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How To Avoid Putin's Mobilization Order

A shocking video of young people in Russia who want to escape Putin's mobilization order,
with the help of their friends, taking hard-line measures such as "breaking their own legs.
9,742 views Sep 28, 2022

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ZiaQueen505WSL03 Extreme Poster 653 points
Holy shit that hurt to watch.  I know we've all seen worse but for some reason that 1 hurt... Even his homie was like "Fuck ouch" runs away and covers his head...
+6 votes
Sep 28, 2022
ZiaQueen505WSL03 Extreme Poster 653 points
I must say his friend has good aim also lol
megakotaro Intermediate 1,271 points
Yell Allahu Akbar and run to Putin he will scare.
+3 votes
Sep 28, 2022
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,662 points
This movie clip is enough to send him to prison.
+6 votes
Sep 28, 2022
Rachele Natural Addict 7,935 points
my leg hurts! Stupid little pussies
0 votes
Sep 28, 2022
Rachele Natural Addict 7,935 points
who gave me unlike is a pussy too
gdubya75 Addicted 2,075 points
Zzzzzz repost from yesterday
+2 votes
Sep 28, 2022
ExplodingKnees Veteran 14,769 points
Kill Putin
+3 votes
Sep 28, 2022
hitler_69 Addicted 1,643 points
Go and actually kill him you fucking faggot instead writing kill putin. You are so stupid that you don't realise that nobody will go and kill putin after reading your comment
ExplodingKnees Veteran 14,769 points
Sucking Putin's cock makes you feel really comfortable because everyone in your family are all nasty fucktard faggot lol. Someday when you finish providing sexual gratification for Putin and go back home and you'll find out some other Russians killed your mother and fucking her dead body while digging out her womb for later consumption. Your father witness the entire process and enjoying it because he is a cowardly little pervert who also loves Russia.
hitler_69 Addicted 1,643 points
I'm not from russian you fucking brainwashed retard but I support putins war because I'm rich and I can live wherever I want. I just hate brainwashed sheeps like you, who don't act and repeat after other sheeps. Start thinking and you will realise that you are a slave
ExplodingKnees Veteran 14,769 points
Is there any relation between "you are rich" and "you support Putin", also why you keep saying I'm brainwashed? By who? I'm just simply don't like Putin. You can't just call everyone who shares different opinion with you a "brainwashed sheep" unless you admit you are a retarded Putin's cock sucker Lmaooooo
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,877 points
One such policy was the introduction of the American system of education, and so pervasive and far-reaching was its impact and influence on the life and culture of the Filipino during and after the colonial period that it is generally regarded as the "greatest contribution" of American colonialism in the Philippines
are17 Landed Knights 183,103 points
nigger slayer is confirmed from philippines
Rex Black Intermediate 1,339 points
I like the gentle adjustments just before, like he is a professional leg breaker, who knows exactly how it's done...maybe he is
+6 votes
Sep 28, 2022
fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
its putins bones that needs to be Broken
+1 vote
Sep 28, 2022
GGHHJJKKLL Famous 3,988 points
+2 votes
Sep 28, 2022
Godless Natural Addict 9,422 points
He hates Putin
+3 votes
Sep 28, 2022
wolfred10 Overlord 5,126 points
Fuck bro
+3 votes
Sep 29, 2022
Lucifah Famous 3,732 points
He can still serve as a decoy. Hahaha
+3 votes
Oct 10, 2022
Kill fueko Advanced 2,494 points
That ting melike hell
+3 votes
Oct 13, 2022
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Couldn't watch it. I have a thing about broken bones. That's like the one thing I can't stomach. Decapitation? No problem. Bodies mangled from a car crash? Love it. Broken bones. FUCK NO!!!!
+1 vote
Mar 10, 2023
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
He's running free
He's running free yeah
+1 vote
Mar 11, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,925 points
The radical leftists on the internet call Donald Trump a "draft dodging coward who faked bone spurs" but their precious idol Joe Bidumb has no military service and couldn't locate Afghanistan on a map without help. Fuck Biden, fuck The Young Turks, fuck YouTube for constantly promoting those retarded motherfuckers, and fuck all their sheeple viewers.
+1 vote
Apr 6, 2023
are17 Landed Knights 183,103 points