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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Influencer/Model Arrested For Killing A Young Woman On The Highway

Rio de Janeiro – A new video recorded by security cameras shows the moment that the motorcycle
piloted by model Bruno Krupp runs over teenager João Gabriel Cardim Guimarães, 16 years old.

The accident happened on the edge of Barra da Tijuca, west of Rio, last Saturday (30/7).
The teenager died.

The video was initially published by O Globo, but Metrópoles had access to the images.
In them you can see João and his mother, Mariana Cardim de Lima, on
Avenida Lúcio Costa towards the boardwalk, a few meters from the crosswalk.

They had just left a party and intended to put their feet in the sand before heading home.
The video shows that João Gabriel tried to run to the boardwalk when he noticed
the motorcycle at high speed, but was unable to cross, being hit squarely.

Due to the impact, the teenager's leg was amputated and thrown 50 meters ahead, between the lawn and the beach promenade.

The young man underwent surgery at the Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital,
but could not resist his injuries and died. He was an only child and grandson
and lived in Realengo, on the west side of Rio. The motorcycle piloted by Bruno was,
according to witnesses, traveling at 150 km/h, on a road whose limit is 60 km/h.

In addition to being without a license, the model was stopped in a Prohibition
blitz three days before the hit-and-run. Through his Stories on Instagram,
the influencer mocked the situation and said he “loves Prohibition.

At the time, Krupp refused to blow his breathalyzer and received fines
for riding the motorcycle without a license plate and license.

A new expertise, carried out this Thursday (4/8), was carried out with the aim
of finding out what the speed of the motorcycle was at the time of the hit.

Model arrested in custody
On Wednesday morning (3/8), Bruno Krupp was arrested for the death of the teenager.
Despite being released from Hospital Lourenço Jorge on Sunday, he was found in
a private hospital in Méier, north of Rio. Bruno will remain in custody
at the health unit until he is discharged.

The model will answer for homicide with eventual intent, when the risk of killing is assumed.
7,240 views Aug 9, 2022

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Troglodyte The Boss 25,431 points
After "A Boy Named Sue" now the brandnew hit record "A Woman Named João" . . .
+2 votes
Aug 9, 2022
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,450 points
I bet the faggot is juiced in and will only get a slap on the wrist.
+7 votes
Aug 9, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,565 points
He looks like one of those Paulista queers.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
Everyone in Brazil gets killed eventually. They got so many niggers down there, you gotta beat them with a stick.
+4 votes
Aug 9, 2022
Blazofglory9999 Addicted 1,702 points
The bike survived with minor injuries.
+1 vote
Aug 9, 2022
Chick_Magnet -710 points
do you know the name of that bike ?
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,565 points
+3 votes
Aug 10, 2022
Chick_Magnet -710 points
wtf why was he arrested , how is this his fault ? that mf girl came in front of him like a dickhead .
0 votes
Feb 12, 2023
FloppyNiggerTitties Beginner 139 points
He’ll enjoy prison
0 votes
Jul 9, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,854 points
that boy looks gayer than barry obama at a pride festival
0 votes
Oct 25, 2023
are17 Landed Knights 183,098 points