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Racist statistics for the nerds

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9,665 views Aug 30, 2022

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TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,804 points
White Trash Colonizers
–7 votes
Aug 30, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,838 points
Black trash rapist
〄υηκηοωηↂ Advanced 2,455 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,693 points
nigger piece of shit cry about it u inferior monkey
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,123 points
Niggers rape their own grandmothers. #niggers
+5 votes
Aug 30, 2022
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 159,958 points
Best video on here lmfao
0 votes
Aug 30, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,838 points
Thank you
FLIPwillTrip 23 points
+3 votes
Aug 30, 2022
Bro you make it really hard to like black people it’s almost like you want me to hate them but no that can’t be cause everyone loves them cause they are a minority
0 votes
Aug 30, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,838 points
Love whatever you want
Houston, we have a problem.
0 votes
Aug 30, 2022
Propaganda, most comments on here are.
0 votes
Aug 30, 2022
+1 vote
Aug 31, 2022
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
if i could post videos, i would have already put out a video with statistics debunking all this shit that is on this video. Also, you claim you have statistics....why didn't you put the links to your statistics in the description of your video?? This floating of statistics without citing what feminists, communists and black women do. Hell...I dare say that you're part of the cointel pro 2.0
+1 vote
Aug 31, 2022
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,123 points
Blacks are disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The
victimization rates for blacks are 6 times higher than those for whites. The offending rates
for blacks are more than 7 times higher the rates for whites.  Most blacks are killed by other blacks.

Visit for more info.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,952 points
Oh well. The whites started it. They created the beast.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,112 points
@oniiibak Damb dude you’re an idiot. A simple Google search proves you wrong
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
you can do a google search...and pull up fake stats. Provide links...credible sources. Did you see how DelbertGrady actually put a credible website? Do that. You know what...while we are on this racist statistics mess, let me quote some stats for you...about 82% of black american men are law abiding citizens and are productive members of society; 64% out of that 82% are in the middle class; Black men are more likely to be involved in their children's lives despite the shit with the family and divorce courts; 52% of black american men...are single and childless; 71% of black american women are single mothers...these 71% of black women have babies with the trash 19% of black american males(pookie, ray ray, tyrone); Black American men...are more likely to be the victims of domestic violence. There used to be places where one could easily get all these data...but they are hidden now. Also...note how anytime black american men try to bring about the truth on main stream media we get shadowbanned, outright banned and hell in some cases our lives threatened when we try to bring the truth or keep away from wicked people. Example...we have a situation going on now where the competent decent black american men are getting their passports and going overseas to find a loving females and the federal government does not like this so what are they trying to do now?? Dick police the good black men. You cannot get a passport and go overseas if you do not have the funds, or you are placed on child support or you have a bad criminal record. The good black men know that the majority of females in the west are trash and have abandoned them. Now these females are targeting and in some cases killing these black men minding their own business and keeping to themselves and what is the US government doing about it?? Nothing. Afterall it costs too much money to lock up criminals. This is also the reason why the so called crime rate is so high even though black americans are only 13% of the US population. They are not keeping the criminals locked up! These days these criminals are getting release from jail so quickly and in some cases with no bail; what would you expect to happen?
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,112 points
@oniiibak And that’s your excuse for the black parasite ? You really need to look up FBI database and you’ll note blacks (16% of the population in the USA) commit 85% of the heinous crimes. Whites (approx 65% of the population) commit about 7% of the crime ! FACT …. So please spare us the poor poor pour me another drink that everyone is after the jigaboo and they are keeping truth secret from the rest of us. Listen up kiddo, I spent 8 years in the Corp. as an MP for 4 of those years, I guarantee you the biggest problem in todays military is niggers and other dark races , there is less than 3% of our White enlisted that we have ANY legal problems with. Military has 2 sets of laws IE civilian law and UCMJ ! Trust me in that you darkies seem to have an inherent problem with obedience and following rules/regs. I’m old enough to know little man and I’ve been around the rodeo enough to know what is what. Quit listening to Jew tube and the rest of the garbage you get your fake stats from. Tsk tsk ignorance abounds
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,952 points
Shut the fuck up. Europeans have caused more issues than any other race.
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
the crime statistics are overestimated. How can the so called 13% of the USA population commit 85% of the heinous crimes?? I'll give you 3 reasons easily:
1. It costs the government too fucking much to lock up degenerate individuals. Do you know how much it costs to house a male inmate in a jail cell in the US?? Last I checked...try $50,000...a McDonald's employee making $12/hr. cannot even make up to $25,000 per year! That's half the fucking amount to house and look after 1 inmate! The government don't wanna pay for that shit!

2. The majority of black crimes...are done by black females. White Women receive the least punishment for crimes...followed by Black Women, then White Men, then the Asians...then the Hispanics and then Black Men. Black men...cannot for the most part...take the risk to do stupid things; hell we cannot even afford to be near an area where crime happened...we are the 1st to get targeted. I trust you have been seeing the news as of late...anyone making videos talking about the real perpetrators of crimes in the US..especially when black youtubers present the evidence; they either get banned, shadowbanned or doxxed.

