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Last Ukrainian dance
They will die for sure next days... Meantime let's have some fun
26,615 views Nov 29, 2022

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A random French guy Famous 3,196 points
No tities?
+1 vote
Nov 29, 2022
Rachele Natural Addict 7,970 points
Seulement des bites
A random French guy Famous 3,196 points
En dépit de.
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
They are dancing because they just wiped out putin's new mobilized troops haha
+2 votes
Nov 29, 2022
Rachele Natural Addict 7,970 points
I don t give a fuck on Putin.
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 356 points
It's a gay Ukraine wedding party
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
And you really believe this, huh? Fucking dumbturd
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiiiii, @RacheleGuidi, nobody asking you, you fucking tramp, you italian prostitute.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
hey  fuckthefools  seriously now you need to stop insulting the Lady RacheleGuidi you are well out of order with you insults to her and it needs to stop now
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
I dooooon't give a fuuuuuck on lady prostitute. She's a cunt. One good thing about that whore is he hate Gypsies, i hate gypsies too! But to compare all Romanians with gypsies, you must he retarded as fuck
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
you'r the one that is retarded dude like I said back off being insulting to lady's on here there are not many ladies on this site as it is
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Fuck you and this lady prostitute. She's a fat ugly cunt with an IQ of a Chicken. Fuck off, loser
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
you fuck off you Romanian nigger and bury yourself some where
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools She is not even fat HAHA Fucking gipsy KYS
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Ohhh, look at this crying ucrainian faggot ))) Go fight with russians bcz your bisexual leader: ZeGAYlensky want this, you fucking faggot )) Just retards can call all romanians "gypsies" And retards are just retards ))) But i like how so many disgusting uGAYcrians come to Romania to seek shelter and warm places for the winter cuz Phoooutine bomb their shitty towns from the borders with Russia
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
this fuckthefools is a total WANKER gipsy nigger shit head fag
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools haha cry about it
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiiii, @fuckthelife, you are the perfect example of a pussy who act warrior on the internet )))) You think if you act like that, that italian fat prostitute will give you photos with her fat ugly cunt? )) fucking retarded loser )
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
every time in my town I see Romanians they look like the color of niggers shit skinned slimy greasy and smelly and degusting Gypsie's
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Oiii @FuckTheFools i will, i dont wanna leave my countey and will never go out of it ;) suck my cock you little Romanian gipsy do it like your mom who is working as a Romanian prostitute, every third Prostitute comes from Romanian O.O crazy right?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiiii, @Paint it black, )) You are a retarded faggot! I have been all over the Europe and guess what? Soooo many Ukrainians prostitute as well as italian, africans, albanians, korean, Philippines etc. You are just jealous cuz Romania is a safe place and Phoooutine don't have the balls to put one single racket on it cuz we are in Nato and that shithole: Ukraine isn't ))) It's funny how i heard news of russians raping your dirty ucrainian women and all deserve this . All the cunts coming in Romania from your dirty country to beg for help ))))))
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
I have seen how Romanians live they scavenge food from dustbins and dumpsters and steal and rob houses and mug people your country is a shit hole and education is the pits
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools haha and we kill every russian invader you saw my video were we execute them? haha begging for mercy mmm love that sound, Romania is a shit place Romanian people are shit. They cant even work right Germany for example ;) Get that through your mind every third Prostitute comes from Romania haha
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife, those are gypsies from Romania, not romanians, you fucking retarded faggot ))) I know you know Romania is a beautiful country, i know you know Romanians are white caucazians, every retard knows this, but you just try to bash cuz it's the only thing you can do, you faggot. At a simple search on Google, you will see Romania is in top 10 best beautiful places in Europe, you fucking retarded )) But keep crying ..i bet when you will come in Romania you will be silent like a pussy...cuz you will see how wrong you are about this country, you faggot
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Again, you fucking retarded cunt @fuckthelife, those are gypsies, in every country there's homeless people, you fucking troll )) UK is full of Homeless..most of them being UK citizens...every fucking country have homeless people, but what a retarded furstrated clown knows? ))
