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Chris Farley Doppelganger Makes Threats

Fatty McLardass threatens brandishes a gun at the donut shop.

6,472 views Feb 19, 2023

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Stillborn Addicted 1,807 points
Only the fatties and old fucks are scared of covid if the kung flu is what kills you I guess it's just your time.
+3 votes
Feb 19, 2023
chingchongvirus 69 points
u mean chingchong virus
BadMan 1 point
Chicken_Lover wears his mask whilst driving and in the shower, his immune system is weak from the AIDS he caught from BillTheButcher though
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Damn GR, guess I live rent free in your head as well.
Stay mad, bitch.
chingchongvirus 69 points
chingchongvirus 69 points
I think you got it the opposite: you weren’t making people mad and “staying rent free”— everybody just makes fun of you and calls u a Faggot HAHAHAHAHAH
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Look, I get that you're a retard but even retards can count, do try harder.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Yes, everybody hates you disgusting pedophile fag
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
So in your dim mind "everybody" is like 3 people?
I guess retarded pedophiles don't even understand the meaning of words.

Damn, you sure love clowning yourself.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Three people is still a lot HAHAHAH That’s hilarious that they make fun of you!!
chingchongvirus 69 points
I mean, I’m sure there’s more people but you got them blocked
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
So 3 people is a lot to you?
Hell, more people are dragging your retarded ass, but you're probably too stupid to realize that.

Oh? Blocked? Do show me how to "block" people on this platform.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Nobody likes u. You are disgusting and stupid. I’m just way better than you. In every way. You have the stupidest replies. Nothing original. And nobody likes you. And that makes you cry every day. HAHAHAHAHA CHARLIE FAGGOT
BadMan 1 point
@Peter_Pumper in all fairness, Chicken_Lover has one friend who likes him, the other Pedo OyVeyRabbi lol
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
But that's been demonstrated to be untrue, hell the beef with rabby started because he was always posting retarded shit to friends of mine here.

Your attempt to insult falls flat yet again.

"Nothing original"- While he posts the same shit yet again.

Cry? I seriously doubt that anything on this site makes anyone cry.
BadMan 1 point
My bad, you actually have 2 Pedo friends, @OyVeyRabbi and the other Pedo @Billthebutcher who likes having private messages with 15 year old @Angelstar Please kill yoursef before you sexually abuse more kids you sick fuck!
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
You were the one that was asking a 15 year old for naked photos.
Fuck you project hard
BadMan 1 point
OyVeyRabbi, Billthebutcher and Chicken_Lover,  LiveGore's aka LivePedo's three resident Pedo faggs lol
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Fuck its funny how jealous you get over the fact that Angelstar gives bill attention.
You are such a desperate loser.
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
@peter_pumper ahhahahahhahahhahhahah
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Still got my dick in your mouth i see @LoonyBinJim
fuckthelife Hacker 80,739 points
hey Bill haha thats a very good comment lol
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
chingchongvirus 69 points
There’s another oyveyrabbi that hates chicken fag tho
chingchongvirus 69 points
chingchongvirus 69 points
Hahahah someone new just called u a pedo so what u say now?? DISGUSTING
chingchongvirus 69 points
wow billy I didn’t know u were really a homo …disgusting
chingchongvirus 69 points
@Rachele thank u yea im funny
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
BadMan 1 point
Pedo and sex with beasts? you're one sick fuck!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
chingchongvirus 69 points
Isn’t it a felony? rabbi u need help. I’m not even trolling like yeah definitely if ur crazy enough to post that. Not good
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Lmao jealousy sucks doesn't it @LoonyBinJim
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
@peter_pumper what's hilarious us @Rachele is a dude as well and your trying to ride his dick like mine hahahahaha. Your a fucking idiot
chingchongvirus 69 points
Uhhh I don’t really think anybody is a woman on this site. Maybe there’s a few but just because you put a female name or a female profile picture doesn’t mean anything I’m well aware of this. All I said was “thank you. Yes, I’m funny.”— I would’ve replied the same thing if you wrote “hahahahaha”— So nice try faggot But nothing gets past me HAHAHAHA
chingchongvirus 69 points
It’s actually the opposite nobody wants to ride your dick… The only way you get somebody to ride your dick is if you force them… so just stop doing that to little boys! I understand it’s the only way you can get action but just stop !! HAHAHAHA
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Stillborn Addicted 1,807 points
Hahahaha "All men are dogs" proceeds to fuck dogs
chingchongvirus 69 points
dang that dog gets more action than u rabbi HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
chingchongvirus 69 points
wait is that ur sister?? HAHAHAHAHAHA
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
I wish
BadMan 1 point
LiveGore has really gone to the dogs
chingchongvirus 69 points
oh ok I apologize….it’s ur mother
chingchongvirus 69 points
It explains why ur with serious mental disabilities and love of little boys and dogs and horses…cuz ur part dog HAHAHAHA
BadMan 1 point
hahaha OyVey is such a desperate loser he will fuck anything that moves, maybe even a rotten corpse, sick fuckers in here
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Do corpses move?
chingchongvirus 69 points
Yeah a corpse can’t fight back lol easy target for him!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
As oppose to a live corpse
chingchongvirus 69 points
Who u talking to ya zoopedo
chingchongvirus 69 points
*snarky comeback failure by the zoopedo*
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
The fact you jump all over anything with a female name trying to bond lmfao is creepy as fuck. 2nd the fact you post my name all over shit on the daily that has nothing to do with me says I'm so far in your head it's pathetic.  You post my name on here more then anyone else which tells me your in love or obsessed. Get off my dick brotha
chingchongvirus 69 points
Are u talking to me? Like I post your name, meaning I reply to you? No, I reply to whoever replies to me. Just look everywhere I comment I comment to everybody. Ur not special faggot HAHAHA
chingchongvirus 69 points
“Trying to bond” HAHAHA DONT NEED TO BUDDY I ONLY TO RAPE UR MOTHER (DW SHE LOVES IT) guess it’s not really rape more of a rape kink she has ;)
chingchongvirus 69 points
Like I said, you’d be lucky if anyone actually wanted anything to do with ur dick, you’d get a heart attack from the excitement “OMG FINALLY SOMEONE” HAHAHAHAHA
BadMan 1 point
@Billthebutcher you grooming 15 year old @Angelstar is creepy and a crime! how many other kids have you diddled????
chingchongvirus 69 points
LOL “billythepedo” DISGUSTING
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Way to try and turn the attention to the obvious you stupid fuck lmao
Your desperate
chingchongvirus 69 points
BadMan 1 point
Bill and OyVey are proud pedos and sick fucks!!!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
What did I admit lmfao your a hoot. Anyone in there right mind knows I'm nonetheless and have made it clear. Your butt hurt she doesn't want anything to do with you which really is even sicker. I'm sure you'll keep riding my dick and talking to yourself on here so it is what it is huh
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Rent free till this day still
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Keep yanking it dreaming of me
BadMan 1 point
Bill, grooming is a crime, i'm warning you leave kids alone!!!!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
And as fast as you answer me your waiting there jerking off praying for that next message aren't ya lmfao
Get a life and get out that basement
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Got your alerts on for me big boy huh
BadMan 1 point
You're such a self important jackass, no one gives two shits about a pedo fagg such as you LMAO
chingchongvirus 69 points
U admit That ur a pedo—“way to turn attention to the obvious”—YEAH WE KNOW U LOVE GROOMING LITTLE BOYS HAHA!
chingchongvirus 69 points
Billy loves jerking off in his basement to little boys
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
chingchongvirus 69 points
is that ur cats face from u buttfucking it
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Is that all you can think about lol
chingchongvirus 69 points
Trying to “uno reverse card” me HAHA nice try LOL bro u realize u had to search up that shit and screenshot it or download it on your computer and put it on here right? HAHAHAHA
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
No I didn't, all you have to do is copy paste the direct link. I wouldn't imagine a still screenshot would be much good for animation either
chingchongvirus 69 points
Uh how did u happen to get the link? U can’t talk ur way out of it HAHA CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE ON HERE HAVE NO SHAME. I mean not everybody, but some of you
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Bad man is so pathetic, you try to call out someone for "grooming" after you asked a 15 year old girl for naked photos.

