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she learned lesson.

lower ur voice ma'am

10,579 views Nov 10, 2022

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Schmidder Intermediate 1,211 points
well the question is what was the cause ...
Unfortunately, we are flooded with millions of "refugees" and the women can no longer feel safe here.
So if such a "refugee" there might provoke something, it is rather a shame that no man is there.
+2 votes
Nov 10, 2022
Fuck all niggers!

     That's not a justification for slapping someone. I'm not down with hitting women or anyone unless there are very extreme circumstances.  However, if you hit someone, man, woman, white, black, asian, ugly, pretty, dumb, or smart.  You better be expecting that fair treatment bitches have been fighting for so feverishly over the last thirty years.  She slapped him, he slapped her.  That's equality and she deserved what she gave and got.  Do you know what they're arguing about?  I'm not claiming there's no possibility that she deserved to hit him without retaliation.  But it takes a lot to meet that in my opinion.
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
I'd take refugees from Russia over Jihadistan terrorist Mudslimes any day.
the_SHIT_astral Addicted 1,633 points
That punch completely reprogrammed the girl.
It's a miracle
+4 votes
Nov 10, 2022
Fuck all niggers!

      That was just an open handed slap but yes, she looked blank after that for a few seconds.  A total reboot but they never learn.  She'll be flapping that jaw and swinging her hands around so more.
Don't slap a slut if she comes and attacks you.
+2 votes
Nov 10, 2022
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,120 points
why ?
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,720 points
She needed that to calm her yelling!!
+3 votes
Nov 10, 2022
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,074 points
she needs my cock
+4 votes
Nov 10, 2022
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,120 points
Never stick your meat in crazy, bruh. The kind of fucked up chick that stabs you during your sleep because you smiled at the 7/11 cashier a week ago lol
Fetid01 Intermediate 1,058 points
+5 votes
Nov 10, 2022
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,120 points
The loud kraut hoe vs the Russian Chad. Proven one more time.
+4 votes
Nov 10, 2022
chancho The Boss 28,802 points
he didn't punch her, he slapped her. it was totally fair, slap for slap. and you can bet she's much more likely to sleep with that man than with some beta dude who lets her slap him
+4 votes
Nov 10, 2022
Meth delivery guy Beginner 158 points
Wer redet wie ein mann kriegt auch schläge wie ein mann
+1 vote
Nov 10, 2022
Butt-Head The Boss 28,873 points
Can someone translate this? Lol I replayed that slap like 15 times x)
+3 votes
Nov 10, 2022
A random French guy
Basically she insults the guy, tells him that his mother isna bitch and thus a son of a bitch. Just before the slap she said come come fuck me because the guy told her I fuck you.
ily Beginner 192 points
shes barking
+4 votes
Nov 10, 2022
WaffenHanSS Intermediate 1,167 points
Remember if a whore gets on your ass and has a big mouth, hit her
+1 vote
Nov 11, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
The German bichtslap
Wunderbar und schadenfreude!
+1 vote
Nov 20, 2022
sopadomacaco Extreme Poster 631 points
funny video as always
+3 votes
Feb 10, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
Don't fuck with Russia!
+1 vote
Mar 25, 2023
grief27 Overlord 5,879 points