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Russo-Ukrainian war explained for dummies

For the people shilling Russia, they're legit getting destroyed

9,826 views Feb 22, 2023

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Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
0 votes
Feb 22, 2023
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,667 points
jew tube is of the devil
0 votes
Feb 22, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
With Putin announcing that the minimum wage will go up to approx $1.50 per hour, everybody is poor in bumfuck Russia and always trying to find a side hustle. This includes the military in regards to money for maintenance, equipment, clothing, food etc. Plus you have the corruption which always occurs under socialism as it divides people into organisers and the organised, not a bad thing if you are an organiser that has been handed some money to go to the organised when you can cream some off for yourself and give the organised some useless shit that doesn't work. Then you can report back on the organised being useless and get them shot or sent to gulag whilst you get fat and happy sat in a dacha.
+4 votes
Feb 22, 2023
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,715 points
Is capitalism any better?
C.HellenWaite Extreme Poster 616 points
Yes, by far...
Capitalism is the by product of a free society, there is incentive to seek a  better life - for everyone.  Corruption is fought against (still exists, scum bags are littered everywhere) by sharing power.

Communists and Socialism fosters corruption  by control of a few in power, there is no incentive (freedom) to have a better life, other than escaping the system (defection).
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Capitalism turns luxury goods into everyday items. Socialism turns everyday items into luxury goods. Capitalism has its flaws but socialism is far worse. Look at North Korea v South Korea. Zimbabwe v Botswana. Countries that are neighbours. Russia even still haunted by it's socialist past. South Korea and Botswana run free market principles as opposed to socialist principles in Zimbabwe and North Korea. South Korea and Botswana have far better life expectancy, lower mortality, better standards of living, less corruption, better education and positive development.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Pretty much sums up shithole Russia.

Capitalism is not perfect but we can clearly see which side is winning in the war, so yes.
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,715 points
If capitalism is doing so well at home, why do Americans along with the collective West needed to bomb Lybia, Syria, and Iraq, steal their hydrocarbons, control the drug poppies of Afghanistan, have regime change in Venezuela, and regime changes all around the world and presently try to remove Jimmy Cherizier in Haiti? What were the French forces doing in Mali, Burkina Faso, and the Central Republic of Congo? These facts, lead me to conclude that capitalism is built from control and subversion, manipulation, theft of resources and enslavement of undeveloped countries.
What do you think are the reasons behind the current war?  Was it not the Regime change in Russia? Was it not the partition of Russia into more than 10 states?

Moreover, Capitalism only gives power to a certain number of individuals, that paid little or no taxes, for example, Amazon, Apple, Uber, and Google. West capitalism is an Oligarchy. The Western government serves the interests of a Banking cartel group of Jews that have control of the world finances and want total control of the resources on this planet.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Wrong. Capitalism gives power to all individuals. Tomorrow if I wanted to I could start a business. Socialism doesn't have individuality it has collectivism. Try doing something on your own under socialism. America isn't about capitalism it is about global hegemony, something Russia and China are also trying to achieve. Look at Singapore which is basically run on complete free market principles one of the best places to live in the world, don't need a visa with a Singapore passport so much freedom. Then look at where socialism has poisoned a state where you end up getting locked inside your country unable to leave.
EUfagStomper Famous 3,279 points
adelf hitlor you should not care about russia kid you need to care about your trash country united kingdom that is flooted with immigrants robbing and raping UK women making 5 childs to get the money also the brexit fucked ur trash country and 3 primes ministers changed in 1 year lmao such kid country and yet you keep crying about russia ahha look at your own shit u piece of shit
i hate UK ppl with their ugly accents i always spit in their faces
EUfagStomper Famous 3,279 points
"Tomorrow if I wanted to I could start a business" aahahahahah what a funny joke u autist you could but you cannot because you have no brain and u are just another slave thats been exchanged by a immigrant in UK  ahaha United Trashdom
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Lol Russia where everyone gets fucked in the ass by Putin whether they like it or not. Keep shitting in the bucket outside your crumbling apartment EUfagPumper, is this your family?
EUfagStomper Famous 3,279 points
ur trash picture not loading i know ur sad life living with parents in their basement and getting money from the government is sad as the brexit ruined british lifes
fuckthelife Hacker 80,739 points
lol russia is doomed
+2 votes
Feb 22, 2023
wolfred10 Overlord 5,178 points
Ruso-Ukrainian cassualties according to the intelligence agency "Mossad" in Israel:

157,000 Dead
234,000 injured
17,230 Captives
234 Dead – NATO military trainers (US and UK)
2,458 Dead – NATO soldiers (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, …)
5,360 Dead – Mercenaries
302 Planes
212 Helicopters
497 Air defense systems
2,750 (S)UAV
6,320 Tanks and armored vehicles
7,360 Howitzer (Artillery systems)

18,480 dead
44,500 Injured
323 Captives
23 Planes
56 helicopters
12 Air defense systems
200 (S)UAV
889 Tanks and armored vehicles
427 Howitzer (Artillery systems)

Ukraine has lost around 8.5 soldiers dead for every one Russian soldier dead
0 votes
Feb 22, 2023
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
You sure have a talent for retarded takes and shitposts.
Morfient Omega 16,258 points
That's fucked up, man, that's fucked up. Where did you get this information? From the Russian "no loss" website?)
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Unverified data from a marginal, religious Turkish web site passed on by a conspiracy theorist.
The web site says the losses were “ALLEGEDLY announced by Israeli intelligence” and is unsigned and gives no source.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Once again you just have no clue what you're even talking about. You have no self-awareness whatsoever and you say the most cliché facepalm inducing shit my guy. Keep embarrassing yourself though, it's entertaining.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
It takes one Google search on the current frontline in the war and you will see the positions of all the military on pretty much both sides. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Your arguments, once again, just make me face palm.
You're so stupid lol. You really think they're going to shut down the city because of war? The economy can't just stop even if there is war, people have livelihoods to make. "Some friends" you mean Discord friends lmfao

Wake up bro, you are lost
SupportUkraine Experienced 374 points
It was started by pootin. Zelensky and the West tried to avoid this war by all means. Macron literally begged pootin by visiting him in the Kremlin
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,715 points
Shut the fuck up you faggot, you are a brainwashed cocksucker. Death to all Anglo-Saxons faggots.
Vanligovanlig Intermediate 1,218 points
U simple dummy, do u really believe this?
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,566 points
Visionzusionsx lmfao you sound like a butt hurt Russian, you make wish death on all Anglo saxons but let's face it your beloved Russia can't even beat Ukraine so Anglo saxon countries have nothing to worry about, China can't do anything, they can't even get a small island called Taiwan under their control, India well all the west would need is some electricity and a get trains and that's the Indians fucked and Brazil, well they are far to busy chopping themselves up to help anyone lol
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
We're all trash, period. Humans are garbage. Some are just more trash.
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
Braindead NPCs
+3 votes
Feb 22, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,076 points
So the video I post about Putin and his Neo Nazi group of friends gets flagged and this doesn't? Well that just shows you that whomever flagged my video doesn't want people to see the truth. Fucking morons can't except the fact that Russia is the one with Nazis. Doing simple investigations with searches or even actually reading old books will show the truth but I think that's wayyy to much for Orc sympathizers. Can't blame em though, they attended TikTok University which takes in any moron.
0 votes
Sep 15, 2023
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points