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How To Deal With A Python
What is he trying to do, trying to show-off? And then that what you get...
14,420 views Jun 18, 2022

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TheDevilsAngel Master 103,747 points
Good video!
+4 votes
Jun 18, 2022
i left Famous 3,985 points
another Indian clown video
+4 votes
Jun 18, 2022
i left Famous 3,985 points
but it was pretty good tbh haha and funny as well
+4 votes
Jun 18, 2022
Natural Addict 8,451 points
I dont think thats right
–1 vote
Jun 18, 2022
It's me Mario Overlord 5,867 points
Hahahahhaa lol xd lmao
0 votes
Jun 18, 2022
NEWBIE Overlord 6,550 points
Edit: how not to deal with a python
+3 votes
Jun 18, 2022
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,742 points
Love how the snake low key choked his ass out lmao
+2 votes
Jun 18, 2022
idknoob1111 Beginner 192 points
screaming so fucking loud for what dumbass indian nigger.
+3 votes
Jun 18, 2022
If anyone wants Lukas home address in northeast Florida, The United States of America, just hit me up!
+1 vote
Jun 18, 2022
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,909 points
Are you trying to be a snitch.
I'm not trying shit. I do what's right in life. I'm not a retard that fucks around with ghetto ass concepts like being a snitch. That dumb fuck piece of shit brags about killing animals for fun, posted a video of himself choking his cat in front of a hand written message on a piece of paper with his discord invite, constantly talks about wanting to fuck seven years olds, posts illegal child cartoon porn, claims he downloads underage porn all the time, confesses he wants to kill people, that it wouldn't bother him, and types all kinds of concerning shit along with insanely concerning behavior. No one gives a fuck, I know. But I'm not a piece of shit. So I stared screen recording everything on this site over three months ago. Saved all his shit, tracked his two devices ip's which are responsible for a massive amount of profiles.  But I most definitely didn't get close to proving all of them becauseof a multitude of reasons.  But the IP gives a general network area, and so I turned over three months of his insanity to law enforcement in his area. But I assure you I didn't stop there. Because I know the cops still don't take most cyber crimes serious. They can still be hard to investigate, allegedly, and have a low rate of conviction. Sadly, they generally aren't taken serious. I've saved every image he has uploaded and video. His little discord invite video was his dumbest fucking move ever. Because embedded in it is GPS location data. Some day, someone may be in need of this evidence and if you're so fucking stupid you find me reporting his shit to be more wrong than all the shit he talks about doing and wanting to do.  Then what the fuck ever. Maybe one day if you have or plan to have kids and some pedophile fucks them. And it fucks their mindset up permanently. You may think, hey, I wish someone would've outed this hunk of shit. Or at very least tried to. Perhaps one day a family member of yours will go to the store. But never come back after getting murdered by a mass shooter. And you may think, hey, I kind of wish someone had outed his desires to kill if anyone did know. Fuck off idiot, I don't give a shit what you think. It pisses me off that no one here sees any issue with that freak.
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,909 points
I get your point... With emphasis.

What I find a bit dismaying is a personal vendetta  kind of crusade against this person, and you are using this site to do it; this place should not be your personal attack platform and recruitment center for your cause.  
You've itemized a number of disturbing posting patterns and behaviors attributed to him, but these are allegations.
You do realize he is but one of many deviant sociapathic personality fucks that are drawn to this and similar sites.  
Whether people agree with you or not, this is not the place for your personal mission to fuck with people's lives - you should rethink this through and get your head straight about it.
Well, that's one way you can interpret it.  But it's not personal at all.  And the only person I've provided with all that shit is the authorities that can choose to look into it or not.  I'm not heading over to his house to ruin my life.  I hate the loser for sure.  But he's not worth me getting personally involved with.  And sure, there is a presumed innocence until proven in the right environment.  But there's no doubt that he did everything I typed so I'm not sure why you would mention that.  Unless you just mean the stuff he claimed he did and does wasn't true.  And thinking of it that way, you make a solid point.  He has proven himself to be the biggest liar in the world so I might be holding onto the negative claims disproportionately because I hate him.  But if someone is dumb enough to type that shit then that's on them.  It should still be looked into by someone with the authority to investigate those claims.  It's not my concern if they're true or not.  I'm also only talking about what he has done on this website, not other ones or in real life.  Just his claims and posts.  And I'm only mentioning stuff that I looked at personally, not someone else's accusations.  He most definitely choked his cat, he didn't kill it but it was pretty fucked up and illegal as fuck.  He's proven himself to be a quite disgusting human.  I don't promote vigilantes but I don't care if other people want to throw their lives away for a worthy cause.  But if they do, they better be certain of the person's guilt.  Often that's not the case and the reason I will agree with you that a part of my approach is misaligned.  But at the same time I kind of don't care.  It's all over anyways.  I don't care if anyone uses the information I collected from here forward.  That's up to them, not me.  And I haven't given anyone the GPS coordinates.  I only have mentioned it's in northeast Florida.  That's where the dumb fuck lives.  

     And a side note, your response to me calling you shitty names and such is commendable.  Generally a sign of a well grounded person who has forethought and the ability to control their emotions and responses.  I'm not trying to get all gay on you but your response wasn't expected.  And after some consideration like you suggested.  What you typed makes sense and we can leave it at that.  Take it easy
Charles Manson Intermediate 1,032 points
shit scream
+3 votes
Jun 19, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,142 points
get closer to the guy, stupid recorder!
+5 votes
Jun 19, 2022
TheHound Natural Addict 7,165 points
damn it, he lived.
+2 votes
Jun 19, 2022
FD Advanced 2,795 points
From pet to animal for slaughter.
+2 votes
Jun 19, 2022
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,195 points
I have to deal with a python every time I take a fuckin piss fool 6 7
+2 votes
Jun 19, 2022
7SN Addicted 1,803 points
Loud bitch
+1 vote
Jun 27, 2022
Flapoonge Intermediate 1,428 points
Shame someone didn't drop it round the neck of that screeching bint.
0 votes
Oct 13, 2022
Morbidan86 Addicted 1,862 points
Can someone shut these bitches and their constant shrieking up?
0 votes
Apr 6, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 457,098 points