. If we look at the Sunan Abi Dawood, Book of Marriage (Kitab Al 'Amr b. Shu'aib on his Nikah), Hadith 2155,

 8) Beating women if they don't obey you. (Quran 4:34)

9) wives are field and men can tilth them however they want (Quran 2:223)

10) When a man invites his wife to his bed and she does not come, and he (the husband) spends the night being angry with her, the angels curse her until morning. Basically r*pe is promoted. (Sahih mslm 3368)

11) Marrying pre pubescent girls (Kuran 65:1-4) 6 year old aishah who got r*ped when she was 9 by mhmd. (Sahih al bukari 5134)

12) Mhmd telling a guy to marry young virgin girl just like he did, so he can fondle and play with her ... (Sahih al bukari 5080)

13) Women gets half the share of inheritance what men get. (Kuran 4:11)


15)  If u put on perfume, ur a pr0stitute -Nasai 5126
AFTERLYFË -23 points
you are taking the words sun sets in the muddy spring out of context.

The above Quran verse is about the vision of Dhul Qarnain.

Notice the words “he found” behind “setting in a spring of dark mud" in the English translation.

The word find in English means perceive by chance or unexpectedly.

He found sun setting in muddy water strange because he never came to such place before.

Dhul Qarnain was actually seeing a muddy water in front of him and sun was setting in it.

The arabic word for find is wajada and this arabic word is present in the above quran verse . The word wajada meaning he found is used by today's arabic speakers . It was also used in classical (old) arabic.

Imagine you went to a sea and you find sun setting in water.

When you tell your friends that you found the sun setting in water you are talking about your perception /vision/experience and not a fact. Sulb Means “Loins”

As for the proper definition of sulb in the context of this verse, it is ‘loins’ and NOT backbone. Shaykh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî of writes:

The word “sulb” should not necessarily be translated as “backbone”. This word has many possible meanings and backbone is only one of them. It is also quite commonly used to mean the loins of a man. This is how it is used elsewhere in the Qur’ân. Allah says: “Prohibited to you (for marriage) are…wives of your sons proceeding from your loins (aslâb, the plural of sulb).” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 23] There can be no problem with sperm coming out from the area of a man's loins.

Pickathal, a translator of the Quran, similarly translates the word ‘sulb’ as ‘loins’.

At this point in time, I think it would be appropriate to define the word ‘loins’, since many people nowadays have weak vocabularies. The word ‘loins’ refers to the genital and pubic area, or the genitalia. So if the Quran says that sperm comes from the genitalia (and it does!), then how is this a scientific error?

I have seen some silly arguments made by some Islamaphobic net warriors, who most likely cannot speak a lick of Arabic. According to eyewitness accounts, before rejoining, the two parts of the split moon were clearly seen on the horizon on either side of Mount Noor in Mecca. This miracle is supported by documented evidence from India, where the King of the Malabar region in the south, Chakrawati Farmas also known as Cheraman Perumel, witnessed this strange sight of the moon splitting in the sky, and on learning that the Last Prophet had appeared in the Arabian Peninsula, he made a journey to Mecca and became a Muslim.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
The Chinese who were far far more advanced than anyone else in the world in regards to science, astronomy, mathematics, literature and were meticulous in keeping astronomical records particularly between the 3rd and 6th centuries. It seems that the splitting of the moon just passed them by and also wasn't kept in any records from court historians. The Chinese were meticulous in recording other astronomical phenomena, such as comets, sunspots, novas, and solar flares, long before any other culture made any such observations. Their whole year is calculated upon observations of the moon such as their mooncake festival and lunar new year. Not 1 mention of the moon splitting in half.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@Adelf Hitlor Lmao, I always thought the percentage of microcephalics in the Middle East was indicative of their penchant for inbreeding.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Yes they are known as rat children in Pakistan because so many muslims fuck family members  
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
haha now I see where EUfagStomper mother and family comes from hahahahahaha
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@Shiva they allow bestiality as long as the animal is killed after the guy's done fucking it.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@Turd Ferguson Hahahaha I thought it was a joke untill i looked it up. Seems like beastiality has been pretty common in islamic history. Especially with goats their favorite

Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Yep! They believe "the sin dies with the animal", so that's how they rationalize bestiality. You should look up some of their laws concerning women. In some countries it's legal to fuck your wife if she's been dead less than eight hours. They're straight nasty. Don't even get me started on bacha bazi. That shit is FOUL.
mudbutt Overlord 5,052 points
@JGMOJO67. Must suck for none of your dreams to come true.
0 votes
Jun 7, 2023
Lord198211 Experienced 377 points
That was clear
0 votes
Feb 2