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Azov Battalion Nazi soldier is seriously injured in combat against the Russian army and is forced to wear diapers.
Azov Battalion Nazi soldier is seriously injured in combat against the Russian army and is forced to wear diapers.
8,645 views Mar 12, 2023

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Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,190 points
What a beast, glory to Ukraine and glory to all members of Azov
+6 votes
Mar 12, 2023
Ap1sD 53 points
Good job, Taras! Here's your 5 hryvnias, thanks 0/
EUfagStomper Famous 3,277 points
how long it take until his bitch girl cheats on him? i bet already did so aahahahahhahaahhaahaha
NakedLunch Addicted 2,096 points
why does he have an SS tattoo? So is it true that the Azov battalion is pro-Nazi?
Chadimir_Putin 24 points
How about you go & fight for them instead of being a keyboard warrior bitch
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,190 points
@Chadimir_Putin Cry more you little Bitch boy
Kelck Experienced 279 points
Surely your girlfriend cheated on you and you're still not over her, maybe that's why you talk about cheating hahaha, forget she damn stupid gringo

fucken111 6 points
1234 what a stupid faggot xou are xD
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,057 points
Pedo Joe wears a diaper too lol
+2 votes
Mar 12, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
Source? Don't tell me you were close enough to know. When people say shit like that, makes me wonder how close do they have to get to know these details. That's what's more disturbing.
EUfagStomper Famous 3,277 points
source ur mother was bought by him and he raped her with his tiny penis
VCUbba7 9 points
and you too lmao
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
+4 votes
Mar 12, 2023
EUfagStomper Famous 3,277 points
are this your parents back in the 80s? cool pics bro you have more maybe ur mothers nude pics?
Morfient Omega 16,254 points
Did Calvin Klein start making diapers?
+5 votes
Mar 12, 2023
EUfagStomper Famous 3,277 points
its fake calvin klein in ukraine is everything from china because its gypsy poor country full of this trash
VCUbba7 9 points
yeah Calvin Pampers
khzx117 Experienced 280 points
stupid disabled fuckranian
Nigger slave owner Natural Addict 9,138 points
Nothing! Eventually the Russians will all die and there will be no Russia on the map
+3 votes
Mar 12, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,431 points
Just think of the Polish-Chinese border . . .
Nigger slave owner Natural Addict 9,138 points
Better all the Chinese die too
Ap1sD 53 points
I think the world is not ready to sacrifice itself for this
VCUbba7 9 points
please vote for Trump in this 2024
khzx117 Experienced 280 points
eventually small fuckranian country will disappear
catboypatrickbateman Addicted 1,731 points
I love his little nub leg ( ̄ω ̄)
+2 votes
Mar 12, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
I like the nut sack with that upside down 3 or w
ME262 Advanced 2,497 points
Cool tats. Too bad he lost a leg fighting for Jewlensky.
+1 vote
Mar 12, 2023
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,015 points
Fighting for his country*
Hatewatcher 2 points
lifes a bitch then you die
0 votes
Mar 13, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
That's the reality of war, some people get shot or stabbed in the gut. If you were trying to make fun of someone for wearing a diaper then you're a complete fucking tinseltown moron that doesn't understand what war entails. Russia actually has a huge Neo Nazi population and Putin himself surrounds himself with them. So where do you get off calling Ukraine Nazis when Russia has the biggest population of Neo Nazis that regularly beat immigrants up in their own country.
+5 votes
Mar 13, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Because they are retards that believe Putin or because they know it's all bullshit, but can't say anything as they will end up in jail, press ganged into a Wagner squad and effectively die on the battlefield as punishment. If Putin came out and said he wants the gas fields to fund his opulent lifestyle whilst letting his people live in bumfuck towns with no sanitation then sending them off to die, I'd say fair play bro. Bush and Blair used the same tactic in saying Iraq had WMD, Putin is saying Ukraine is full of Nazis. At least people had a chance to protest against the WMD bullshit unlike Russia where you get brainwashed by propaganda daily and can't speak out.
EUfagStomper Famous 3,277 points
what chance to protest ahahaa they still didnt leave iraq for how many years now? u are brainwashed by your autistic parents bro when you born they already did incest on u thats why u have 8k points here because u have a hard life going
EUfagStomper Famous 3,277 points
stfu british autist brexit fucked ur trash life u all will die of starvation and british girls are all sluts with their ugly accent
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,015 points
These are not diapers? lmao smartest communist scumbag
0 votes
Dec 12, 2024
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points