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@FocussedMonk this the video?
Ask and you shall recieve lmao
9,331 views Jan 10, 2023

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Islamist 18 points
Inna lilahi wa inna ilahi raji'un
(We belong to god and to him we return)
–7 votes
Jan 10, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Schwätz gfälligscht ä gscheiti Schprooch, wo d'Lüüt au verschtähe chönnet, Du Bachl!
Islamist 18 points
Bisch du a Ösi?
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 348 points
Austin 3:16
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
U dumbfucks say ISIS isn't related to islam and god then come here talking about God in fucking ISIS video.
Stfu with ur quranic garbage terrorist bs. There are 4000 religions but islamic concept of the god is the most fake, stupidest and political ideology driven.
Islamist 18 points
Nobody asked you Atheist Hindu.

The argument with "many religions" can be refuted easily. If a murder happens in a country, the detective won't search the whole world. It will search that what makes the most sense, logical and leading towards the truth.

Does Polytheism makes sense? No, gods would argue each others which doesn't make sense.

Does a dead or small religion makes sense? No, because god would want to have the truth be followed.

So we came from thousands of religions to around 10 religions.

So maybe turn your stupid Indian brain on.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Blah blah bullshiter try to make sense next time u bark. Even muhammad made more sense when he moaned kuran while getting railed by jatts.
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Religion may be the opium of the people. But islamism is the crack of the people!
+5 votes
Jan 10, 2023
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 348 points
All religion is a form of mental illness, magical thinking, it's also very limiting to this brain we have
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
if you believe in something, a supernatural force, your wish will come true. I admire religious people, I would have liked to believe in something external. Religion is not that bad.
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
@GR I dedicate you this song : Dire Straits - So Far Away (Live, The Final Oz, Australia, 1986)
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@Avatar Only dharmic religions can be put in "not bad" category. And indivisual beliefs, spirituality, meditation, mindfulness that they follow in private are good. But abrahmic religions are dumb and brainwashing sheep mentality making machines that just spread like baseless political ideologies.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@GR agree 100%
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
@FocussedMonk what is dharmic religion? I meditate every night, but I ve seen if I drink some whiskey I can not meditate, I don t know why. During meditation I don't have any thoughts and I see people, trees, flowers
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 348 points
@Avatar Alcohol is a depressant
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
@GR I drink max 50 ml. Do you like the song?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Dharmic religions are those whose concepts aren't superficial like abrahmic concepts that blatantly say "our god is real and others religions are false. If u follow other religions or be an athiest, u will burn in hellfire. Follow our religion to get virgins and alcohol in heaven". Just to be a bit straight forward, doesn't it seem like these ideas are just incel man made that wanted political power ?  These belief systems don't take into account the deeds of people, rather them belonging to their religion is the only criteria required to impress "God". Even a terrorist ISIS bomber thinks he has impressed god and will get heaven for killing "non-believers" of his idea of god. These religions also stop u from questioning anything and consider it blasphemy and promote blind sheep following.
While as Dharmic religions of east that came from Vedas have very wide range of beliefs and they are the most liberal and promote free thinking and questioning stuff.
Here the concept of heaven and hell doesn't exist. "God may be one or many but he isn't impressed by your man-made religions, but rather impressed by the deeds (Dharma: responsible duties) you did in your life. " God will be impressed by even a athiest if he does good deeds in his life. God isn't like a demon that begs "worship me or burn in hellfire".
Dharmic religions respects all religions, beliefs if they are followed personally and privately between indivisual and God. There are thousands of liberating ideas in Dharmic religions that just show how pathetically toxic abrahmic religions ideologies are. Dharmic religions all emerged from Sanatan Dharma during the vedic age. Now this has divided into many sectors.

Dharmic religions now are Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism. These are way of life not just religions. Some parts of Hinduism and buddhism even have athiest philosophies. Hinduism also has monotheistic, polytheistic sectors.
Islamist 18 points
Dharmic religions allow gay sex. And your argument: "there are thousands liberating to dharmic religions that show how pathetic abrahamic religions are" is nonsense.

Dharmic religions are all spread in one place, they alone have 1000 different groups.
They have zero evidence to be true other than that Shiva's sperm turn stuff into gold.

Meanwhile Islam is the fastest growing religion, not just by birth rate but by the rate of people converting as well.