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @Paint it in black faggot, )) That's just propaganda. Russians rape your women, kill your ugly faggs of soldiers, you lame losers just cry for help every day. Your bisexual leader just yell for help from Nato and USA, you filthy ugly fagg. Romania is 50 years more advanced than uGAYcrian. And fun facts: Romania is richer than Ukraine, you faggot. )) I will love to see Phooutine drop a nuke on your shitty country.. Stop begging for help and stop enter in Romania, you slaves
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
no no no  your Romanians are here in my country and look just like niggers and like I said stealing and robbing and living out of dustbins and none of them are white no way 2 of the Romaninians have taken a very long walk out of our town and not seen again if you know what I mean lol
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools haha Russians getting fucked, new mobilizied troops are nothing, getting wiped out. We attacked a Russian base a few days ago with new mobilized troops in it. 200 dead Russian pigs ;) haha Putin will never drop "nukes" you idiot haha keep thinking that haha fucking Romanian haha
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, FUCKtard Paint it in black, look at those Ukrainians clowns dancing on romanian music, you fucking retarded clown! Hundred per day enter in our country seeking for help and warm. The majority are civilized and kind, but cunts like you deserve to be put to sleep by russians troops after they rape your stimky ass ))) Lots of my neighbors welcome ucrainian families in their homes...they crying and they have kids. We offer them warm placec, food and fucking retard! This how bad Romanians are, căcat infect și smiorcăit. Zmeuleț de tastatură
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife ))) Every tourist from all over the world who visited this country for our castles (especially Dracula's Castle) knows who, what and how romanians are. You are just a mad troll cuz i insult a fat Italian prostitute you have never seen her in your life, you fucking retard! Romanians are more white than the snow, you fucking retard ;)))) But keep doing your troll job, fagg
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yeah Russia is totally fucked up now losing all of them men putin is now clutching at straws and is desperate and lots of russian men are running away from putin into other country's so now Russia is losing big time lol
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yeah when Russia has its ass kicked you Romanians will starve your country is shit poor and I look forward for some more Romanians taking a long walk out of our town
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools do you have friends in russia? Your "friends" are brainwashed, ass fuck haha, Russians have been brainwashed since the start of this war. Russia attacks Ukraine and they get their ass kicked. 3-4 days military operation? haha, it's been 9 months now and russia still hasn't made good progress. I just took some terretoires that are being reclaimed from us. And yes, Russia kills civilians ;) and it's not an "accident" Russia is targeting civilians and you're proud of it haha ​​fucking idiot. Russia will burn sooner or later. We're gonna have a shitty Christmas? I think the Russians will have a worse Christmas ;) The newly mobilized troops will die in the cold with no boots and good clothes for putler
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Ome thing is clear: those clowsn rulling the world want us to fighting and hating eachother. )) this is the way they control us! They give us names: poor, rich, leftist, rightist, republicans, democrats, etc...they want our votes, they make us fighting for nothing... And we stay here on this shitty site and yellat each other with names ) "faggs, gypsies, whores, tranies" ... and they, those rich clowns rulling the world laugh in their big houses eating expensive food and raping little girls.. Well
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yeah we know that it's the world we all live in
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, Paint it in Black, it seems you enjoy this conflict. You don't care if your poeole suffering you fucking idiot ))) And you have the balls to call: brainwashed, to others? You are brainwashed, you idiot! This conflict is not your, the people, the simple poeple. Your ugly bisexual leader is just a puppet for the clowns from Nato ..they starting this conflict and you, idiots will die for your clown leader ))) Fucking idiot
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Oiii @FuckTheFools Of course i care about it, but i enjoy it when Russian invaders die in this useless war that Putler started ;)
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yes russians started the war invading and stealing land and killing and murder of innocent people the world will not let him get away with this
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Putin call to fight in this conflict just drunk Russians. Smart Russians will not go and die bcz their psycho leader want! I bet from 130 mill Russians, many are open minded and soon enough will put Putin in a prison! And you ucrainians must do the same to your bisexual leader . He don't want peace, he play as he is told by elites from all over the world! This conflict is for rich clowns to get richier. Like the pLandemic. It's a proven thing that flu has 99.999% recovery rate but they brainwashed so many to wear fave diapers and put in them 4 doses of a magically ser )( Fucking retards. Hunans are so stupid.