3. In reference to the 1st point; I told you how much it costs the government to lock up a male criminal in prison. Have you ever seen a female prison... and do you have any fucking idea how much benefits and care that are given to female prisoners? Also...need I remind you which gender owes the majority of the US debt and loans? Knowing this...wwhy the fuck would the federal government want to lock them up? They need these females to extract money from men and it costs more than $70,000 per year to imprison female the government...would rather not spend money on them...instead they would rather pass on the costs to men
Demi-fiend Experienced 397 points
It's their nature we should kpt em in africa or made em stay slaves
+1 vote
Aug 31, 2022
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,952 points
The white man started the shit originally. They are getting what they deserve.
–2 votes
Aug 31, 2022
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,112 points
@Grandpa’s Slippers Hey dumbass, the more I read your posts the more I realize you’re just another dumbass brainwashed nigger. FACT #1 the Jews and nigger tribes sold the darkies as slaves to the white/Anglo races. Even the ship owners and captains were jew owned/ran. #2 jews and Arabs today are still heavily involved in the slave trade and child sex trade (just what niggers love) .,,, go over to some parts in the Middle East and you STILL see black slaves in the outer regions , TRU DAT ! #3 It was the White man who abolished slavery , no other race did this , EVER ! #4 You listen to your Jew tube too much little fella, notice they never say anything negative about themselves , but it’s ALL the white mans fault ! Now tell me that isn’t racism at its best . Jews always use this technique to get the focus off of themselves . Wake up little boy, you’ve been deceived
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,913 points
imo, you have articulated some interesting points i have not considered.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,952 points
I'm white you cock sucker. We are the most parasitic races there are. Look at history you dick sucking muggle.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,952 points
@rawdawg go watch Thomas Sowell videos. You'll learn a lot that isn't taught in schools.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,112 points
@Grandpa’s Slippers You are white you stupid bastard , do you really think we are all ignorant to your stupidity ? Trust me little black sambo we’ve seen/heard you silly niggers trying to portray yourselves as whites before HA HA HA HA . Somehow you think it’ll make your posts more credible and believe by trying to demean the much higher intellect and IQ of the White man. Let’s pretend for a moment you are white ! Bottom line is ANYONE who would betray his own self and his people has #1 been brainwashed and indoctrinated by the Jew owned and ran education system to hate himself . #2 is a cuck and a coward and doesn’t realize who he is in the pecking order of mankind. #3 has an extremely low sense of self and self esteem and has nothing to live for ! #4 ALL THE ABOVE ! Sorry kid but your story just doesn’t add up, I’ve seen too many slips in your posts that reveal you as a nigger OR quite possibly a half breed (same as a nigger). Now get lost putz boy, we’re done listening to your nigger jive.
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
1. White men didn't start this slavery shit; it's been around but the depravity of slavery...started from the Arabs well to be specific, Islamic people...In short the islamic people enslaved...all people...yes even the Europeans; that's why people from eastern europe...don't want Islamic people coming near their borders. Now you would figure that the Europeans after experiencing slavery from the Islamic people enmasse...would not want to do the same shit but alas they did and they were just as bad. Of course they had help though; from black females but now these black females are now paying for their wickedness as the truth about their evil is being learned by thousands of people everyday.
2. As regards the black people trying to be men do their own thing; it's the black females that are the ones trying to be white in order to attract white men. They do this nonsense through wearing weave, skin bleaching and of course attending lynchings of black men with their white lovers. You do know that a lot of people in the KKK...had black females as lovers right? Also...when black people were supposedly freed in the USA...the black women did not want to leave the plantation...the majority of them...loved the slavery times; afterall they had freedom...and were able to obtain land and property. Not black men though
3. You actually think slavery has been abolished?! Whoever thinks that is delusional...Fucking this carefully....WE ARE ALL FUCKING SLAVES. The freedom you have in the west is an illusion. Don't believe me; let me give you an example...imagine what will happen to your life as a man...if a female reports you to the police saying that you assaulted her and you have no prove that she is lying EVENTHOUGH ALL THE EVIDENCE SHE HAS IS HER WORD! You know what...even about you go look up the shit that happened to Johnny Depp, that Pirates of the Carribbean star. Innocent of all charges...yet...see how he suffered and how his reputation was dragged in the mud. One false accusation, your reputation and your job gone; you lose money due to the false accusation, you get thrown in prison...with real dangerous criminals where bobo turns you into his bitch. In short, your life pretty much gets destroyed; YOU CALL THIS FREEDOM?? HAHAHAHA
Dingusius Beginner 199 points
Do the world a favour and clean them off the whites then, starting with yourself. Do you need help with that?
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
Niggers thats all they are and all they will ever be
0 votes
Aug 31, 2022
Misanthrope86 Experienced 295 points
When I worked security in Ybor city, Tampa FL. I stopped over a dozen rape attempts.  All were black men trying to rape white women.
+2 votes
Aug 31, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,838 points
Thank you for your service for the white race <3
cqtgirl 52 points
ur autistic and unloved !!
PYcHoPaTh Intermediate 1,165 points
White trash
–1 vote
Aug 31, 2022
Faggot165 Beginner 139 points
I've seen niggers and white people do crimes white people don't do that much crime as they are pussies and niggers are niggers there pussies but still do it because there niggers
0 votes
Aug 31, 2022
I was trying to do nofap but just failed at day 3
0 votes
Sep 1, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,838 points
Try again.
Do you do nofap? Did you notice any benefits? And if yes what benefits did you notice I’m so hyped for that to finally be a real man.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,952 points
Google "gnosticism and semen retention" you have to learn how to breathe. Fast. Yo outside. Stand outside with no shoes.
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,804 points
White people are only 58% of the population in the U.S. LMFAO
–3 votes
Sep 2, 2022
cindus Natural Addict 9,354 points
+1 vote
Apr 15, 2023