You really must be unbalanced if you can't handle being rejected by a little girl online.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Hes just butt hurt over her not giving him the time of day.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,739 points
hey Bill it seems like that Bad man is desperate for some one to rape his butt haha lol he really is on the wrong site for that to happen lol
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Hes desperate for anyone with what resembles a female name on here to give him some attention.
chingchongvirus 69 points
It’s never reliable. Even in real life!!!! Look at all the trannies out there!!! Can’t trust anyone!! Hell u might be tranny too billy!!
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
People will think what they want. I couldn't give any fucks less.
chingchongvirus 69 points
so ur a tranny ok cool
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
If that's what You wanna picture me in you're fucked up little head of yours so be it. That being said since it's the first thing you always run to to supposivly insult someone on here I know damn well it's your dark little fetish. You can't hide that shit if you tried now you sick fuck
chingchongvirus 69 points
Hey, you admitted that you were tranny and I just said it’s cool I don’t care just don’t get near me HAHAHAHA
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Stop acting like I said something and show me where I said it
chingchongvirus 69 points
What did u say to me tranny
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
You're obviously a fucking tranny as bad as you want my dick
chingchongvirus 69 points
What dick? Ur transitioning from female to male. And no I’m not giving u mine
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Feel like I'm arguing with a child. Lol good luck in life kid
chingchongvirus 69 points
No I’m not a child, I know u have a sick mind and wish I was (we all know why) LOL
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,768 points
Bahahaha I gave you that one didn't I? Made your fucking year lmfao
chingchongvirus 69 points
That didn’t even make my 3 seconds let alone year, fag. No one likes u LOL
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
FatFuckFrank is never going to upload ever again after this bullshit lol
BadMan 1 point
ty664681 Beginner 171 points
That was funny shit.
+6 votes
Feb 19, 2023
BadMan 1 point
LeftismIsPure-Evil Intermediate 1,136 points
Leftoid demon freak
0 votes
Feb 20, 2023
sharkme Advanced 2,897 points
Probably fake but meh, so are your girlfriend's orgasms.
+1 vote
Feb 20, 2023
theredwatercomesout Overlord 5,598 points
lmao so many loose NPCs these days
+2 votes
Feb 20, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,521 points
Give it up
+1 vote
Feb 24, 2023
naygiggers 45 points
What a fucking retard
0 votes
Jan 3, 2024
rosalindwoods Intermediate 1,414 points
My tits will look better when you cum in me
0 votes
Feb 8, 2024
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,667 points