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiiii, Paint it in black, again.. it's not even a war, it is just a conflict. They bombed towns near Cernobyl, there are empty living there, open your eyes, idiot ))) Of COURSE there are casualties..some civilians killed..but not as the media says: "oh noooo, lots of civilians are gettiny killed" Why Ukrainia doesn't start bombing russian towns near the borders???? Not one single missile doesn't cross the Russian borders. Why? If your leader is so warrior, he can send some missiles to Moscow or towns near Ukraine. Why not? Why just towns from Ukraine are bombed? Lies? Truth!
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools First of all many people dont fight for Zelensky. We fight for our land and for our people who are suffering because of the Russian troops that are attacking us for no reason and killing our people. Putin will soon end up in prison for his war crimes and russia will burn again. I hope that putin sends more people in Ukraine so they all die. All Russians who is entering Ukraine will die
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife stop watching media. Putin is not so dumb. This "war" is just a pretext to make poor countries more poor and rich countries more rich! Look what happened with the pLandemic circus! When this "war" started, all the Europe drop the restrictions and covid disappear)) Now we have another priority: Putin and Ukraine... Open your fucking eyes and live your life without media...
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Stop lying yourself, Paint it Black )) Russians are friends with ucrainians! There are those fanatics pro russia and those jews from Ukraine...those are fighting like idiots and dying like idiots! That's all! If you are so brave, go and fight at the borders and stop moaning on a fucking gore site
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
the USA is now just waiting to invade Russia at the right moment and China knows this and putin is now just starting to realis this
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools I.m not lying to myself ;) its the truth haha Russia is gonna burn soon. And every second Some Russian pigs are dying because of Putler haha
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
my country are starting to move nukeclear  rockets about and there is a lot of movement going on and the army is getting busy
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
"we fight for our land" blah blah blah.. brainwashed idiot )) This is the most used pretext to make idiots like you to go and fight and die "for your lands" Take the gun and a few friends and go to ukrainian parliament and kill the corupt politicians and the war will stop! They want you and the rest of ucrainians people to die so they prosper...your politicians doesn't care about your families, neither in my country as well. Our politiciana open wide their arms for indians and firce us, romanians to tolerate them, that's why there are so many gypsies in this beautiful cohtryy! 19 mill , 2 mill from 19 are gypsies cuz our gouvernment give them social help and encouraging the birth rate. They are scums and they are the cause for everything bad happening in our coutnry, and idiots like you and that italian whore, think all romanians are like that. ) Fucking idiots. I'm done with trolls like you. Our gouvernment must close the borders and send the so many ucrainian families back there, but we care about them, cuz we are warm as a nation.
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
No, idiot, Russia will make peace with Ukraine and that's all! Putin will die from cancer and all of this will be forgotten. Russia will not burn, idiot. I don't like Russia, but definitely will not burn. Your bisexual leader will make peace and the conflict will be over next year, trust me
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Russia will burn soon or later. If you dont like Russia then why do you keep sucking Putlers cock?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, Paint it in black))) Fucking faggot, i bet you lick ZeGAYlesnky dick every day . That in the photo is a gipsie, not a romanian, but nice try, you crying faggot! All the ucrainians women here in Romania crying about their men being so cowards running from Ukraine))(  fucking idiot!
