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50,545 views Mar 3, 2023

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mfg Beginner 147 points
man that roast beef pussy
+1 vote
Mar 3, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Arby's beef and cheddar in a catcher's mitt.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
That asshole definitely expands to the width of a pringles can
+2 votes
Mar 3, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
I'm a believer
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Five bucks says she can go bigger than a Pringles can.
MortauxAméricains Beginner 138 points
looks like a cow pussy
+1 vote
Mar 3, 2023
VikiSan Omega 18,687 points
That's a cute pussy
+2 votes
Mar 3, 2023
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Those holes look high mileage
+3 votes
Mar 3, 2023
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
I have heard you like holes. But men buttholes! Is that right? I mean...are you a faggot?
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
>profile created 16 minutes ago
Let me guess, the obsessive little gypsy faggot is back again
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
+6 votes
Mar 4, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Total opposite actually
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
The videos you post are telling something different.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
If that's what you're faggot ass believes it's your choice lmfao
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Said the actual faggot uploading a video of a woman pissing herself in the mouth to seem less gay, aight.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Well when I think of faggot I think of someone who's scared of pussy and penetrates the same sex. She's pissing into her own mouth so that really doesn't come close. Must suck to be so scared of pussy that's what you automatically think when you see it. Your really deprived and weak man lmao
chingchongvirus 69 points
haha he called u a fag
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Showing your childish side again "man"
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Calling me gay for calling you out for your kike-videos is nonsense. There are people here that want to see actual gore on a gore site, you uploading porn on here is like pineapple on a pizza. You don't belong here!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Lmao because I havnt posted any good gore on here? Nigger plz. Check my page and look back. If I want to post some stupid shit like this I'm more then inititalled.  Stop crying like a weak little bitch of a worthless man and move on to the next video. Your the stupid fuck that clicked on it. Grow some balls and don't let pussy scare you little nigger boy
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Amazing, how much my comment actually triggered you, and i honestly believe that your wet dreams are me, mixed race or nigger. But that won't happen, pal. Being called weak by you is no insult at all
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Same as you calling me a jew "pal". Not triggered at all just calling it as it looks.  Your probably a Indian
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
@Orion-14, becareful dude, this @Billthebutcher aka BillTheBITCH will flag/report you, he will cry to the moderators of this gay shit gore site and you will be banned. And the moderators will probably bann you cuz they are faggs like this idiot. He have a gay boyfriend here: @Chicken_Lover. These two faggs defending their asses every day.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
I see we're still living rent free in this little faggots head.
You're such an obsessive little faggot that you're still posting the same stupid shit.

Fucking loser.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Always and forever. Waaah I got flagged... lmfao
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Amazing how accurate @Ranfield85 actually was.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Fuckin whiners
chingchongvirus 69 points
Yeah I am a “man” more than u. I wouldn’t flag someone from what they say. Shows how hurt u easily get
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Nah just want to come on here do my thing and not have to deal with the childish bullshit you bring. You don't have to ride everyone's dick is all.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Nah ur a weak minded little faggot, that’s all
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Go back and read some of the bullshit you type. It's fucking ridiculous and does get old. I've had more common sense arguments with grade schoolers lmfao
chingchongvirus 69 points
Yep, I remember everything I wrote you. Bro, you got other people here complaining about you and how weak you are. I’m not even the only one
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Lmao whatever you wanna believe. I'm not the one on here riding everyone's post like it's a dick. You pop-up like bump on a dirty dick all over.
All your doin is trying to get attention cause you can't get it anywhere else
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Weak minded people bitch about things like getting flagged for being a bitch
chingchongvirus 69 points
No, you can’t “Uno reverse card” that LOL NICE TRY.  U go “ur weak for complaining about getting reported” HAHA ARE U KIDDING ME?? No only faggots who can’t take the truth go and flag
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Lmao puss is oozing out of that bump every time I say something on here haha
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
And if anyone's going back on shit it's your dumb immature ass lmao. Waste of flesh
chingchongvirus 69 points
No one likes u fag.. and what was that you said in your reply about bump and what kind of description is that??? Never mind don’t explain it!! LOL I don’t want to know what goes on in that Faggot brain of yours
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Flagging people's comments with the intention to get them deleted by mods just shows that you are unable to win these arguments around here. You are the actual bitch for running to the mods crying about people on here, you don't have an argument chain at all, didn't you learn how to do that in school? 'riding dick' 'bitch' 'faggot' shows what a weak human being you are, having the need to upload porn on here to keep other internet users weak. You are sneaky and treacherous, just like a jew. Trying to hide behind the curtains as long as possible because the people will tear your 'arguments' apart as soon as you enter daylight.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Whatever yall livegore experts want to think. Keep watching my videos
chingchongvirus 69 points
We aren’t watching the vids, we go right to the comments to call u a faggot
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Keep watching
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Still living rent free in this little gypsy faggots head.
Cry some more.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
All day every day. Keep watching my videos and talking to yourself. . Maybe you can make one one day.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Never said it was. More difficult to get enougj points when your a dick head.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Bill surely had a hard time figuring out how to upload, that's for sure. And now that he found out, look where it brought this site to. Your videos attract 'humans' with severe brain damage like @PorkNBeans who tries to actually get into this argument with a 'dumb ass fuck shit'-combo. Respect, but this isn't your primary school where anyone would be intimidated.
Ranfield85 Beginner 208 points
Shut the fuck off, you fucking faggot. We all know you are a faggot
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Okay let me refrained this. A d yet you both @Orion-14 and his new found butt buddy @Ranfield come on here everyday to enjoy my post. I love it.
NebuJlN Veteran 14,222 points
Ewww, i am okay with her pissing herself... but that pussy is disgusting.
+3 votes
Mar 4, 2023
Chick_Magnet -710 points
i thought she was gonna break her neck or something but it was just a borring video
+2 votes
Mar 4, 2023
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,747 points
Well she is disgusting with her ugly tussy!!
+2 votes
Mar 4, 2023
cacao Famous 3,932 points
0 votes
Mar 5, 2023
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,064 points
give me that ass
0 votes
Mar 7, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
old and gross
+2 votes
May 11, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points
Your right that is a old post. Kinda funny faggots usually due fine pussy gross. Nothing new there
botmod000111 Well-Known 922 points
disgusting slut
+1 vote
Sep 26, 2023
kingpin Overlord 4,658 points
flavor of wine i think
+1 vote
Nov 23, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
This was new for me. I didn't know a girl could piss into her own mouth.
+1 vote
Apr 16, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,751 points