Like honestly, who wants to join a religion where people wash themselves in cow shit and have a polluted "holy" river where dead people swim.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@Islamist Whotf are u piglet ? I already proved ur religion to be nothing but ecochamber of sheeps believing in something a rapist, pedophile, warmongerer, women kidnapper, slave trader told without ever questioning it. U back again with the only thing u got to say about Hinduism being from a non hindu book shrimad bhagwatam ? Bring something from hindu holy books u dumbfuck piglet. Stop overdosing on camel urine. And can ur sheep brain prove why is it wrong for any consulting adults to do what they want in the privacy of their room ? Whytf do gays trigger ur incel mohammad when he himself got railed from jaats and arab guy ? Homosexuality is natural and already proved by science. Its just like any other sexuality, i.e. straight. Ur stupid fake god doesn't even know his own creation. Pakistan is the higest consumer of gay porn, underage slave boys are club dancers and are sold till now in afghanistan. So stfu with ur illogical rant about homosexuality. Live and let live. Fastest growing doesn't mean shit. Pornstars and sluts are more famous than regular actors. Most of the human population is sheeps and low iq idiots so them converting to shitlam just degrades the religion more and more. Just like a alleged human trafficker is being cock sucked by islamists on twitter. Andrew just exposed ur islamist mentality to the world. South asian muslims live as garage wage workers, terrorists in afghanis huts or beggars in pakistan. More than 50% of muslims are from shithole africa constantly breeding with aids. Shitlamic fools haven't achieved anything in technology or MNC's. Just minimum muslims that live in oil money arab are welloff. But again the developed arab areas have very less islamic influence on them example dubai, saudi arabia. And those who call themselves muslims now are not even following quran and hadiths lol. U declare ur whole book as unauthentic when we question. Only terrorist organisation wahhabis follow pure quran and hadith. Ur all just fake muslims. Please follow real line to line islam from hadiths and kuran, so that we can black list u subhumans and fuck u with our army. And Stop using smartphone, music its haram u munafiq lol.
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
@FocussedMonk is true, I have friends with other religion ,they think about the other religions that they are wrong and that they will all end up in hell. They don't eat meat, they don't drink alcohol, but they lie, they are evil, they hate people, they hate each other. And my parents are from a religious sect, they eat meat, drink wine, but they beat their children until they bleed. I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic. I don't know if there is anything and I don't really care, I'll see after death. You are a smart guy, dear India, when you are not stupid.
Islamist 18 points
You proved no shit mate. Also what was your argument after I said in the hadith that it says it's da'if. I got spammed by 200 shit comments so I couldn't find it anymore
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Its sahih thats why translated from darussalam.
Anyways i don't wanna keep talking the same shit.  Be a freethinker and spread peace.
Islamist 18 points
Bro are you dumb af? Darussalam can translate da'if hadiths as well.

As I said, the link you sent literally says under the hadith "DA'IF"
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Quran is satan's book. Because ur only satan can support and promote sex slavery, pedophilia, rape, killing , looting , lying as long as u "worship it".
It also tempts with materialistic afterlife of alcohol and pussy. All the points of satan ticked.

Multiple avatars of One true God who judges us based on our deed and not blind worship makes perfect sense. A god/satan whose criteria for righteousness is "faith" and not actual deeds is stupid nonsensicle and cultish.
Rachele Natural Addict 7,941 points
FoccusedMonk is a cow dung. He never had sex and he come here to talk with somebody, nobody talk with him in real world. Also he downvote me and others . He think I lose something. Smelly cow dung
+1 vote
Jan 10, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Ahh stfu. Rachele fat faggot bitch. Hahaha
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Wow, thanks bro @Billthebutcher . This is it. But i think there is some part missing in the beginning where he talks how he got brainwashed into this cult. Thank u so much
0 votes
Jan 10, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,767 points
Yeah there's another video of that I think
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Yeah, i m trying to find it. Glad that i got this part. These are the most, seemingly effective brainwashing propaganda ISIS videos i have seen. You should see the first part. No wonder how they are so successful at brainwashing so many jobless teenagers in the name of God.
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 348 points
@FocussedMonk There's an Indian girl in my neighborhood who sits on her front stoop everyday and combs her very long hair, is that a religious thing?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Eh ? no, there is no such thing, u idiot. Actually ur exposing that ur a creep that peeks into others houses everyday.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,767 points
Haha yeah that's definitely creeper fashion
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
GR is a predator, hope that her father catches you and beats your face in.
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,566 points
Only good muslim is a dead muslim
+2 votes
Jan 11, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,767 points
True that
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,124 points
> shows no understanding of modern combat techniques or troops movements
> "brother Ali has been very brave and wasn't scared of death, and finally surrendered his soul"

Yeah, sounds perfectly right.
+2 votes
Jan 11, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Lmao hahahahahahaha i can't stop laughing..
CHAEYOUNG Extreme Poster 598 points
Funny video as always
+1 vote
Feb 12, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,767 points
That's original
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,150 points
heres the full video in hd
+1 vote
Apr 28, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,767 points
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