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
we have many nuclear submarines around Russia waiting now to launch war heads on Russia and putin is scared
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Your sucking putins dick the wholetime haha lick it all clean otherwise he will be mad ;) i thought gipsies and Romanians are the same? O.O they are not running away they are fighting haha you fucking idiot
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
You, Paint it in Black and that loser @fuckthelife are just two retards who acting warriors on a gore site, you fucking pussies )))) If you are all so brave, go and fight you fucking faggots. You defend your shitty country being here eternals days and nights? ))) Fucking faggot. I bet you stay all day long in a basement crying for help , begging Nato to save your shitty country, you fucking retarded cunt
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
haha thats a good one in your dreams russia will lose they are getting poor and bankrupt
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools I dont sit in a basement lol i live in a house haha and yes i do ;) keep crying about people who are fleeing in your shit Country you would do the same if your shit land gets attacked, i bet you will suck NATO instantly for some help
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
)))) Imagine your shitty country being invaded by drunk russians and you faggots, ukrainians faggots hiding your pussies in basements and asking for help from Nato ))) You fucking faggots! The only thing you know is staying here on this shitty site and trolling. Stay hidden in your basement, you faggot...Phooutine will send his troops and if they find you, they will rape your fagg ass, and unfortunately, this is the truth, you disgusting coward )) "maaa maaaa maaaa, we need help from America, maaa maaa maaa, giveus food and weapons, ma maaa maaaa, please America, help us, please Nato, help us maaa maaaa " ))) Fucking rats. i hope that psycho: Putin will nuke that shithole
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, faggot, Paint it in Black, is not my country being invaded by drunk russians, you faggot  )) ZeGAYlensky: "ma maaa maaaa, Nato, please help us, we are out of food, we need food and weapons, ma maaaa maaaa, i will suck Biden cock just send us food and weapons, ma maaa maaaa" Fucking disgusting country with fucking disgusting cowards! )
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools we pushing them out of Ukraine haha Russia is losing ground and we still advancing haha
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
ZeGAYlensky: "MAAA MAAAA MAAA, NATO, PLEASE help us, Ma maaaa maaaa, please Romania, help our poeple, open your borders and let them in, ma maaaa maaaaaa" ))) FUCKING cowards! Losers .. Putin scared the shit out of you, faggs
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools yeah thats just childish from you haha
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
let's face it Russia has lost they are so bankrupt even China won't help them now they are keeping out of it putin is very short on weapon parts and the army have no winter clothes to wear
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
The only thing you are pushing is your small dicks up in the ass of Biden to help your comrades maaa maaa maaaa "Nato, please help us, Slava Ukraine, save the Ukraine, I stand with Ukraine, poor Ukrainians, ma maaa maaa, let's help those pior bastards, ma maaaa maaaa" ))) FUCKING shithole; 40 millions of ukrainians sucking Nato dicks so they can save your ass from Putin )(
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Small dick? idk it's pretty average. Putin is sucking Irans dick for cheap drones lol haha and atleast Ukraine gets help instead of Russia haha Russia be like: we need civillians to fight that war
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife, stop sucking this loser dick, you faggot. Tell me about ZeGAYlensky crying: "ma maaaa maaaa, Nato, please help us, mamaaa maaa maaaa Biden please help us, send us foodz medication and weapons maaa maa maaa, Romania, please our brothers, help us, take our ucrainians families and offer them shelter ma maaaa maaaa" Fucking shithole Ukraine is. The map shows me Russia is bigger now, some Towns are already at Russia
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
And faggs from Ukraine are coming in Romania to hide and cry ) They are all over the place: jn malls, motels, hostels etc .. Eating our food, spendings their money and increasing our economy...lots of losers who run from Putin "mas maaa maaaa, Romania, help us"
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
the Ukraine is very good friends with our country, and we are with them all the way like i said the USA is now just waiting to invade Russia
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools those are women and children and men with families ;) You fucking idiot, it's crazy how stupid you are, you little Romanian scum
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Those are cowards and coming to Romania to seek for help cuz Putin is bad ))) You fucking retarded cunt! "Maaa maaa maaa, please help us, Putin is bad, ma maaa maaa, we love our romanians brothers and sisters, ma maaaa maaaa" Fucking losers! Stay in your fucking country and fight of you care about your lands, you faggots!
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Iran please help us we need drones please i suck your cock please iran haha
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
haha lol
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
"maaa maaaa maaaaa, Nato, please help us, we need weapons and food, maa maaa, Romania, please open your borders so we can enter your country cuz we are just too scared to defend our lands from drunk russians, ma maa maaaa" )) Fuckin loser
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools you think that Romania is the only country with Ukrainians right? haha
Mm 2 points
@FuckTheFools- nu termini mă cu vorbaria? Caca-m-as in gura ta aia imputita si plina de carii. Mars in mortii ma-tii si culca-te, cancerosule!
