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Sicarios Storm Rehab Center And Kill Everyone


31,299 views Feb 24, 2023

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BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
Omg! What the fuuuuuooooook! Why would they do that!!??
0 votes
Feb 24, 2023
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,123 points
I wonder if some of the rehaber's owed money to their dealers?
BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
Oh shut up mr smarty pants, keep talking with that mouth and this gap will off yo ass
Butt-Head The Boss 28,913 points
I'm guessing they were getting the addicts clean and the gang was losing money. Maybe they disrespected the gang in some way. Who knows.
GorePerixus Experienced 476 points
if anyone can understand whats being said, please add some context, would love to understand why this is happening
+1 vote
Feb 24, 2023
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,541 points
Rehab centers are bad for business?
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
All I gathered was a lot of "open the door", "fuck your mother"s, "come out here" and at one point one of the patients tried pleading which the gunman responded to "shut your mouth, I don't want to know anything about you"

At the end he said "look over here, look at me" before killing them.

Don't know the context but maybe they owed some money.
chingchongvirus 71 points
One guy on the ground crying Camera guy says “stay there, where’s the phone? Shut your mouth I don’t want to know anything about you, and I don’t give a fuck that you are ____” .. then he just says “ Look at me, look at me cock sucker” and then when he’s outside, I think he says “there’s one more inside”
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
And then, and then, and then ROFL

You're like a first grader trying to tell a story ahahahaahaha
chingchongvirus 71 points
Well AND THEN it Should be easy to understand lol AND THEN my comment was translating more of the video than yours because your Spanish sucks. Again, I’m superior intelligence to you again. Wow! First, it was psychology then it was finance now it’s Spanish! HAHAHAHA
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
"I'm superior intelligence to you" Doesn't look like a very intelligent statement to me.

I mean, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it but it's objectively wrong. You're the type of retard who thinks people are going to tell him why though. It's funny.

What's funnier is how you're trying to compete with me, if that doesn't scream insecure man child "whose life is great(joke of the century)" then I don't know what rofl
chingchongvirus 71 points
Uhh it’s not an opinion it’s factually a better translation than yours LOL I understand finance better than you, if you did, you wouldn’t be in crypto.(Btc was at 24,500 now 23,000 LOL). My psychology is leagues ahead of yours. “ you’re trying to compete with me”— LOL I’m not even trying. There’s no competition here LOL Whatever you know, I know more of simple as that. Except being a homosexual, you know more about that than me LOL
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Uhhh I mean, you're obviously retarded if you write a sentence like "I'm superior intelligence to you" ROFL

Once again proving your rather mediocre intellect, your opinions (even that which you believe to be fact) are subjective but that seems to be a foreign concept to you since all of your arguments are based on your opinions.

If you had any idea about what crypto was you'd know there are so many more ways to make money with it than just HODLing and praying for the price to increase, sounds like you got into crypto at one point and got rekt which is no surprise. Your ego is big but you don't have the necessary brain power to support that. You seem to know this deep down which is why you behave like a child, unable to cope so you act out emotionally with slurs and profanity.

Literally all your arguments are "Source: Trust me bro"
chingchongvirus 71 points
LOL Again with your “ your opinions” reply lol buddy I literally translated what that guy said better than you did. That’s a fact not an opinion. It’s objective that my translation was better not subjective. Ask anybody who speak Spanish, whose translation was better
chingchongvirus 71 points
Hahaha “rekt” -Faggot using terminology from Wall Street bets LOL Once again, I am too smart Because no, I was never in crypto. I’m not into Ponzi schemes. “ there’s many ways to make money besides holding”—LOL It’s all gonna go down eventually! That’s what a Ponzi scheme does. The Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme lasted 17 years! Bitcoin isn’t even old as that! The only way you can get money is if you get out when its high and cash out on FIAT lol You need fiat you retards are so stupid to always criticize it. And that’s the thing that makes the price go up LOL NO SELFAWARENESS
chingchongvirus 71 points
It’s going to be hilarious when it all comes tumbling down and you lose everything LOLLLLLL
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Your mental stability really shows when you can't even write your reply in one post. Not that I expected anything other than you being predictable.

No, you simply translated what I didn't translate. You didn't actually correct or improve on my translation, so it is in fact you who is factually wrong. Your logic is yet again full of holes, no surprise there though.

Still didn't address the fact that you made the comical error of trying to be smarter than me but then writing "I'm superior intelligence to you" and I'm still laughing about that one.

Rekt is actually a gaming term, do you always compensate for your lack of knowledge by talking out of your ass? Rhetorical question, you obviously do.

Yeah, 100% confirmed retard who thinks Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Literal retard.

