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Hero Cop performs Nigger Abortion with TASER

This hero police officer received the Medal of Freedom on Monday for his courageous act of aborting a black criminal birth.


Everyone knows Niggers are criminals.

8,107 views Jul 19, 2022

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satisfaction22 Famous 3,345 points
this hero just saved so many taxpayers money
+7 votes
Jul 20, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Yeah right you lying fucktard. This happened near where I live in Miami Gardens. You buddy was fired and arrested and charged with lying on a police report,battery and official msiconduct. Only in your wet dreams would that pussy ass pig get a medal.
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,871 points
The stupid monkey chose the chimpout over the wellbeing of her own child.
Typical Nigger!
Neger Schlachter88 Addicted 1,583 points
I hope she was pregnant lol
+6 votes
Jul 20, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
She was pregnant fool and now your buddy cop has finished his disgraced career to the cheering of retared racists.
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,548 points
All blacks need to be controlled, we should not have stopped  slavery the south was right to control them.
+3 votes
Jul 20, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
The most retarded thing I have heard in years. There is no "all" in any race dispite if your pea brain can handle that fawct. The one that needed to be controlled was the dumb fuck cop who arrested,fired and charged, We have laws and rules for a reason and the sensible people follow them, the othere do not. Race is no part of the equation as here we see a criminal who is white and a cop; dig it?
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
@gjmojo67 you're back... did you just get out of jail again?
LeftismIsPure-Evil Intermediate 1,132 points
@KneeonGeorge that's his university and higher education, stop calling it by it's real name.
MasterMike2021 Famous 4,401 points
Oddly enough, she’s got electricity all over her body but none in her section 8 apartment.
+2 votes
Jul 20, 2022
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
@mastermike2021 great comment!!!!!!!
MasterMike2021 Famous 4,401 points
;) thanks brother
unbothered66 Overlord 4,908 points
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Yeah right you lying fucktard. This happened near where I live in Miami Gardens. You buddy was fired and arrested and charged with lying on a police report,battery and official msiconduct. Only in your wet dreams would that pussy ass pig get a medal.
+3 votes
Jul 21, 2022
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Cry me a river, shitskin.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Depsite all what all the racists think (including Georgy boy Floyd) all people have civil liberties and rights. You go ahead and keep hating and spewing your vile message on these lowly,bottom dweller sites (because nowhere else would it be accepted). Ask this crooked cop and Chauvin if they now agree that blacks (niggers as you all love to scream) have civil rights. Once you put your hands on somebody you are on a different level; you are accountable.
+2 votes
Jul 21, 2022
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
Blacks have the right to die and stay dead. Anything they do is a criminal act.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
@gjmojo67 The biggest mistake ever was freeing the slaves, the next biggest mistake was giving your dirty race rights. We should have exterminated all the blacks after freeing the slaves.
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,648 points
These Turd nuggets need to be spayed and neutered, the majority of them are on welfare.
+3 votes
Aug 6, 2022
imnotyou Experienced 359 points
cant explain how much of an injustice it is that there isnt any audio. its the best part hearing these bitches scream in pain
+2 votes
Jan 19, 2023
LeftismIsPure-Evil Intermediate 1,132 points
The only time something good happens with niggers is when they are taking damage or dying.
–1 vote
Feb 10, 2023
iammentallyillorsm Experienced 391 points
thank god for this man
+1 vote
Apr 21, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
Arrest black babies before they commit crimes.
+1 vote
May 26, 2023
@Crimnt. Only a dumb white fucker could think of something so retarded.
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
Well then you're either a dumb nigger or thank God I'm not white.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points