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Woman Driver Crashed Onto Lamborghini

4th September 2022 – (Hong Kong) At around 8.15am today, a motorcycle was traveling along

Shek O Road towards Shek O. It then lost control near Shek O Beach and crossing the traffic

lane to the other side and crashed with a Lamborghini car. The female motorcyclist involved

in the accident fell to the ground and the motorcycle was severely damaged.

After the accident, a passing motorist got out of the car to check the condition of the injured victim,

and assisted in calling to report the case. The injured female victim was conscious and was taken

to the hospital for treatment by ambulance. The police are investigating the cause of the accident.

10,851 views Sep 4, 2022

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zoran Veteran 14,224 points
+4 votes
Sep 4, 2022
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
zoran Veteran 14,224 points
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
wut ritez shuld we take  away frum womn
zoran Veteran 14,224 points
ummm, i didn't understand anything but nevermind
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
my english izso bad ot evn mai besfrend can reed it T0T
zoran Veteran 14,224 points
no worries cutie
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
*kisz u*
zoran Veteran 14,224 points
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points

Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,548 points
man you cant spell worth shit
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
thx u!!!
ChickenSalvador Well-Known 955 points
Thats not bad English. Thats bad grammar and spelling. Go back and finish your primary years before coming to this website.
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
yru throwign a fit ^^;
ChickenSalvador Well-Known 955 points
Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
ur weird
ChickenSalvador Well-Known 955 points
ExodusK Beginner 167 points
national homeland Jewish ancient captivity Babylonian at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar , as well as the belief of Jews that the "promised land" (Jewish name for the land of Palestine) "God had bestowed upon the children of Israel." children of Israel , this gift is eternal and unchangeable" unless they do not. They were enthusiastic about Zionism, remembering that the Promised Land and the State of Israel were not to be founded by humans as they were, but had to be built by Messiah the long-awaited

In the mid-nineteenth century two rabbis emerged, calling on the Jews to pave the way for the Messiah to establish a national homeland. The German-Jewish philosopher Moses Hess appears in his book Rome and Jerusalem and says that the Jewish problem lies in the absence of a national home for the Jewish people.

jewish is dangerous for our future, The Jewish population in Israel is about 75%
14,511,000 in April 2018, an increase from 14.41 million in 2016 imagine to gas them all just like what the Führer do. kill all jewish before it's late!
+2 votes
Sep 4, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,431 points
Why are you driving on the wrong side of the road?! Something has to happen then . . .
+4 votes
Sep 4, 2022
McKFC Extreme Poster 699 points
Haha! Woman...
+5 votes
Sep 4, 2022
oniiibak Advanced 2,714 points
man that bitch messed up...she gonna have to pay that guy through pussy payments for life lol. Sucks for her but good for the guy. If he has a wife he'll probably rent her out to some of his lackeys who are having a hard time getting sex. Last I heard it's rough on my young chinese brodas trying to get even an average chinese female to have a good fuck session with
+4 votes
Sep 4, 2022
girlie Well-Known 775 points
*gigglez* wha da fuuuuck! i wantz that white carz run herz overz
+2 votes
Sep 4, 2022
Guvnor The Boss 28,285 points
Stay in your own lane and dont stray into oncoming traffic lane, fucked up a nice Lambo, stupid woman..
+3 votes
Sep 5, 2022
UwU-Apartments Experienced 434 points
not the lambo!
+3 votes
Sep 5, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,548 points
woman fuck everything up
+2 votes
Sep 5, 2022
ChickenSalvador Well-Known 955 points
I reckon that was planned. Jealousy heist — destroy thy lamborghini. Also, she got a nice ass doe...
+1 vote
Sep 5, 2022
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,260 points
As a rider i understand , sometimes when cornering fast we ends up going wide in corner  .
+1 vote
Sep 7, 2022
TH3 N30N G0R3 Experienced 365 points
Only this info explains everything
+1 vote
Sep 9, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
Marco Simoncelli's alternate death
0 votes
Nov 18, 2022
Yousef Advanced 2,303 points
they belong to the kitchen
0 votes
May 1, 2023
are17 Landed Knights 183,096 points