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Russians with ukrainian nazis
Reverse side of a medal
Stay tuned
11,180 views Nov 9, 2022

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Troglodyte The Boss 25,465 points
Kinda ridiculous when thoroughbred fascists call other people "Nazis" . . .
–4 votes
Nov 9, 2022
Капетан Драган Overlord 4,967 points
Are you blind
Troglodyte The Boss 25,465 points
Comrade Dragan, I see flags that were also seen at nearly every "freedom" demonstration of anti-vaxxers not so long ago:

Btw., here's the emblem of the oh so very heroïcally heroïc Rusich warriors:

This is called the "Sun Wheel" a.k.a. "Black Sun", Heinrich Himmler's most favorite symbol, 4 sig-runes at once and not just "humble" 2 like the ᛋᛋ . . .
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,923 points
I bet there going to rape those assholes! Every side is the enemy
–1 vote
Nov 9, 2022
I_am_innocent Omega 17,398 points
Slava Blyat Russkies
–1 vote
Nov 9, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,465 points
Slava bolyat russky
Phlegm Addicted 2,113 points
I hate Ukrainians they are shit
–1 vote
Nov 9, 2022
Shit_Cock137 Natural Addict 8,419 points
Sad that former brothers are killing each other.
+1 vote
Nov 9, 2022
Капетан Драган Overlord 4,967 points
I must agree with you.
But this is deeper theme. West is evil
Shit_Cock137 Natural Addict 8,419 points
Couldn't agree more!
The West definitely needs to hold themselves accountable for their own crimes.
IURII 4 65 points
Beautifull guys I have mine too  in Georgia back then  with dead Georgians  , but now I wanna kill EU or American  mercenaries  and cut their head
0 votes
Jul 15, 2023
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
i am a nazi but i love these pictures, because ukrainians are fake nazis lol, so its not a loss
0 votes
Mar 25, 2024
Zultannis 5 points
Nazism in itself is a Zionist invention; In order to pave the way for the all-Jewish state of Israel ((which eventually it did)). Any self-proclaimed "Nazi" is a retard.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
hahahahaha what the fuck did you smoke lmfao
Zultannis 5 points
It's true. Hitler paved the way for the all-Jewish state of Israel. Without Hitler... there would be no Israel. Look up the Haavara agreement. Before the war started, Hitler sent around 60,000 German Jews to Palestine... And not only did the Jews get their own international platform on the world's stage (Israel) which Hitler helped them get, but they also got billions and billions of dollars worth of reparations as well through the very exaggerated truth of the holocaust. The Jews gained **A LOT** more from World War 2 than what they lost... And Hitler played a **BIG ROLE** in helping them establish that power.

Are you a Jew-boy yourself...? If you are, then I doubt you would ever admit that, but still... there's plenty of Jews that pretend to be white nationalists... And that also cuck for Hitler, downplaying the fact that Hitler himself was an agent... Zionist, or Freemason. A lot of people will try to say that Hitler wasn't a Freemason, because he "targeted" them on some level... like the bankers in Germany, but not any of you are actually able to disprove that as being nothing more than a Masonic smoke screen in itself... which I'm pretty sure it was, but never the less... no matter if he was legit he still helped establish more Jewish power on the planet than the other way around ((in taking from them)), and that's a fact that no one can deny.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
yes what you are saying is true, but hitler did that because the jews declared war on germany around the 30s if i remember correctly... it happened after hitler started clearing all the shitty jewish filth that was infesting germany after the end of ww1 and the german defeat... hitler never wanted war thats why he always tried to avoid it and made peace with jews... it is true that hitler tried to solve the so called "jewish problem" or "jewish question" it was something like that and its true that the fuckers earned billions from the holocaust plus the most important thing, they brainwashed everyone into thinking they are the good guys getting always bullied for no reason. everyone hates nazis and thats because those fuckers brainwashed the entire world, the same entire world which is too stupid to understand what is actually going on. but all of this is very far from "the nazis were a jewish invention" that is not true.
Zultannis 5 points
Yeah, and you don't seem very smart yourself, because if you were then you would understand that the conspiracy goes BEYOND the Jews... the Jews are **PART** of the problem, but they're not the heart of the hydra, but only 1 head out of the many... But you're also downplaying the fact that Hitler helped pave the way for Israel. He never should of re-located them in Palestine out of all places, much less allow them to unite period... And prior to the Havaara agreement the Jews were scattered throughout Europe... they had no real unification up until the all-Jewish state of Israel, and that was the whole point behind World War 2... it was a false flag, one that was meant to pave the way for Israel. To unite the Jews under one banner... back in their holy land. To give them a platform on the international world stage (a swindler state), and they got it... And you can thank Hitler for that one. Again; Either he was a Freemason, or a Zionist, but he certainly wasn't no hero to humanity. He screwed German people over... And he also pushed the swastika off as an Aryan symbol, but the symbol itself was used by non-white societies wayyyyy before white people ever started using it.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
nah the jews bought fucking jerusalem with their own money. and then started to expand like the cancer they are. hitler wanted them in madagascar. and no you are wrong. jews are the offspring of satan they are the ones who killed jesus. they are humans who work directly for the devil. fucking worshipping of the devil pieces of shit.
Zultannis 5 points
Lol... Jesus doesn't exist, and the fictional Jesus itself is a Jewish concept. Judaism is a form of corrupted Paganism... Christianity is an off-shoot of that (corrupted sun worship). All Jesus is is a metaphor for the sun, and also an allegory to the hellbound heart. The damned gentile... And we worship that symbol without knowing what it actually means. lol We worship our own DAMNATION through Jesus, but the character itself was never a real person.

As for Hitler originally wanting the Jews to be sent to Madagascar... that was nothing more than an excuse, likely made in order for people like you ((that obviously don't think for themselves)) as a means to downplay the fact that he wanted to send them to Palestine to begin with. If Hitler was legit, then he would of **NEVER** sent them to Palestine at all... he would of never even let them UNITE under one banner, but he would of kept them in concentration camps; And scattered throughout Europe, but he did the **COMPLETE OPPOSITE** of that, thus... paving the way for Israel. Downplay it all you want, but that's the truth.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
lol just from the fact you say jesus never existed is already proof of how much of an ignorant you are....
Zultannis 5 points
That depends on how you define Jesus... if you're talking about a divine Jesus; Son of a god that is all powerful... all knowing, and is loving. Then no... such a character does not exist, and you believe otherwise out of ignorance... And blind faith.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,707 points
yeah blind faith whatever, i aint discussing with an atheist who thinks all of this fucking shit happened out of pure casuality
Zultannis 5 points
I definitely don't believe anything happens "casually", but I do believe that the conspiracy is on a COSMIC level. Think multi-dimensional extra-terrestrials; That possibly seeded life on this planet, and has human society infiltrated on EVERY level ((even taking on the form of humans/ shapeshifters and skinwalkers)). I believe they created humanity through a very advanced form of genetic engineering; All as a means to use us as some sort of psychic exploit... LOOSH; You can probably say...? But yeah... I wouldn't call myself an Atheist though, but an Agnostic. I don't think 'God' is something that can be proven or disproven... So, I stand between belief and non-belief. I'm open minded to a god's existence, but I don't believe that there is one.
Капетан Драган Overlord 4,967 points