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+81 votes


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Baby Eaten Alive By Rats

Just a drumstick for me please, I've had a heavy brunch 

1,778,555 views Aug 5, 2022

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Bill cosby Experienced 270 points
Thats fucked upp
+20 votes
Aug 5, 2022
StinkyPussy69 Addicted 2,025 points
I know, it wasn't conscious or moving and yet not one cock was in it.  I know you wouldn't pass up the flaccid limbs of a passed out or dead lifeless hoe.  When they're not lucid is when the real fun happens.  

And it was about that time when Bill Cosby done hopped out the bushes with two drinks in his hands.
Hanza#6161 Experienced 392 points
Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. Tenho 33 anos. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que aconteça. Depois de tomar um copo de leite morno e fazer cerca de vinte minutos de alongamentos antes de ir para a cama, geralmente não tenho problemas para dormir até de manhã. Assim como um bebê, eu acordo sem nenhum cansaço ou estresse pela manhã. Foi-me dito que não houve problemas no meu último check-up. Estou tentando explicar que sou uma pessoa que deseja viver uma vida muito tranquila. Eu cuido para não me incomodar com inimigos, como ganhar e perder, isso me faria perder o sono à noite. É assim que eu lido com a sociedade e sei que é isso que me traz felicidade. Embora, se eu fosse lutar, não perderia para ninguém.

Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. Tenho 33 anos. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que aconteça. Depois de tomar um copo de leite morno e fazer cerca de vinte minutos de alongamentos antes de ir para a cama, geralmente não tenho problemas para dormir até de manhã. Assim como um bebê, eu acordo sem nenhum cansaço ou estresse pela manhã. Foi-me dito que não houve problemas no meu último check-up. Estou tentando explicar que sou uma pessoa que deseja viver uma vida muito tranquila. Eu cuido para não me incomodar com inimigos, como ganhar e perder, isso me faria perder o sono à noite. É assim que eu lido com a sociedade e sei que é isso que me traz felicidade. Embora, se eu fosse lutar, não perderia para ninguém.
UsernameAintShit 35 points
Are you schizophrenic cause idk wtf you just said
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
@UsernameAintShit You've never seen another language before?
harimanoshimo Overlord 4,645 points
He is writting Yoshikage's monolog from JoJo:BA season 3 i spanish. I dont know why he spams it on every video.
kij7 8 points
Obviously he wanna be a killer like Kira Yoshikage
Fucksukuna712316 0 points
You’re sick die
Rei!1!1 :3 19 points
Thats a literal kid
YNWGlock 2 points
Hey, hello, I'm Chinese. Can I get your contact information, such as WeChat, Bilibili, etc.? I don't have any foreign social media apps, and it will take me two months to log in to Instagram. Thank you (no malicious intent)
Louisquennell 28 points
Hey Hello,I'm chairman mao.can you suck my dick
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,488 points
Rats need love too.
+20 votes
Aug 5, 2022
locka 13 points
as your mam
ilovebfdi Extreme Poster 564 points
I love rats so much (more than babys)
The gachatuberかわいい Beginner 188 points
@ilovebfdi babies* but yeah, they're adorable
Kalew The Boss 31,667 points
A couple more decades and this will be a very common sight to see in the world.
+23 votes
Aug 5, 2022
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,488 points
A couple more months in Commiefornia.
mordax Intermediate 1,159 points
only if you let russkie fags run loose in the world, they worse than muslims and other terrorist countries. get rid of russkies and rest will die out too
Syoyonora 0 points
Because the west is the harbinger of morality, right?
Some straight BS.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 159,929 points
Yeah this one kinda gave me chills the first time I saw it
+18 votes
Aug 5, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
Made me feel nauseous. I know I've seen it before on this site and I'm not watching it again.
nannasqw Experienced 302 points
same lol
MrSunShine666 Intermediate 1,087 points
That’s fucking Ruthless
+19 votes
Aug 5, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,296 points
+16 votes
Aug 5, 2022
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,804 points
Is this considered the "Dark Web"???? I feel like a dead baby being eaten alive by rats is about as bad as it gets...
+17 votes
Aug 5, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
It was an abandoned child which was left by itself, this wasn't done purposely
locka 13 points
How do you feel after this clip,  independent bitch?
Dead man 69 Beginner 180 points
Awesome comment my friend
JAYO 76 points
abandoning that baby like that is doing this shit purposely... you think the baby was going to grow up fine get a nice job?!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Sure set to become an astrophysicist
FuckPOCRoaches1488 2 points
That sandnigger baby could've been alive, and maybe the rats could've chewed on that thing's thoat, just imagine the sound of air and blood rushing out of one less useless Rajeet's lifeless body, truly music to my ears!
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,134 points
i would love to find the worthless pig who's responsible for this and rape her with a butcher's knife and razor blades dipped in sulfuric acid
+19 votes
Aug 5, 2022
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,825 points
@faceofdeath don't sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel.
NotoriousClitorious Beginner 128 points
I don't think he's ready to show the world what's in his heart & soul yet.
NellTheSicko 13 points
And after that I wanna make her eat the fucking baby, throw it up, and take a funnel to her asshole and watch the throwup flow in it ))
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,825 points
More proof pajeet lives have zero value.
+8 votes
Aug 5, 2022
Phlegm Addicted 2,111 points
I did naughty things to your mother.
JaylaLynn 0 points
That was random
wolfred10 Overlord 5,200 points
if the parents knew the enormous suffering they put their child through
+16 votes
Aug 5, 2022
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,134 points
calling them parents is wrong . even calling them animals is an insult to animals.  whoever did this is lower than the green slim inside of a dumpster
Normalguy999 1 point
Finnaly somone who said the right thing instead of being a loser saying "Nice" etc
Anoymus01 4 points
Consider naming them motherfuckers monsters?  i think only those at monster level can do such a thing
Syoyonora 0 points
They'll pay for it.
BlueStir Beginner 101 points
More like, "Baby eaten by Jews."
+13 votes
Aug 5, 2022
SerbiaHater 49 points
chancho The Boss 28,948 points
happens to corpses during a war too. you find them all chewed up by rats. bet a lot of it happens when they're still breathing but can't move
+15 votes
Aug 5, 2022
The Tolerant Guy
nigger baby, nothing important
+12 votes
Aug 5, 2022
Htm4way 19 points
More like cracker baby
killahoe 3 points
i hope u get the same treatment nigga
NellTheSicko 13 points
I get this is livegore and we are all sick fucks but I'm sorry what the actually fuk is wrong with you killahoe
Jayred 0 points
Woah there, you cutting deep, whitey.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,363 points
Lol the fuckin description
+13 votes
Aug 5, 2022
henrolove107647 Addicted 2,186 points
Sorry this world is not for you.
+12 votes
Aug 5, 2022
ShyTransCat Overlord 6,576 points
Very brutal. Karma will get around to the person that abandoned the baby eventually.
+15 votes
Aug 5, 2022
Delete This
Please don't give feminists ideas
+13 votes
Aug 5, 2022
4thcell Extreme Poster 632 points
so sad
+15 votes
Aug 5, 2022
Eiriyel Beginner 122 points
And when you think you can handle most gore, then you see this. Ruthless.
+15 votes
Aug 5, 2022
FuckinGr8 Addicted 1,792 points
I wonder how many liberals will see this as, "the right thing to do" or, "acceptable given my circumstances". A lot of abandoned babies on the horizon after the roe v wade overturn
+13 votes
Aug 5, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points