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+45 votes


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Father eats his 3-month old baby’s heart


113,436 views Jun 14, 2022

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Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
This story involves a young husband and wife and their young daughter. They were considered well off: nice house, furniture, dad had a good job.
One night the father, then 30, had some "Spice" (same as Speed) and went to bed. He didn't fall asleep for a long time. He got up from the bed and started screaming about the demons. He beat up his wife and then ran into the nursery.
Buryatia, Russia, December 15, 2015.
The father, still furious about the drugs, picked up his 3-month-old daughter, went into another room and began smashing her tiny head against the wall until her skull cracked. A mirror had fallen to the floor and knocked the dead baby onto it. With a piece of sharp glass, he opened the chest of his dead daughter, took out her heart and ate it.
After doing that, he tried to put the baby back in his wife's [vagina], saying that she would be redeemed and the baby would come back to life. He threw the baby back on the ground and told his wife to go play in the snow so that his soul would be saved.
The young mother, battered, bloodied and still in her underwear, left the house and ran to her nearest neighbor's house. The police were then alerted.
Police arrived to find the father, blood covering his face, screaming about demons and making animal noises. The police pinned him to the ground and tied him up with sheets to control him.
Then, as they looked around, they found the dead baby's body and blood stains in most of the rooms. The bound father continued to rave about demons.
+38 votes
Jun 14, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Couldn’t add this to the description for some reason.
idknoob1111 Beginner 192 points
why did you blur it lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I didn’t
KKKlover666 Intermediate 1,188 points
dont do drugs kids
JC Denton
nobody's gonna read all that shit you dumbfuck
idknoob1111 Beginner 192 points
do you watch children porn luka ?
KKKlover666 Intermediate 1,188 points
well i read it all
idknoob1111 Beginner 192 points
i mean ive heard some shit but i want to hear it from you if thats okay
StelioStelioKantos Advanced 2,747 points
So did they ever end up getting the baby back up the mom’s vagina to be reborn or…….?
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Lmao Stelio
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
damn this was an interesting story & read it all. Good shit for once <a href='../user/LukaMagnotta'>@LukaMagnotta
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,825 points
cool story bro
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points

Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Haha bro please tell me you didn’t just link your IG
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Just to clarify, spice is not similar to amphetamines but its design is to mimic THC. Lots of people go insane off it, its apparently worse than meth dependant upon which synthetic cannabinoid your given
You need to be neutered with fuckin pliers you scummy fuck
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
The reporters are all cucks I know, but the stuff they show gives an idea, and you can find info everywhere if you actually look
Mercurio22 Experienced 435 points
From the Description sounds like an horror novel
Ivan Addicted 1,596 points
Thumbs up for the pictures and the description... that's how it's done.
Misanthrope86 Experienced 295 points
Damn that's nuts. Thx for sharing
satyRo77 Beginner 121 points
I've seen stuff and felt those influential forces during trips (the "demons")
NellTheSicko 13 points
That's what I'm wondering
NellTheSicko 13 points
Stfu u disassembled dentist chair<3
i left Famous 3,987 points
what the hell was that
+13 votes
Jun 14, 2022
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,912 points
Brilliant!! but poor baby...
+13 votes
Jun 14, 2022
Phile Intermediate 1,294 points
Stay off drugs, the Lord will guide you through.
+16 votes
Jun 14, 2022
So his imaginary soul got fucked up, not his brain, and an imaginary 2000 year Old magical flying zombie could have helped, but did not, as always. Haha, moron.
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Poor baby
+13 votes
Jun 14, 2022
It's me Mario Overlord 5,875 points
+8 votes
Jun 14, 2022
T4g 0 points
fuck you
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
+12 votes
Jun 14, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Fetuslurpie Natural Addict 9,079 points
Good video
+10 votes
Jun 14, 2022
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
her mother is now perfect milf
+11 votes
Jun 14, 2022
Aucrsk Well-Known 980 points
+10 votes
Jun 14, 2022
yoheimasaru 23 points
+11 votes
Jun 14, 2022
Mik2.2..2 Experienced 431 points
Shut up
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,631 points
cool   .
Guvnor The Boss 28,570 points
I read it all as well
+10 votes
Jun 14, 2022
Mik2.2..2 Experienced 431 points
Son of a bitch he can eat him when his son can defent himself but not as a baby thats weak
+12 votes
Jun 15, 2022
Natural Addict 8,472 points
Mik2.2..2 Experienced 431 points
Natural Addict 8,472 points
Absolutely disgusting. No words.
+7 votes
Jun 15, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Cry about it
Mik2.2..2 Experienced 431 points
Natural Addict 8,472 points
Fuck you Luka
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
You are so mad
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,870 points
Typical russian family.
+12 votes
Jun 15, 2022
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,631 points
Zombies are AMOnGUS
+10 votes
Jun 15, 2022
@NIGGER DETECTED. Not zombies,white people.Evil to the core.
The Seagull 24 points
I wonder why he didn't eat the liver too ತ_ʖತ
+9 votes
Jun 15, 2022
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
If you watch gore where children/babys are getting killed, you should kill yourself stuff like that isn't really funny tbh its just sad to see young people getting killed for no reason, and the father should be raped and then his dick should be cut off and then he should eat it after that burn him alive then stab him.
+10 votes
Jun 15, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I watch it and I find it funny.
War_News Addicted 1,873 points's your opinion
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
It doesn’t bother me at all I find it actually very boring.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
And that’s your opinion too
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
I love gore but sometimes people go too far
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
i respect you man
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
They don’t. I’ve yet to find anything that’s actually disturbing.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
The gore out there is boring for the most part
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
I know livegore is kinda boring people should upload stuff where humans are getting cut open alive.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Na I want to see worse gore everywhere is boring asf
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
The only think i find disturbing is child gore the other stuff is really funny lol
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
People cant upload shit like that because of the FBI etc...
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I don’t find anything disturbing tbh I want to see worse
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I’ve looked everywhere haven’t found anything that is disturbing
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
Use the TOR browser try to find these "darkweb" gore shit
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I have. Only stumbling across cp that’s about it.
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
did you watch the christchurch shooting?
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Yeah old video
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
I want to see gore in real life (On the streets)
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Try record it yourself
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
Of course i will but i need 200 points lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Keep commenting then. I’ll upvote all ur comments to help u lol
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
thanks white brother
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
no problem haha
caucasianslayer 4 points
Bitch get the fuck off your high horse. You support rape then grt angey over worthless little fleshbags lol shut the fuck up
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
Luka you are the best lol
+10 votes
Jun 15, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I know haha
War_News Addicted 1,873 points
Would watch again 10/10
+10 votes
Jun 15, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Check out my newest video