No...... You can do long/short trading with margins... You can mine, you can stake, you can lend + so much more... Crypto is here to stay because the very nature of blockchain means NO one can do a rug pull, since no one OWNS the blockchain. You really are a fucking moron who has no idea what he's talking about.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
You're just jealous becase you are too stupid to even understand what crypto is for yet you're envious of all the people making money with it.
chingchongvirus 71 points
You aren’t making money out of it unless you sell and get fiat LOL It’s not like you can buy anything with crypto. Yes, few places except it but mostly it’s all for illegal stuff LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
I know exactly what I’m talking about. It doesn’t have to be about anyone person owning it (forgetting to mention all the whales that own a big part of it) it’s the fact that when it goes down, it’ll create a domino effect, and everybody else will sell. People will panic and sell HAHA LETS SEE IF THEY HODL AT $20 “ you can mine you can stake, you can lend”—— and that’s supposed to be a currency? Because it’s definitely not a store of value. All those little points u made are meaningless. You can’t buy anything with it.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Yeah I know but Wall Street faggots use it too so I’m not wrong In fact, I’d say they say it more so nice try buddy
chingchongvirus 71 points
LOL HAHAHAH you think I’m gonna fall for that? Factually wrong? I didn’t improve on your translation? Faggot, I literally did the definition of having a better translation than yours. I translated more of what the guy said… therefore, my translation was better. Are you seriously this retarded or are you trolling? LOL you really are disgracing the use of the word logic LOL “ you simply translated what I didn’t translate” HAHA NICE SPINNING LOL sure that works great I’ll do that next time someone else translates better than me “ actually, bro, you just said what I was going to say I just didn’t feel like saying it!”
chingchongvirus 71 points
I mean all your paragraphs are the equivalent of seven replies so I can reply as many times as I want
chingchongvirus 71 points
And you want to know how I know that’s the extent of Spanish?? Because me and you were not fighting, so you were replying to the guy in sincerity… if you really knew more Spanish, you would’ve translated more.. so that’s how I know that was the best you can do LOL Man, I always have to expose your little lies. Do you really think you can trick me at all? LOL This is no competition fag
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,541 points
Fuck this retard just can't help himself.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Why are you always so angry chicken Faggot? LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,541 points
Factual statements come across as angry to you?
Your retardation is showing again.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
You really don't. The market cap globally in crypto already surpassed 1 trillion. You don't know anything about crypto. Also I put in like $10k when it was at $15000. Guess how much I made genius. And yes, you can pay with crypto. gives you a crypto debit card. So once again I proved you wrong on all accounts. Crypto is now bigger than several critical industries, many countries and banks have also gotten into it. For there to be some kind of mass panic you talk of, it would be an apocalyptic type event where electricity and internet services go out en masse. Nuclear war basically.

Once again your ignorance is comical.

No, rekt is a gaming term from the word wrecked. Wall Street "bros" are just netizens who are into stocks, basically gamers. So once again factually wrong.

Fighting? Holy shit my sides, is that what you think we've been doing? You just can't stop clowning yourself can you.

I mean considering that I learned Spanish in 10 months while I was in Peru there is of course the possibility that your Spanish is better than mine but you didn't really prove that, there were parts I translated that you didn't translate too. And you didn't really make a good chronological translation, just some parts here and there so yes. Factually wrong about literally everything.

Still didn't explain how you could write "I'm superior intelligence to you". Lmfao
chingchongvirus 71 points
There were no parts that you translated that I didn’t LOL 10 months in Peru LOL I literally know Spanish  fucking retard faggot
chingchongvirus 71 points
“Factual statements” HAHAHAHAHA Someone get this faggot a dictionary
chingchongvirus 71 points
Hahahah not wrong at all retard… so you’re saying that all Wall Street bets are gamers??? That is not true at all. Some yes but not all. Also it doesn’t matter who came up with the term for it matters that you think ur cool saying it like…u actually said “rekt” unironically LOL Try to make it about who are the group of people that made it up doesn’t matter LOL WHOEVER SAYS IT UNIRONICALLY IT A DORK LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
The market cap literally means nothing retard. Ponzi schemes can have a lot on them and they can still go down. Companies that were once valued at a lot of money and they went down so that’s a silly point to make
chingchongvirus 71 points
10k when it was 15k, and did you sell it or did you Hold? Because as long as you didn’t sell anything, you didn’t actually get any fiat “genius” LOL If you hold onto it then u think it’s gonna go to 100,000 200,000 (this isn’t going to happen by the way) LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
That’s wrong, it does not have to be Apocalyptic event for it to go down. debit card HAHAHHAHA it’s accepted everywhere? At every gas station, at every supermarket, you can buy absolutely everything you want with that? where I live they accept no crypto at all LOL “many countries and banks”—correction: FEW. El Salvador and central African republic. Wow that’s really “many” to u??? THATS SAD LOL some advice for you buddy, sell it now for FIAT While u can maybe make some profit and I mean you’ll still have to pay taxes on it right but still it’ll be a little something left over. Otherwise, you’re gonna lose everything and probably commit suicide (i’m just kidding I hope you do suicide) HAHAHAHA
chingchongvirus 71 points
Amazon doesn’t accept bitcoin. Walmart doesn’t accept bitcoin. HAHAH Where is the mass adoption??? No, we’re definitely not fighting buddy. This isn’t even close to any competition for me LOL I just keep correcting u on every “point” you make HAHAHA I make you look like an idiot
Knight Templar Overlord 6,057 points
@chingchongvirus dont speak with the imbecile, he is a sadistic nigger lover, nothing more but a lost man.
chingchongvirus 71 points
oh I didn’t know he loved niggers LOL That makes him even more embarrassing hahahaha
Stillborn Addicted 1,809 points
Guess they won't be getting their clean for a year coins
–1 vote
Feb 25, 2023
yousirname Advanced 2,605 points
Nothing worse than get kill by cowards whit guns and fake balls
0 votes
Feb 26, 2023
cartiiiii Extreme Poster 533 points
ain't looking like rehab
0 votes
Feb 26, 2023
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
There's a number of theories about why they killed everyone. The first theory is the person that runs the clinic was warned to stop helping people with addictions. Which is the one I think is most likely. There's another theory that the man who runs the clinic was recruiting people to work for him. And the last, and least likely, is they were looking for a specific social media influencer. Just went ahead and searched for it.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
Serralis Overlord 6,834 points
Ve al puto culo
0 votes
Mar 9, 2023
‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‏‏‎ ‎isaq Intermediate 1,419 points
The last meeting
0 votes
Apr 8, 2023
@Stillborn You still fixated on black dick?
0 votes
Jun 5, 2023
@Stillborn You still really fixated on black dick?
0 votes
Jun 5, 2023