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yeah thinking back Rumaina wanted to join nato and was not allowed
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
We are neighbors, you fucking retarded incel! Of course the most are here, hiding, crying Eating our food. Ugly children...they are upset and tjeir eyes are lost. I have seen in malls, they are eating the whole things, even napkins)) And the men, Ukrainians men are ugly and fat. How those fat clowns can fight for their lands? They come here to cry and hide! Fucking losers! "Maa maaa maaa, Nato please help us" that bisexual clown: ZeGAYlensky isn't even in Ukraine no more, he is in Dubai living his life and you fucking retarded cunts die for him ))
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools haha god damn you are so fucking stupid
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
@Mm băga-mi-aș pula'n mă-ta de poponar infect, tu nu vezi că ne numesc clovnii ăstia "tigani" pe toti romanii, bai pizdirel? Băga-mi-as pula'n ma-ta de petardă. Sau tu chiar ești tigan si nu te simti? Zbenguimi-aș pula in tine de spermatozoid rătăcit
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
@fuckthelife Guess what, faggot? We are now in Nato, you fucking faggot
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
it is all the drugs he is on Rumanians are full of it
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
@fuckthefools na you think so, but we are keeping you lot at arm's length
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Paint it in Black, thinking all Romanias are gypsies means you are stupid as fuck, you Ukrainian faggot! Your name is Lev? )))) Fucking fagg name, you pathetic cunt "maaa maaa maaaa, please Nato, help us, Russia take our lands, naaaaaaa"
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools haha fucking Romanian scum My name is not Lev lol but i.m glad that you know how to click on someones profile. I thought every Romanian is dumb ass fuck
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife, you are just a fucking retarded clown troll on a shitty gore site, you fucking loser. You spend eternals days and nights here jerking off on gore clips, you fucking loser )) Fuck off, you idiot. Find a romanian and tell him in front of him "you are a gipsie" In two seconds your head will be down to your legs, you fagg, we hate gypsies, you faggot
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
fuckthefools you talk a load of shit what school did you go to oh was it some gypsy camp you went to
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@fuckthelife Gypsy camp haha that got me
Mm 2 points
Mori ba, cancerosule analfabet! Ce mortii ma-tii injuri pe toata lumea aici, faci Romania de ras, cacat obosit ce esti! Du-te drecu de tigan slinos. Te blocheaza aia pe facebook si nu ai pe cine sa injuri? Dispari in mortii ma-tii si lasa oamenii in pace. Injuri tu englezi, americani, ucrainieni. Tu , un tigan parlit si prapadit. Nu ai munca? Du-te in mortii tai si fa ceva util, pierzi timpul aici sa te certi cu oamenii. Manca-te-ar cancerul de gunoi tiganesc. Daca te prindeam te bateam pana oboseam, iti taiam urechile si te puneam aici pe site sa fii rasul la toti. Nu ti-e rusine, mai gunoiule, d-aia e Romania saraca si vai de ea pentru ca e populata de animale ca tine. Rade tot Occidentul de tara asta infecta si tu te dai smecher la straini. Tu- saracia neamului!
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, PAINT it in black, fun facts, Romanians are one of the smartest people on earth, you disgusting Ukrainian fagg! "Maaa maaaa maaa, Nato please help us, please, Putin invaded our lands and rape our kids, maaa maaa maaaaa" You put a faggot Ukrainian soldier on your profile photo , you faggot and you think you are a warrior? )))) It's funny how hundreds of Russian tanks enter almost a year ago freely on your shitty coutnry and bomb faggs like hell )))) How in the hell they can enter your shitty country but not one single ukrainian tank enter to Russia? )) And you are winning???? ))  Baaa haaaa haa haaaaa
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
@paint it black   ok brother
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Romanians are the smartest people on earth? oh really? but your not smart so that makes no sense
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
the Romanian gypsy is on putins drugs
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
@Mm ce ai bă poponar infect și smiorcăit? )))) Te-ai găsit tu să latri aici, băga-mi-aș pula in familia ta de moluscă. )) Pe cine să prinzi și ce să bati tu bă spermatozoid rătacit? ))) baga-mi-as pula in tine de ghertoi lăbar sa-mi bag . Nu, stai, daca imi bag pula in tine sunt șanse sa iti placa, tu fiind poponar, mortii tai de gușter ce ești...mă piș pe mă-ta până crede că e Fanta
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
@fuckthelife, the only thing you can repeat like a retarded clown is: "gypsie" )))) Start working on your trolling, you fucking retard. "Maaa maaa maaaaa, Nato, please help us, drunk Russians rape our women and bomb our cities, maaa maaa maaa"
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Dude even your own people hates you
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
@Mm ti-ai făcut si tu cont acum o oră ca să vii să mi-o molfăi aici online, bă gușterule? ))) Bagă -mi-as pula in petarda se mă-ta de gușter )) Fute-ma-s in mancare muma-tii de avorton rătăcit. Ce e? Ai vreun iubit ucrainian, poponar infect? )) zbenguimi-aș pula'n cotoarba de muma-ta de hermafrodit
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
haha you say that the Rumanians are the smartest people yeah they sure are at stealing and robbing and pick pocketing and mugging people lol
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
paint it in black, it's funny how you faggs crying for help: "maaa maaa maaaa, Nato, Romania, France, America, please help us" Ukraine is now like a prostitute )) Your country just become a prostitute and Putin is your pimp! ))) This year on the hollydays the fireworks will be missiles from Mother Russia, you fagg ))) Enjoy your shitty country
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools You repeat yourself my friend ;)
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife, you are taking about gypsies, and you are not wrong, you faggot! 85% of inmates here in Romania prisons are gypsies, they came from India all over Europe. On the other way, every fucking tourist talking good things about Romania, just faggots like you who know nothing about Romania moan and bark "maa maaa maaa, Romanians are gipsies" ma maaa maaaaa Fucking retard! Look how i own your brain! For more than 2 hours i make you my slave, you replying me like a slave, you don't even eat or sleep anymore, you idiot. I own your soul now
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oii, Paint it in black, 3 Ukrainian faggots dancing on romanian music ))) That's all i can say! You faggot!
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools its music you idiot haha imagine judging music taste haha fucking Romanian scum
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
@fuckthefools hahaha you are fucking retard just like the rest of you Gypsies you make me laugh lol dream on faggot gay boy
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii, @fuckthelife, you fucking faggot, look on ZeGAYlensky dancing on high heels, you retarded pussy )))) Who is the fagg?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiii Paint it in Black, your leader is a bisexual cunt! Look how that clown dancing on heels like a faggot! Is that your leader,? He is an LGBT suporter! I rather be a gypsie than a faggot or a pussy who suport faggs and that shitty disgusting LGBT community. Russia hates faggots, that's why they invaded Ukraine. There are news with ZeGAYlesnky when he show his suport on LGBT crap, you faggot. )))
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
@fuckthefools aaaaww whats the matter just because lensky did not ask you to join him wearing high heels you tranny retard gipo
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
I knew it you are a faggot ))) You are now so triggered bcz i expose that bisexual clown )) Dancing in high heels like a faggot! Imagine him being safe in Dubai and his people fighting and begging for help from Nato ))) Fucking retards! Fuck off, faggot! Go lick his small dick
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Your a fucking idiot it's crazy how dumb you are. But you are Romanian so it's not a surprise
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
@fuckthefools sounds if you are jealous that you can't lick his cock lol
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Imagine being so furstrated uploading videos and crying for attention))  "fuckthefools whife" )) "maaa maaa maaaa, Nato, help us, ZeGAYlensky here, i am Dancing on hells, i am safe in Dubai, but ..yeah, heeelp ussss" maa maaa
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@FuckTheFools Imagine being so dumb and thinking that i upload that video
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
@fuckthelife, disgusting faggot )) Jealous? It's all you can came out? Fucking faggot! "Maaa maaaa maaaa, i am ZeGAYlensky, i am Dancing on high heels, maa maaa maaa, i am safe in Dubai with my transexual wife and yeah.. help ussss maa maaa"
@fuckthelife. It is a bit old but I must admit,I love seeing you being called out like this. I love it !!!
A random French guy Famous 3,196 points
It became animated here when I was doing things on bed.
0 votes
Nov 30, 2022
sopadomacaco Extreme Poster 633 points
funny video as always
+2 votes
Feb 9, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
Ukraine is a failed state and puppet regime
0 votes
Apr 3, 2023
+1 vote
Apr 20, 2023
Ha ha ha ha ha!
0 votes
Jul 27, 2023